It was only fair to finally give my favorite game of all time a corresponding review, so here it goes LOL!

Many of this game's aspects are top notch in my opinion, especially for a 2D platformer about a funni limbless hero guy and his friends:
-> The OST is extremely solid, with each song captivating the theme of every level in such an epic way for the player.
-> The level design is really good, it constantly invigorates you to always be on the move, interacting with the surroundings to activate special gimmicks on a stage and looking out for items and secrets that require precision to get, but have a big payoff. It's never a dull moment, honestly.
-> The graphics and artstyle combine together in such a fantastic way here. Every world has its own colorful and vivid vibe to them, and they are filled with so many cool little details, I love it so much.
-> The game itself has a lot of content to it, with a huge amount of collectibles, many different costumes for every main character, online challenges and minigames, and a wide variety of levels, including the majority from Origins and the Murfy version of some levels from the Wii U release, it's really cool.
-> I feel like the music levels at the end of every world needed their own section in this review because GODDAMN these are fun, easily the most iconic part of the entire game. Most of them are licensed songs like "Eye of the Tiger" and "Black Betty", but rearranged exclusively for these levels. The tone of each song blends in perfectly with the timings of your actions, and it's all so damn fun and satisfying when done right.

This game seems to have it all... except lore.

Unlike its predecessor Origins, Legends doesn't actually have a story, you could say this game is essentially a level pack of all things. The intro may look like the building of a bigger event throughout the game, but it only covers the first world and that's it.
And it's weird to me, given the fact that the Rayman series has always had a deep lore behind it, especially with Rayman 2 and 3. Even (again) Origins, the game that was stated as a "reboot" to the main series, had a story to tell with the dark teensy threatening the heart of the world, the fairies getting trapped and every king on the land being transformed into beasts.

Then again, that didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of this game. At its core, Rayman Legends is all about fun over any other aspect. Its frenetic and chaotic gameplay (even more with 3 other players) and inmersive levels make it all up for an outstanding experience, solid at worst. If you like 2D platformers, this here is a solid must buy.

Really enjoyed the game from start to finish, the handcrafted aesthetic of the game fits very well with such a fun and relaxing series like Yoshi. The music is really good too and the level design it's very clever and intuitive most of the time :)

A really solid 3D Mario game that carries the torch from his previous titles of the kind, being Super Mario 64 the most notable one. Mario feels extremely satisfying to control and maneuver thanks to his really varied and flexible moveset, the environments in each world are pretty to watch (Especially the Seaside Kingdom) and the soundtrack is amazing as well.
One of the gimmicks this game introduces was the ability to capture certain enemies/objects and fully control them, and while I think it's a really fun idea and was executed well enough, I believe they could've stretched its use to more areas of the game. Another thing that imo brings this game down it's the HUGE abundance of moons that exist within each of the kingdoms, making their obtainance many times feel more like a chore, with many of them feeling like having no purpose whatsoever...

All in all, it's a really fun and awesome game, with a few lows that stop it from being perfect. I still really recommend it tho!

100% completed. Incredible entry for the 2D mainline Mario series. This game reeks of a personality of its own with brand new power-ups, great soundtrack and a huge amount of polish in every possible way that's felt from the very first level.
The badges are also a very welcome idea, they are introduced as an interesting gameplay changer on demand. Some are very helpful, some are situational, some are just funny, but the incentive they give on experimenting with them and seeing what you can do is something I adored.

The only "bad" aspect I can think of right now is the game feeling kinda short in terms of length, but the level design is ever so engaging and fun, you won't even realize it until you get to the ending, and if you want to obtain everything, it then gets way longer than that because of the secret routes and levels like in Super Mario World.

It looks/sounds good and the physics are quite accurate to a pinball cabin, but the problem resides in how the stages themselves play...
The star challenges are some of the most tedious and time constrained stuff I've ever played because of the precision they demand from the player to hit objectives, all while:
a. The ball won't go exactly where you want it to most of the time.
b. The enemies are in constant movement and/or airborne, making more room for errors.
c. There's the chance you leave the room accidentally by losing or aiming Mario towards a normal/secret route.
d. All the above.
Also, in case you get the star to lie there in the center of the room you better touch it, because everytime you get out of the room where the star is, THE WHOLE ROOM RESETS INCLUDING THE DAMN STAR! WTF WERE THEY THINKING???
Oh, and the blue coin minigames are even worse, since each of them are on a time limit to complete to destroy all enemies, and with the whiffy nature of pinball you can guess where that goes.

TL;DR it's fun for the first 5 minutes, but going for story completion is SO not worth it, let alone a 100% completion.

Parappa the Rapper is without a doubt one of the most interesting and unique games in the entire PS1 library, let alone its entire era. Its colorful and rather bizarre art style of 2D characters in 3D environments (kind of like Paper Mario does), fun rhythm-based gameplay, humorous story and a selection of catchy songs with a hip hop style all come together to deliver a solid and entertaining experience.

