Atmospherically and visually impactful yet narratively messy with inconsistent themes and nearly no connection to the original game. The story could've been told as a new IP, it being Senua adds nothing of value. The voices which added depth to her character in the original act only as narrative yellow paint to explain every inch of a story that could've had more subtext if it wasn't completely subtracted by the voices overexplaining and negating any depth.

The gameplay is somehow even more shallow than the original which was at least paced better and had a story worth experiencing to back it up. Here the fights last so long it's comical for a system as shallow as it is and the puzzles are not puzzles in any sense of the word.

no good.

One of the most beautiful games I think I've ever played. Every single moving part is precise and intentional. The themes are cohesive and focussed. The game never ever does anything "just 'cause", the game is using narrative, gameplay and structure to inform it's themes and message and it's done to absolute perfection. Every single part of this thing, even things you may think on first glance was a weird design choice is by design and the game doesn't care if you get it or not. It has something to say, and it says it. It's poignant, it's deeply valuable and it has forever altered the way I view my life. A masterpiece.

FF7 if it was a terrible wattpad fan fiction with a bloated Ubisoft open world 10/10

Cyberpunk is impressive. The effort put into getting this game into not just a working state, but improving upon all it's foundations to built something that allows you into it's world to express it's concepts is a feat that goes against all odds. The team that worked on this game clearly cared deeply about their product and their message. What happened to this game in 2020 is a shame, but what remains now is nothing short of a victory.

There's a lot to say and the game is so very very big but it's also dense and so brilliantly focussed too. It has so much to say and it uses it's story, it's side content, it's characters and it's all important world to do that and always has you thinking, it's really quite beautiful.

The way it plays too, my god! I don't think I've had this much raw fun playing a video game in ages. The combat, the player agency, the way you can build up your playstyle and really customise all the intricate details of how you execute each fight, it's just tremendously detailed and offers so many possibilities.

All in all, this game is fantastic, it really truly is but also in CDPR fashion just like The Witcher 3, it's DLC, Phantom Liberty is superior, but that shouldn't diminish what the overall game does, in fact it's a testament to it. The main game is glorious, the DLC just improves upon it, as it should.

Cyberpunk 2077 is unforgettable.

Pretty nice fun game. If you liked Dark Souls and have also played every other souls game that exists, then this one is cool and fun and has a lot going for it despite the obvious drawbacks compared to the other souls titles. I can't say this is one I'd recommend anyone jump on unless you've played every other fromsoft game and are looking for another one. It has a lot of thematic value and I think that makes it worth it but a lot of the areas become a little forgettable compared to DS1 and it can often rely on really really unfair gimmicks during level design to trip you up that were unavoidable unless you knew it was there. I don't mean mimics or the exploding crystal lizards, more when 5 enemies will gank you at once, or a guy behind a wall that you didnt know was there will pull a lever spawning 4 tough enemies, or a ghost in a wall that'll hit you from a ladder that you can't avoid, or enemies that explode but are hidden in cells that you couldn't have known were there and will kill you with an explosion through a wall. The game has some unfair elements and some really forgettable bosses and levels, but despite that, despite it all, it's fun, I enjoyed my time with it and I'm glad I played it, even if just because it's a part of the history of one of the most famous game companies there is.

Haven’t played this just to sit down and absorb it since 2019 and I haven’t played the original (not remaster) since 2015. I originally loaded it up to get footage but ended up doing a full replay, it was such a delight to go back to. There’s so many tiny details from the intentional colour palette in each city to the thought provoking writing in the codex, to the incredibly evocative music that make the game feel special even all this time later. I still absolutely love it.

i'd give it 0 but i physically cannot

Finished up my replay of the trilogy. Revelations is definitely the weakest overall game but my god it’s so special. What it lacks in its design or side content it makes up for in droves with its story. The character work, the theming, the philosophy, the conclusion of it all. I’m honestly still shocked an AC game with a story this good even exists. The fact they managed to tie up Ezio, Altair, 16 and answer so many questions while still having us on the edge of our seat for where it was going to go next is just so impressive, this game really is special.

