Resident Evil 4 is one of the most timeless games, but this remake is great all on its own and stands alongside the original as a unique experience. We now just have more Resident Evil 4 in the world and that's tasty.

For a 4 dollar eshop game I think Sonic Blast is not that bad, I don't even think it was that bad for a handheld platformer of the time; the controls are a bit chunky and the camera is REALLY zoomed in, but it's a pretty average platformer, only held back by not being as good as better Sonic games on the same system.

I enjoyed the game, Zone 4 Blue Marine, that level was trash (like the worst Ecco the Dolphin level with sluggish controls and a really zoomed in camera), but besides that the levels are all pretty breezy and some of the bosses are pretty fun.

It's fine, good for a quick 40 minute playthrough.

This is a tentative review, if the game gets a deep discount, or if the DLC is substantial, I will reevaluate.

Played this game on the free NSO trial, and I am glad I did because I can not justify buying the whole game, even for the sale price of $45 dollars.

I don't think that Fae Farm is a bad game, I enjoyed the time I spent playing it, but for such a huge price tag I can't get over how unpolished and unfinished the game feels. The game does have a lot going for it, I like how smooth traversal is, I love the double jump with wings to get around, quality of life features like automatically swapping to the tool you need or spells having utility with farming/mining are really appreciated, but none of that makes it a must buy.

The NPCs are completely lifeless, most just shop keepers that all repeat the same 2-3 lines of dialogue, and even the more story important characters are written in the same way so it sounds like every single character has the same "voice." There is little to dating in a genre where dating already feels shallow in some of the best titles.

Character creation has pretty few options which is unfortunate, I don't mind the My Sims look of the characters, but they don't give you a lot to work with. You also can't rename your character without making an account outside the game... the fuck?

Inventory management is annoying, with there being no rhyme or reason to the item stacks, and items not displaying names when you scroll over them so you need to click each one.

Those are more minor nitpicks I know. The farming and mining gameplay is fine, nothing groundbreaking, but without any investment in the story or world, it feels like I'm just grinding to grind... and I did kind of enjoy that in a lazy way, but with the game doing absolutely nothing special in any regard, I could get that same fix and also enjoy a game I care about.

To me, the game is just a shallow by the numbers farm game but at a premium price. Not bad, but not really compelling either.

A lot of people seem to like it, so maybe I am just spoiled off Starwdew Valley and Rune Factory, but I suggest at least waiting for a 50% off sale or until after both DLCs release before picking it up.

Horror fishing games are a really untapped genre. Fishing games are usually cozy and horror games usually aren't, so maybe that is why the two genres aren't paired together much, but Dredge shows how coziness and fear work really well together.

There's something about the calm feeling of fishing but having to monitor the sun because you know once it goes down you need to get back to port that I find so interesting. Especially with how much I enjoy the fishing and really wanted to stay out catching fish but needed to weigh the sanity affects of being out at dark and the creepy creatures of the deep coming out. The feeling of getting your haul back to port in pure darkness while feeling like something is coming for you is such a thrill without really betraying the fishing game roots.

Dredge is really greater than the sum of its parts. The game has you fish with simple but varied fishing minigames and adding your catches to your ship's limited cargo via the RE4 style inventory minigame. You bring the fish back to port to sell for money you can use to upgrade your boat to catch more fish, move faster, and have more light for night time fishing. It's all simple on the surface but the horror edge along with excellent sound design and the simple but addictive gameplay loop fueled by constant rising and falling tension all come together to create a captivating experience.

The story is also interesting enough but the strong gameplay loop and atmosphere are what kept me hooked on the game.

I recommend it if you want a different style of cozy game or if you like fishing games in general.

I put this game down for so long, I started it back when I was in High School I think, right around the time I started getting into JRPGs and game collecting so this game fell by the wayside after only getting 1/3 the way through the game.

Finally picked it up again, playing on a frontlit NES GBA to emulate the look of the DS phat I played it on originally back then. I find some of the game design annoying, like baby Mario flying off over pits or inside bosses where he is hard or impossible to reach, and how slow the game can feel at times, but it's all really minor and I think the game is great. I'm sure the SNES version looks and sounds better but this was the only version I knew originally.

I love the backgrounds so much, especially the autumn forest ones and the caves. The cave theme in this game is AMAZING. Slightly spooky slightly soothing. I suck at video games so this game can be a little hard for me, but otherwise it is such a cozy game with pretty graphics and great music and a laid back approach to gameplay (in most levels).

If you haven't played it already you should give it a try on a lazy afternoon.

Finally beat it after all these years lol. I really like the game, it's a fun beat 'em up with branching paths and puzzles, but it's all pretty simple. I feel like the extreme difficulty was trying to mask that it is a very short game with little substance, but the difficult just highlights how basic the combat is. But I still like it, the music and graphics are great, I love the Genesis twang here, so even if the gameplay is half baked I still have a good time whenever I play it.

I'd recommend playing with save states though, having only three lives and being sent back to the beginning is brutal, especially in a game with so much forced damage and limited healing.

Over 20 years after beating Oracle of Ages I have finally beat Oracle of Seasons.

Oracle of Ages is and will always be a very special game to me but I can not help but admit that Seasons feels a lot funner to play. The Season mechanic, plus a number of the items, are more interesting to play with than their counterparts in Ages. It just feels like there was a bit more care and attention put into Seasons.

Of course, both still are amazing especially when put together. Finally getting to experience the the true ending after being teased decades ago in Ages felt so fulfilling, even if the extra bosses are pretty easy with how powered up you are at the end of a linked game.

Highly recommend playing both on NSO or wherever else you can play them.

Music and sound by Yamaoka is great, the otherworld design is pretty neat too without relying on the series trademark blood and rust. Monster is pretty cool, done by Masahiro Ito.

Some goofy writing which is both a pro and a con.

It's short and free so there wouldn't be much to complain about regardless, but I think it's decent little game. It's honestly just nice to be playing a new game titled Silent Hill in 2024.

The true successor to the Hamtaro adventure game legacy and the only game that lets hang out with all the bugs.

Really neat game, excellent music even if so freaking hard. Easy to unlock freeplay in Arcade mode, but this version does not give you any continues for story mode. Story's still really cool and depressing, complemented really well by Ikaruga. Having 7 weapons at all times with widely different properties helps combat the hell the game puts you through.

Definitely recommended, at least to play arcade mode.

I could complain about the goofy perk system, the removal of skills, the voiced and limited player dialogue, the stinky factions and more, but honestly, none of that really matters. Fallout 4 was really fun to play, I enjoyed almost every minute of it, and that's what counts. It wasn't the sequel I wanted but it's just more Fallout and I love Fallout so what's there to complain about. I sunk 50 hours into it in two weeks and still could play more.

I had to put the game down in 2016 because the original console release game me horrible motion sickness, but I'm really glad I went back to it. Already want to play again with a new build and a new faction.

I mostly remember this game for my brother and mother both liking it, especially my mother, she really did not play many games but this was one that she really liked; it was nice being able to share a video game with her.

She wanted to try it again after all this years so we took turns playing it and while the game has aged quite a bit, and the controls are kind of strange compared to modern console FPS, it was a fun trip down memory lane.

This game tapped into childhood memories of playing "Zelda" on the playground with other kids and constructing our own scenarios and my old dream of wanting to make my own games to share with everyone.

I initially thought it was going to be an A Short Hike clone (not in a negative way) but the game has its own identity with its framing of a childhood game and the mini Breath of the Wild gameplay. The story is both funny and touching, and I absolutely loved it.

Highly recommend if you want a chill little game to last you about 4-6 hours.

It's as cozy as your favorite warm blanket.