This is easily the best Jrpg ever made, in a genre where gameplay is generally shallow and feels like an afterthought and the pacing is all over the place, Chrono Trigger manages to circle around most of the genre common problems to create a memorable and well paced experience.
Music is god tier holy shit.
Played on emulator.

Shame that Bioware peaked way too early.

Easily the most disappointing of the top FF games, IX had a good start but it quickly shoehorn itself into this terribly paced mess, the gameplay is extremely shallow and a step down from 8, good thing X improved that part.
2 points for the awesome soundtrack though, they surely nailed that.

One of the greatest FPS ever made, super fun to run around and shoot aliens in this but the biggest kino is the level design, nothing better than exploring a dense level with a spectacular music track in the background, gimme more of this Nintendo, remaster the rest of the trio.

Still playing it as of this review but this game is pretty good, i appreciate that they improved the combat because it was poor, i like Hawai and the minigames are fun, i just hope it gets better in story because so far its a massive step down from even Yakuza 5 and that one sucked.

I'd definitely watch this if it was a movie.

Ready for my biggest hot take?
This is the best FF game, ever.

As someone that loved the old AC series, this one despite its good gameplay, feels like a terrible step in the wrong direction for the series.

A Monumental disappointment, i dont know if i will ever return to this.
Todd-sama you fucked it up.

No controls could ever top this.

Everybody wrote this game off because of its wacky launch but it aged the best and its one of the best beatem up games of all time.

Underrated af, best Souls game.

Peak, this is the peak of fps multiplayer, if you didnt play this game you lost big time.