Drayano Hacks are always good. One of the best mainline pokemon titles but even better. Friends picked my team, so I had a bunch of slow shitters but still loved it nonetheless.

Interesting conclusion to Travis' story and No More Heroes. It has the usual thing of being a hodgepodge of so many different inspirations and genres. Feels a little off compared to earlier entries but ultimately was worth playing. Play if you're a Suda51 fan.

Binged this in a week while I was so sick, I could feel my brain melting. That being said, this is a pretty good time. It's overhyped IMO but an engaging and interesting science fiction visual novel all the same. Okabe sucks and never won me over. So notable you should play it if you're interested in the genre.

This is the peak of the Trails series so far. So many pieces and setup for such a good payoff. Every single chapter in this game feels balls to the wall with engaging story moments and important beats. So many callbacks, insane characterization, and just an absolutely amazing time. Support the official release in 2023. OST is amazing, visuals are of course dated because it's Falcom. Only thing holding this game back is the fact that you should play the prior 4 games to enjoy it to its fullest.

Fun change to the pokemon formula, needs fine tuning but still a rad time. Would recommend.

Peak mainline Pokemon. Difficulty hacks by Drayano are definitely the best way to play pokemon, and tuning up a Drayano hack to make it even better is a great next step. This is the best mainline pokemon title enhanced by fans, absolutely great time.

Insanely good gameplay and speedrunning viability. OST is amazing, visuals are distinct and cool. Only thing holding it back is subpar writing and hit or miss voice acting. Absolutely worth playing.

Nuzlocked. This was supposed to be the start of a genlocke but I got caught up with other stuff. Great way to play Gen 1. Still clunky, but tons of love and nostalgia.

This game FUCKS. DMC x DOOM. I cannot stress enough how much you should play this game. Will likely be 5/5 once it's third act is released.

Mechanically fun, narratively a snoozefest. I played this game for like 40 hours and managed not to care about a single character. Got morality(?) ending. Fun gameplay, cool character progression system, but GOD it needed a better story. Square also needs to hire a guy to name these Asano games. Play Final Fantasy Tactics or Ogre Tactics instead.

Slice of life is cool, not 100% I like the school academy setting for Trails though. Too many anime tropes, but the cast grew on me over the course of the game and it was fun. Game suffers from being 90% buildup due to having to introduce so much in a single game. Final dungeon/final boss are so out of nowhere and the cliffhanger ending is some BS but what can you expect from a series that has a million games all connected. Crossbell is better but a good start for the Erebonia Arc. This would be rated lower if I wasn't too deep into the Trails journey.

Heard this was the weakest of the Cold Steel tetralogy, but it was pretty rad. Class VII feels more like a plot device and there are still too many anime tropes shoved in, but the war plot is cool and it's dope having so many big players on board. End felt a bit rushed, interested to see where it goes next. OST godlike like usual.

Interesting episodic puzzle visual novel. Zero Escape vibes. Characters are good but not great, endgame twist is alright. Doesn't take too long to play and scratched the itch for puzzle visual novels.

Simple Roguelite & Community Sim/Manager. Great OST, neat artstyle. Not really a fan of sim elements but was a good experience and I'm glad I listened to the soundtrack at a Halloween party that got me to play it.

Extremely quick but fun puzzle platformer. Gameplay is fun, not much else to it though.