Up there, if not better than Forsaken. Can't wait to see where the series goes from here.

After coming back to this in 2024 with Season 4, I can say that it is a completely different game from Day 1. It is MUCH better and I am having a blast. Highly recommend it now.

While this is still in Early Access, Hades 2 looks, feels and is better than Hades. The combat improvements alone make the first game feel outdated.

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I was SUPER excited for this and the prospect of Clive finally being the complete vessel. I was GIGA excited for the implications this would have had on the final stretch of the story.

They even went ouf ot their way to have Ultima speak to Clive during the DLC and comment on his acquisition of Leviathan.

Then I go and do the last mission again after finishing the DLC and… the game completely ignores the fact that Clive is now a complete vessel.

Eh… Leviathan’s OST is sick tho

The rating is purely for the content of the story, which was decent. But this could have been SO much more.

What a journey. As someone who loved FFVII: Remake and had no prior knowledge of VII besides some general plot points, I was greatly looking forward to the continuation of "The Unknown Journey".

Rebirth, is for all intents and purposes a better game than Remake, in all aspects from the combat, to the side quests, to the exploration, but ultimately suffers from the exact same issues regarding the gameplay pacing.

While I loved what I played, the highs were really high, and the lows were quite low. I personally prefer having some clearer answers regarding story elements, but I understand that being the number 2 in a trilogy can be limiting in that regard.

Ultimately, I'd say Rebirth is a flawed masterpiece, exclusively based on the pacing issues.

Looking forward to Part 3.

Name prediction: Final Fantasy VII: Retribution

It's no wonder people praise this as the pinnacle of the genre. This game was way ahead of its time. (wink wink)

I want to be friends with Ichiban.

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Haven't enjoyed a JRPG this much since Octopath 2.

I can't recommend it if you haven't played the rest of the series unfortunately, or atleast 7 + Gaiden (even still you'll be missing out on A LOT).

The combat is a step up in every possible way from 7 and I absolutely love RGG for this. I got into every encounter I could just because of how much fun I was having with the combat.

Some wonderful story beats and themes were explored, and it made me teary eyed a few times throughout.

I firmly believe the last chapter could have been split into 2-3 more chapters, and expand a bit on some characters and plotlines.

I'm giving this a 5/5 because a few games touch me emotionally like this one did, even if you could argue that in the storytelling department, it's predecessor was better.

In 9 days, I spent 65 hours playing it and I enjoyed every minute.

Going in completely blind, my brain went through an experience, that's all I can say.

Pretty solid start to my 2024 gaming journey.

Much better than the first part of the DLC, this one was enjoyable to play and finish.

Encounters were also quite an enjoyable challenge, I faced them like you would a competitive Pokemon match, no revives or healing and it was a blast.

There's A LOT of content, and it's a shame that the technical issues hold it back as much as they do.

How do they keep making games this good?

While I was hesitant seeing Kiryu return yet again, this game was 100% necessary to give more context to the events of 6&7. Eagerly awaiting to see the conclusion of his story in Infinite Wealth.

My only complain is that the combat feels like a step back from Lost Judgement.

At first, I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of Lords of the Fallen. I loved the concept of the lamp, and the combat felt decent. I liked how sprinting was on L3, I liked the way you cast spells without the need to swap weapons.

The first boss was also a great introduction, the telegraphs were on point, and I had fun in general. After about 7(?) hours I beat the second major boss and I got back into the Soulsborne mood for good. This is where things took a turn for the worst.

I decided to boot up my old Elden Ring save to finish my playthrough. After coming back to Lords of the Fallen I noticed all the things I missed before.

My main gripes are:

- Combat feels a bit floaty, this is much more noticeable if you've played any Souls game recently.
- The enemy placements at times are very bad, and the fact that enemies keep randomly spawning inside the Umbral realm make exploration a chore.

It's worth noting that I haven't experienced any of the bugs or crashes people are reporting, so I can't comment on that.

I shelved it for now, but I might return in the future.

After being stuck on a late game boss and dropping the game for a good while, I finally picked it back up and completed my adventure today.

Elden Ring offers an unparalleled open world experience that knows how to make exploration not only fun, but rewarding.
One of the few games that deserve the title of "masterpiece".

Already started a second playthrough.

Enjoyable throughout, but only with certain mods that trim and improve both the UI and UX. The score is with mods in mind.

Also, VERY questionable New Game + design choices.
I REALLY like the concept, but the execution leaves much to be desired. It feels far too punishing to start it as it currently is.

2.0 is actually... really fun! Looking forward to Phantom Liberty.