44 Reviews liked by LeesLizard

Scratched my COD itch on the WiiU. (The best console version as online was free) Twas fun and I have never had the itch to play a COD game again so I consider that a win

"Chicken wing, chicken wing, hot dog and bologna" clears your favorite artist's entire discography, I'm sorry but it's the truth

remember what they took from you

Child me fucked with this so hard

this game was unironically fun and i still have my collector's poster up in my bedroom with all the stickers i got from the characters i (my mom) bought

i knew this shit was a scam even when i was a kid but god damn it was cool

Nintendo stays determined to ruin every Mario sports game.

Loved playing this as a kid, but it's starting to get a little played out. Once you get a HD remake there's nowhere to go but down.

The abusive ex you cannot forget.
Good game, but it is getting old and other games give you far better and less frustrating experiences.

If you don't play with your 3D slider all the way up you're a pussy

No I totally didn’t use the rewind feature on the last level ha ha why would you ask that?

Blasted through this game and it was easier than I had expected but so much fun, final map gave me chills.