This game is underrated, but it's an acquired taste and I get why some people dislike it. This 3D roguelike "dungeon" crawler is much like the Fallout games, if the entire game was Fallout cave exploring (however at a much faster pace than Fallout). Because it's a roguelike, the game is extremely unforgiving when you die, I'd even go as far as to say it's way more unforgiving than most roguelikes and the difficulty curve is steep. But once you understand the game mechanics and keep doing runs, eventually most of the lower levels will be a cake walk and you will have a lot of good content to play on your hands.

The game was so fun for me I eventually 100%ed it, and it was worth it as there are multiple endings and the achievement challenges are fun in their own right. So if you are looking for a difficult, but rewarding roguelike, I recommend this.

I swear I finished this game but I don't remember any of it. That's how forgettable it is.

Hunt Down the Freeman > Half-Life

Hard to review Fallout 4. In terms of gameplay, this is the best in the series. But it's more of a shooter than an RPG at the end of the day. In terms of story, it has problems. I think the Minutemen are kind of a boring faction. The Institute could of been fleshed out more as their motivation has a lot to be desired. So the story is all over the place, but I do like the companions (and there are a lot to choose from). So overall this is 8/10 from me, there is fun to be had here but it's certainly not perfect.

Good shooting mechanics, but difficult to get good at. Toxic/competitive community make for an unpleasant experience. Basically the League of Legends of shooters.

I bought this game after the player base died. Bruh!!!!!!!!!

Great RPG. Fun story, and interesting companions. The gameplay hasn't aged the best but it's still worth playing if you're into isometric-type gameplay.

Game is kind of disappointing. I love the world it's set in, but the story & gameplay have a lot to be desired. I recommend watching Matthewmatosis review of this, he goes over the problems with it and how it could have been a better game.

Even though the fandom for this game is cringe, it is still a fun time. If you like narrative-heavy games. Soundtrack is also really good if your into electronic music.

best game ever!!!!!!!!!

Game has shut down for good, but it was fun while it lasted. However, it was extremely grindy due to it being a free-to-play game.

This game ruined an entire generation of youth. Thanks ninja

Feel like this game is overhated by the New Vegas fanboys, but I still like it despite its many issues. The companions aren't great but the main story is engaging. Fuck that green tint though, get a mod to remove that. Also even though Todd Howard can be annoying (sometimes) I respect him for his ambitious game design.

Without this game, there would be no New Vegas to speak of.

Best COD campaign and best zombies. Gameplay hasn't aged well but that's a given being a decade-old game.