There are some downsides, though: The game is quite short on nature, with it only taking 1½ hour to complete. If you wanna go for the a 100% mark with all the "COOL!" ratings, that'll take you a little more, around 2 hours in total, but even so it's still a lackluster lenght. Another thing I'd like to mention is that the button timings are not exactly as merciful as you'd expect: Make an input a tad too early/late and you'll already be in danger of descending to lesser ratings, so you gotta make sure to get every single input on-point, especially if you wanna get the "COOL!" rating and maintain it, which is not exactly comfortable, especially with the BPM of some tracks.

Still, it's still a completely fine, innocent game one can really get attached to because of the charming characters and world it introduces, if not 'cause of the unique (although not always functional) mechanics and addictive OST.

It's now coming to an end, but is a very solid starting season which already adds so much new stuff to the table, while also receiving weird balance changes and below average shop refreshes. It's also the very first Battle Pass I get to complete 100% including the bonus rewards, with only the Odyssey Quests left for me. Here are my thoughts on most of the new things:

Battle Pass (8/10): Great character designs for this season overall, with Jonesy looks the most fire he ever has along with Hope, and then we got the Society members: Doña Florinda, Tigre Toño, diet Midas and Sir Percival. Also the Collabs with the funny Peter Griffin guy and Solid Snake are legendary. The only downside is the Scorpion car, but I guess it's fine enough.

Mechanics (7.5/10): Grappling Blade, Climbing and the Train. The first one is actually really useful to move around and attack by surprise despite being kinda slow; the second one I never used it because it's for constructions in build mode and I don't play that shit LMAO; and the Train is really fun as both as a way of moving around the map and as a mini quest for rewards, though it's not really a great place to go to most of the time...

Content (8/10): Fortnite Festival is a great mode but the songs cost a little too much and some charts are dumpster fire; LEGO Fortnite is fun with friends but I was never into Minecraft in the first place; Rocket Racing feels kinda janky and there's no imagination present on the track designs but dammit I'm a sucker for racing games lol
Also we got a TMNT collab, with a good Battle Pass and great weapons for BR which completely OUTPHASED the grappling blade by a mile, they were that broken.

New map (8/10): Great island with astonishing visuals and biomes, with not too many of those so it doesn't feel overbloated like Chapter 4. The named locations feel natural as well with the Italian/Spanish, and now Greek theme of the chapter.

Pretty good Pac-Man collection if you ask me, and the selection of games isn't bad either. There are many bangers one can really get a fun time out of, like Pac-Mania, Arrangement and my guilty pleasure, Pac-Man 256.
There are some other games to which this collection also helps to come out of obscurity a little bit such as Pac-Land or Pac & Pal, both very interesting takes on the original formula IMO, and Pac-Land, which I love for its uniqueness compared to the rest of games in the collection.
Oh and yeah, Pac In Time can suck it LOL

In technical terms of the games themselves, it's really lackluster overall. No video modes (beyond a CRT filter), DIP switches, button mapping or even save states for games that really need them (i.e OG Pac-Man). Most of the achievements are pretty fine too, although there are some instances which are either too challenging or require a lot of grinding, making it annoying at times. Also, the emulation sometimes can take a dive in FPS, so it's not too good either.

Now, I quite liked the game's presentation. I love the concept of the game giving you the chance to customize your own arcade with guest characters appearing over time, that's a nice detail.

I'm not getting everything for the moment because normally I play Pac-Man for the nobility's sake. I recommend it still, but it could have been so much better...

Didn't really expect this game to get a major update for its 25th anniversary :0
I can see why it's highly praised by essentially everyone. It's fast-paced gameplay, rich atmosphere and intringuing lore make it all for a really fun experience, along with some well-structured level design and puzzles.
Though I gotta be honest, I didn't like the last few sections at Xen as the gameplay can be quite frustrating a good amount of the time, but outside of that it's a top tier first person shooter that aged very well!

This game is essentially DLC for the first DOOM. It repeats many of the things its predecessor did right, but they made it quite harder this time around (at annoying levels even, in certain situations). The level design is kinda weird and less intuitive compared to the original, especially because of the NUMEROUS GODDAMN LAVA PITS; the soundtrack doesn't go as hard; and the pacing of the game as a whole is really rocky, leaving almost no scenarios for you to take a breath from the big hordes of enemies.
The only things this game has going for it were the Super Shotgun and the new enemies, which I think were pretty fine overall.

