It took me a while but I finally got 100% on this. I have to say I really enjoyed it and it was much better than I was expecting. I never found myself bored of the game and was honestly a fun grind to 100%!

This has to be one of the best games I have ever played.

The gamplay is such a step up, making the game way more interactive with environments and overall just had really great gameplay. As well as this, the story was so great and they made the right call making Issac more of a character.

RE5 is a weird one for me as I spent as much time enjoying it as I did getting very annoyed with it.

It's safe to say the game has not aged well. The gameplay is clunky as hell and quite frustrating at times. Sheeva is a decent new character but her AI also did my head in. I would place a few proximity bombs and she would just start picking them all up! When she wasn't doing that she was either in my way or shooting me. I also really hated the saving system in the game. You barely ever got checkpoints so I ended up redoing so many sections of the game which is part the reason it took me a bit to finish. That said, the combat was fun at times and I found myself becoming quite fond of the stun rod!

As for the story of the game, it feels like a missed oppurtunity. You spend most of the game looking for Jill which is cool but I feel like everything starts happening too late on in the game. Wesker shows up way too late and with him being such a cool villian it just feels like a waste that he is only in the last segment. The first 4 chapters just felt like they were just prolonged build up with not too much happening.

When it comes to the tone of RE5, it seems to fully embrace its silliness but I feel like it doesn't work the same way it does in RE4. RE4 has you laughing at how cheesy and over the top it could be where as this had me rolling my eyes the majority of the time. Everything was over the top but it no longer feels self aware and actually felt like it was supposed to be cool. A prime example of this would be the cutscenes. One instance that I did find quite funny though is Chris having to perform a combo on a boulder to create a path for Sheeva, that made me piss myself.

For quite a negative (and lengthy) review I have given quite a high score. Now don't get me wrong, I did like this game. I think it is overall ok and I had quite a bit of fun with it. My issue is that a lot about this game really frustrated me as I believe it could have been so much better so that is all I really have to talk about.

I have been wanting to play this since I played this on my friend's Xbox when I was 9.

Honestly this is such a fun game. The story is decent but the combat and gameplay really carries the game. It is so satisfying with the finishers, and just how gory the game is in general. This game also got me very intrigued into the Warhammer universe, I really want to delve into this franchise after playing this game!

I enjoyed elements of this game but as a whole it overly medicore.

I was a bit bummed that I got the bad ending but in all honesty the choice that decides it is stupid. What I will praise this game for is that Barry is great, and the atmosphere and design of the enemies and environments are briilantly disturbing which is exactly what Resident Evil should be.

What I don't like about this game mainly is the gameplay. I found the partner mechanic to be tedious and dull. This wasn't helped by how much this game drags. It is way longer than it needs to be and the story isn't interesting enough for it to drag out like it does.

This is a fairly negative review and don't get me wrong, I did enjoy this game at times hence the decent rating. It is just the things I didn't like really frustrated me hence why I mainly talk about them. I see this as a very low 3 as I feel 2.5 would be too harsh. I have the DLC but have no real interest in playing it.

So I have played the og version of the game one time many years ago, and decided to give to give it another go.

I had always thought that the remaster of this game was lowkey ugly so wanted to fully experience the orignal experience, and I have to say it is so much better. The remaster manages to ruin a lot of what this game has in terms of atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, it has some improvements but just made everything too blocky and somehow made the flood missions less ominous. I would give the game higher but it can be fairly broken at times which is both funny but also rather frustrating.

Overall, the original version is a much better game from many aspects, and will probaly be how I replay the game from now on after having such a good experience with it.

This is the one Halo game that each time I replay it, I start to appreciate it more.

I may not be the biggest fan of the multiplayer, the brute design or armour lock but damn will I say this is a mastepiece nevertheless. This game encapsulates the tone of hopelessness perfectly and tells such a tragic tale in the best way possible. Every mission feels like a suicide mission or a lost cause which is exactly how the Fall of Reach should be depicted. This game makes the Covenant feel like more of a threat than any other Halo game.

The soundtrack is incredible and the characters are all so likeable. I also think Spartan IIIs may be my favourite spartans as their design is unmatched.

By far the best season yet.

They absolutely nailed this season. Some great additions were added such as Halo 3 refueld, Firefight and team neutral equipment! It finally feels like we aree getting worthwhile content with this game and I love it. They finally got it right!

I have to say that I am pleasently suprised by how much I enjoyed this.

Whilst not being anything outstanding, Resident Evil Revelations manages to feel fresh and as it tells its story in an interesting way which is accompanied by fun gameplay! I really enjoyed the new enemies and I thought the general combat is simple but fun! I would say my only critism is the humour didn't really work for me and I felt it messed with the tone of the game at times.

What an amazing game. I am so glad I didn't play this till I grew up as I was just in love the atmospheric horror vibe this was going for. The gameplay is fun, the Necromorphs were creepy af and the story is pretty intense. Maybe a tad repetitive at times but I still loved it nevertheless.

Straight off the bat, this is a fun and really great game but suffers from how repetitive it is.

I played for around 6 hours, got the class A licience and honestly had no motivation to continue. The reason I still give it a relativley good score though as it is a very fun game, just in small doses.

So it has taken me exactly 2 months to finish this game and I have quite a bit to say.

To start, I just want to say I cannot believe the state this game was released in. My game would constantly crash making it impossible to progress and ontop of that I wasn't able to do the bounty hunting missions till I was 3/4 through the game as they did not work for me until the patch was released.

Now a lot of the stuff I mentioned was really holding this game back for me but I am able to look past all that due to what an absolute near masterpiece this is. The game looks and plays incredibly. The combat is amazing and there is a lot of variation. I did find this easier than the last game so I had to put the difficulty up to Jedi Master to spice things up a bit. As for the story, it has a very weak start but holy shit the last act really saves the entire narrative. The final act of the game was just incredible and managed to push this up by 0.5 stars for me.

Overall, minus the state of the game at launch this game is a must play. It has a lot of moments that warmed my heart as well as a few moments that made me tear up. It's safe to say I am very excited to see how Respawn conclude this trilogy.

I am genuinley suprised by how into this I was.

What an amazing game. It is scary, and doesn't spoon feed you. A lot of this you have to figure out for yourself which is something I feel is missing from gaming in the modern age as nearly every game holds your hand through it.

I have to say, I am relieved to have finally finished this.

To start, this is a terrrible port, it does nothing but crash and has so many visual bugs. As for the game, it is decent, I enjoyed the story, the gameplay can be a bit janky but I mostly had fun with it. I would say my only complaint is that I feel like the game is too long. I kept finding myself losing interest in what was going on as this game drags quite a bit at times, hence me being relieved to have finally finished it.