This game is overrated but still great. Tons of content and explorable world to enjoy. I wish the narrative was presented better, even though I understand why they formatted it the way they did. It resulted in me enjoying the open world but not having any sort of engagement with most of the cast. Great game despite it not being amazing to me.

Fire Emblem continues to have great gameplay and stories that are all over the place. The academy setting and mechanics didn't win me over all that much, but I still found myself having fun as usual when it came to the levels. There's a lot of content in this game with the number of routes and the new game + mechanic, so I think fire emblem fans will be happy. Otherwise, if you want a SRPG, FF Tactics is right there.

Insanely fun Rhythm Roguelite. Dance your way through levels collection items and beating up dungeon baddies. OST is godlike, and has options for tons of customizable ones as well. It isn't anything mind blowing but is absolutely worth jamming too if you have the time.

Battle For Azeroth stings. It felt like it was missing so much and could never truly get me into the game like I did for WotLK, Cataclysm, and Legion. Blizzard as a company has fallen on hard times and this is just another unfortunate example.

Trails in the Sky FC is the first in a now dozen game series. As such, much of the work done in FC is laying the foundation for the future entries to come. For the most part, FC plays as a slow burn slice of life anime straight from the 90s. The charming OST combined with the comfy world design makes you feel at home here. There is so much detail in this game and the series as a whole that should grip any JRPG lover and get them hooked. It's one of the weakest entries in the series from what I've played so far, which is a compliment given how good this game is. Enable turbo mode so you don't fall asleep from how slow the game is and I can assure you you'll get hooked on Trails like I did back in 2019.

I get why there's a dog on the cover; it's a dogwater game. Gen 8 is a severe step down in quality from Gen 7, which wasn't even that top notch to begin with. Pokemon is still so easy to enjoy that I had fun in some spots, but it loses so many points for lacking the polish this game so desperately needed. Gamefreak should do better.

A masterpiece encased within an interesting puzzle solving visual novel. OST, Characters, Art Style, and simple but effective gameplay are all top notch. The mystery surrounding being on a sinking ship and who everyone else in the game is helps keep you moving forward. This game lacks the sheer number of twists that its sequel has, but still manages to keep you neatly engaged. This cast feels so human. It's hard to explain but I can't state enough how some of the characters here come across so genuinely. Speaking of, this is genuinely a game I'd call a masterpiece. You owe it to yourself to experience it. Buy the nonary games collection on PC and don't look back.

It's hard to follow up a masterpiece like 999 but VLR damn near makes its case. One of the most unique ways to tell a story that requires the video game medium to tell. So many cool characters, awesome moments, and such an enthralling story due to the way it unfolds. Puzzle rooms are way harder than 999 were, and the psychological thriller aspect of this game feels like it dips into horror sometimes. Insanely glad I got into the Zero Escape series due what VLR has brought to the table.

Please God, SHIFT me to the timeline where Uchikoshi could make the game he wanted instead of it being stuck in development hell and rewritten. VLR set up so much and all ZTD needed to do was follow through and it floundered so damn hard. There are aspects to this game which are engaging, like newcomers Carlos and Diana, but how it butchers returning cast members and has 1/3rd of the game being in the perspective of a team you have no agency or care for is a terrible move. All in all, an unfortunate end of what was up until this point a near masterpiece trilogy.

Originally supposed to be the other half of Sky FC, Sky SC is practically bribery in the number of payoffs it brings to the table. Basically, every chapter after the prologue involves big moments and consistently paced action compared to FC's lowborn slice of life anime style. Estelle and Joshua's relationship is so damn good and it makes me happy on the inside. The emotional payoffs, the soundtrack, the amazing setting of Liberl, and the CHARACTERS! Trails would be nothing without its characters. One of the high points of the Trails series and for good reason. If you play FC you can't NOT play SC and enjoy it.

Oh, Halo 1. You lovable clunky joy that honestly still holds up well to this day. Replayed this in 2020 to prep for the MCC and the first time I'd touch Halo 3. This is nostalgia incarnate for young 8 year old me killing aliens with my dad in the co-op campaign. This might be pure nostalgia but everything from the level designs to the story moments to the gameplay all resonate so well with me. Lots of clunkiness still since it's an early Xbox title but I can't not love it.

FF7 has marked my childhood since the days I snuck onto my brother's PS1 and wiped to the Guard Scorpion. FF as a series has impacted me greatly, and to see it remade in such a beautiful fashion makes me happy. There's plenty to dislike imo, especially the ending chapters, but overall it's made with such attention to detail for 90% while adding in new snippets that it makes me so happy. It's worth playing and enjoying and falling in love with the title all over again. Although I don't know where it's headed next, I can enjoy the original FF7 without issue and get on the Remake's wild ride with glee.

Played on the Switch's X collection. Some people claim it as the best X game but honestly, I think it's a step down compared to the SNES trilogy. That being said, it's still a great game. Mega Man X had a graceful jump to the next gen despite the next 2 titles being bad. Good gameplay, fun level designs, and Zero as a main character! Lots in here to enjoy as a Mega Man fan.

Played in the Switch's X collection. A fun entry in the Mega Man X series but is ultimately a letdown and a step down compared to its predecessors. It has cool stuff going for it though. An RNG cannon? Not so much.

This game resonated with me deeply. Vincent is a good person who makes terrible choices and has to figure out what the hell he's doing with his life. The cozy evening sections where you can vibe with the boys and hear the stories of your fellow patrons contrasted with the rewarding puzzle sections at night make it a blast. OST is great, characters are great, art is great, overall one of Atlus' gems. It's so good and has multiple endings so I know I'll be back. Also, Katherine > Catherine.