I hate Arch-vile's guts to death tho fr

After remembering having a good time playing Crash of the Titans, I was looking forward to try its succesor, and it was... kind of an experience, huh.
Besides many of the mutants from Titants making a comeback while being redesigned in the process (some of them even getting an overhaul, i.e Stench), there are also new ones here... only two though, TK and Grimly, which coincidentally are some of my favorites because of how goofy, eccentric and fun to use they are. I also like how all of them can now jump, climb ledges and have more attacks on their movesets to further improve the combat dynamic, a really welcome move on that behalf. Some of them can even use their powers to affect your surroundings and open new paths, which is very cool. Still, fuck Magmadon man, shit is too slow doing anything!
However, every other aspect of the game has been dumbed down from my perspective: The controls scheme and new combat mechanics are less intuitive than before, the environments look dull and empty most of the time, the story is more basic and very little imaginative, and many of the main characters got redesigned again, and they look even worse than they did on Titans.
The "open world" aspect this time around is also a negative for me, they mostly expect you to know exactly where to go to complete a story mission, while also not giving you any kind of guidance beyond the tutorial mission. May I add that """world map""" (if it can even be called that) is the poorest piece of shit I've ever seen??? I'm think I'm staying with episodic format from Titans, thank you very much...
With all these big issues on mind, I see myself obligated to give credit where it's due. The cutscenes in this game are some of the best I've seen in the whole franchise, the different artstyles and references are very charming and funny. Another thing I'm glad I can call a positive is the OST, which I really enjoyed because of how upbeat it is while exploring, but then it knows when to go dummy during combat. My favorites are definitely "Bandicoot Sanctuary", "Big Fight #2" and "The Wastelands".

One of the ugliest, most insipid and boring games I've ever played. The graphics look like they came from the sewers, the gameplay in general is really sluggish and uneventful, the platforming sequences feel quite repetitive and/or tedious, and the puzzles are fine but can sometimes repeat themselves with minimal changes in the solution.
At least the music feels adequate to each stage, despite being forgettable at best.

The story here, to my surprise, is a lot different to the one presented by the movie, only focusing on Gru, Dr. Nefario, the Minions, Vector and building the rocket to stealing the moon, and shafting other key plot points, like the existence of the Girls and Gru's change of heart, exactly the things that made the movie have a motif, while also not doing much to compensate these aspects (other than weightless collectibles, I guess). Also, the cutscenes gag, feel like an eternity to finish and recycle the same animations every time.
By the way, can I take a moment to point at the fact that among the collectible family portraits, FUCKING MISS HATTIE IS IN ONE OF THEM?????? LMFAOOOOOOOOOO

Idek why I'm doing this review so long over a rushed, unpolished tie-in game obviously made for a quick buck, and even having that on mind I was still dissapointed. Just please don't play it if you respect yourself and your precious time.

The transition from C4:S4 to OG was very notorious to say the least in terms of gameplay. The season 5 stuff made the game a little too monotonous since the chapter 1 map felt too empty between POIs, and the fact that it was built for Build mode in mind while I only play Zero Build didn't do it justice either.
Chapter 6 and 7 came in and made things more interesting, with more vehicles, a new set of weapons unvaulted and B A L L O O N S.
Chapter 9 - X came last but made things far more fun and diverse with the Baller and yet another round of unvaulted weapons (the drum shotgun is so funny LOL).

It's a neat revision on the beginnings of Fortnite and how far the game has come since 2017, but I prefer the shenanigans we have nowadays, personally.

A great game with awesome soundtrack, fun gameplay, wonderful art direction and a quite hilarious sense of humor imo.
The only things I personally didn't enjoy that much is that:

1) Some levels were a little too short compared to others, either because they were made for one specific gimmick or because yes. There's a notorious imbalance in that sense.

2) The different areas presented within this game feel... kinda disconnected from each other. Don't get me wrong, each area was a total pleasure to my eyes, but many times I couldn't help but wonder how exactly did Rayman and co. got to a different location between certain levels. That's an inconsistency that caught me offguard.

Nonetheless, I don't think these catches will stop the players from enjoying the hell out of this game, so make sure to check it out!

Now where is Rayman 4, eh? :)))))))

One of the best platformers I've played, and definitely one of the hardest!
Both the soundtrack and the artstyle do such a good job in making you feel like you're actually playing a cartoon film from the 80's, especially when every sprite in the whole game is fully hand-drawn just like back in the day, giving a very genuine experience on that behalf.
Also, the bosses in this game are some of the most creative concepts ever, both characters-wise and execution-wise, and the level design is great overall on the Run-N-Gun stages, with a few bullshit moments when it comes to enemy placement and timings, but it's expectable given the difficulty.

My only real problem with Cuphead (the base game) is that it can become a mildly short adventure if you're good enough, even being able to beat the game in one day. Then again, this is a little more relieved with the DLC out nowadays, but I'm still seeing them as separate things for this review LOL

I remember back in 2017 hearing rumors about the developers being forced to mortgage their house in order to finish the game, and if that was the case then GOOD LORD it was worth it in the end. Congratulations to the team behind this masterpiece!