2021 GOTY List

My top ten games for 2021. Only games released in 2021, no games that got remasters or I played for the first time or again this year.

I feel pretty strongly about the top 5 and the order I placed them. As for the rest I feel I mostly had it right but the exact order could change if I think about it more.

Only did ten games as I wanted to write a little about each and wasn't doing that for every new game I played this year.

Should an expansion count for GOTY? When it's this long and significant damn right it does. Somehow matches Shadowbringers in quality and it nails the ending for the story started 8 years prior with A Realm reborn. Also added dungeons and trials that are some of my favorites they've done. Also great job on the OST once again. That's always a highlight for new XIV content.
Holy shit the gameplay is incredible. Atmosphere is top notch. The 4th boss and the lead up to it is easily my favorite game moment this year. Only misses #1 because Endwalker stuck the landing for ending a near decade long story.

I had played metroidvanias before but I only played a 2D Metroid for the first time a month before. It was Super Metroid and I loved it. I managed to squeeze in Fusion right after too and a few hours of Returns. I bring that up to say given a few months to think on it, and having played all those for the first time in a short period, I think Dread is the best of those games. The difficulty on normal felt just right and the production values for a 2d Metroid were surprisingly good. Some fantastic boss fights too.

I played the original Skyrim mod this was based on years ago. I knew what I was getting into and that the writing would be good. Even then it blew me away with how well executed it was. My favorite narrative this year outside Endwalker which was wrapping up a story going almost ten years. I had to tell everyone how good this was because this was something that'd get criminally underplayed if fans didn't.

Rise found a way to set it self apart while also adding something I really hope isn't taken away in future entries, the wirebug. That combined with mounting your palamute make traversal of the games maps better then ever. I also loved the Switch Skills which made great changes in how I used some weapons. Only downside was it was relatively easy compared to past entries.
The maps and variety of ways to kill your target in this game were fantastic. That variety makes it super replayable which I appreciate. The story sucked but that's expected with this series.
This is a game I feel could have been better then it is and higher on my list. To be clear I really liked the gameplay loop of repeating a day, killing the targets, and collecting loot for later runs. The issue for me was there ends up being little variety for how to kill most of the major targets and the solution for killing all in one loop is something the game handholds you to getting with no variation. If at least the solution for the ending was something more open with multiple ways of completing it I'd definitely think better of this game.
"WTF" sums up my experience with Inscryption. Without saying too much about the game itself as it should be experienced without spoilers, I'll just say the middle part was a bit weak for me dragging it down a little.
The battle system and team building in the game are too notch. I also liked the more open areas you spend most of the time in. That said, performance is bad and the story is also disapointing. Would really love a PC port of this to at least resolve one of my issues and replay.
I still can't believe a sequel to TWEWY actually exists now after waiting so long. I loved the visual style and the soundtrack specifically was fantastic. I did have some issues with it like too many battles when I felt the battle system was fine but not that strong to justify that and it definitely feels like there's a chunk of story from a game between this and the original missing. Even so I really enjoyed it and was glad this series came back. Just too bad it seems not enough people played it.


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