Constantinople is also super immersive and well designed as a city to wander through. I think I believe in so many ways it’s the best city design since AC1. The tight streets, the dense environments, it makes a change from the often huge and empty piazzas and wide streets of Florence, Venice and especially Rome.

THE Assassin’s Creed. Assassin’s Creed is one of my all time favourite games, it’s the game that made me think of games in a totally different way than I had my entire life up to that point, it was a realisation that games can be so much more than just “fun”, they can be thought provoking, they can connect people thousands of miles away through online discourse, they can be escapism in a form that I had never understood before the first Assassin’s Creed and most of all, video games can be made specifically for you, sometimes other people wont get it, they’ll call it bad, outdated, clunky, repetitive and boring. But if you get it… if it speaks to you, then it doesn’t matter in the slightest. I’m sure there are plenty of people who will tell me I’m wrong, that AC1 is an old boring game with repetitive missions that was only improved on in later entries and while you’re absolutely entitled to feel that way, I don’t care, because I get AC1 on a fundamental level, I get this game and I have always felt it gets me. From the intrinsically layered narrative that always has something to say, to the methodical and deeply immersive gameplay, the gorgeously atmospheric visual style or the musical genius from Jesper Kyd, I genuinely believe this game is a masterpiece in the most unique of ways and everyone that worked on it, completely outdid themselves. The Ezio trilogy is spectacular and manages to continue the story in a way that was never not satisfying and intriguing, but AC1 is unique, there’s nothing quite like it and whether I’m 10 years old or 26, Assassin’s Creed 1 will always capture my attention as what is to me, personally, the perfect Assassin’s Creed.

I'd say this is CDPR at their absolute best. It might be controversial to say because of how popular The Witcher 3 and of course Blood & Wine is... But I think Phantom Liberty is the best thing they've ever made.

The way this DLC weaves themes and character so elegantly is an absolute marvel of a dance they pull of effortlessly. At no point did I feel I could see the strings holding the game together, it just flowed, it was completely organic and had me hanging off of every word. From the set pieces, to the unique quest design, the narrative crux and the way it all ties back into V's personal journey as part of Cyberpunk 2077, this DLC nails it all. It's plain and simple, a masterpiece, in every way that counts.

I've played this before beating the main game for the first time, since this takes place before the ending I wanted to do this chronologically at the right point and it didn't feel wrong to do so, in-fact I think I'll be going into the base game's ending with a richer perception of both V and Johnny. Still speechless at just how good this was, utterly blown away.

The greatest video game I’ve ever played. The balance of story, character, gameplay, dungeon crawling, boss battles, character building, world building and just immaculate vibes is the greatest I’ve ever experienced. This game was a retreat during a difficult period of my life and it’s music remains an escape from whatever might be happening in the real world. The game just did everything that I could want or need from a game in so many ways. This will always be so incredibly special.

My replay of AC2 naturally became a replay of the whole trilogy and man Brotherhood still is just one of the best to ever do it. The tone, the gameplay, the purpose to every piece of side content. It’s such a tremendous game that does a lot without having to do too much to get there. It’s just a strong Assassin fantasy, atmospherically stimulating and thematically a strong part of the Assassin’s Creed series. It’s such a strong development on Ezio’s journey but also a development on what Assassin’s Creed means to Ezio in a context that parallels Altair in a lot of ways. So good, so damn good.

Alan Wake 2 isn’t just my GOTY it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played that speaks to the value in video games as an art form, not just for telling stories but for creating an all encompassing experience with depth and meaning. It's one of the most mind bendingly, horrifically beautiful games I’ve ever played. And it is so worth picking up.

The greatest open world I’ve ever lived in, and I really mean lived. This game creates the experience of truly existing in a virtual space. Whether that’s to head into town and speak to the locals, buy new gear, hunt animals in the snowy mountains, bond with your horse or spend hours upon hours fishing. RDR2 captures a certain level of immersion that is both captivating and alienating to different people yet that’s the price of creating something with such a level of feel artistic integrity. And that’s to say nothing of the story, character and themes all of which are some of the strongest in the industry or any industry for that matter. They took a beloved game, and made a prequel that ultimately bolsters the original thing while also superseding it in every single capacity. A true masterpiece.

So glad god of war copied this masterpiece