Very beautiful DLC with an awesome story.

Although I have never gotten into the older God of War games and couldn't follow the story very well, I still think it was great and felt like it was a good step forward in Kratos' story, accepting his past in a way. Christopher Judge did so well as Kratos once again.

For the gameplay, I've never been a fan of having to redo the same thing over and over again so I wasn't in to it that much, especially since you had to restart if you failed, but it was a good challenge and still well made.

I really enjoyed this game. I absolutely love samurai/ronin/japanese history stories and the fact it was all Yakuza characters made it even better. Now I have to say I am incredibly heartbroken and will not forgive RGG for killing off my favs. I cried like a fucking baby at chapter 13 because of that one death ARFGGFHFHDS I'm gonna be honest though the finale was kinda mid, especially that filler with Oryo like... I don't think anyone actually cared about her?

I enjoyed the gameplay a lot though and i'm excited to eventually get back on the game to do the side content.

i love you yamazaki and heisuke and okita and izo and hijikata

Absolutely loved this little gem.

I bought it years ago for like 15$ and finally decided to play because I felt sick and wanted to play something cozy and not too hard. I had a lot of fun playing it and got attached to Trico so much, the ending made me cry like a baby.

I don't know if the puzzles are easy or if I'm just too good at puzzles but honestly it doesn't bother me because as I said, I didn't want to play something too hard.

The music is fantastic, I didn't really have much trouble with giving orders to Trico, idk how people struggled so much cause Trico was most of the time doing what I wanted it to do.

Anyway. I love Trico a lot. My little baby. My pookie. My best friend. uwu

This review contains spoilers

Crisis Core... Absolutely fantastic story and fantastic cast of characters despite its others flaws.

Zack is such a fun, loveable protagonist so the ending always hurts deeply. He might leave his legacy to Cloud, but to me Zack will always be my favourite above him. He is very special to me and I love his and Aerith's relationship a lot.

Took me more than a year to finish this because I got a burnout from trying to play so many missions. They are very repetitive and I think there is waaay too much.

Soundtrack isn't as impactful as others, although there are a few songs that definitely shine through, especially "Why" because it is a song I have never forgotten over the years.

Anyway. This game is still very solid and it definitely always makes me cry.

ps : tseng needs to date me

Endwalker was my second favourite expansion after Heavensward. Loved everything from the story, the main cast, the music, the landscapes, the designs, just about everything. I absolutely loved Estinien continued growth through the story and loved his comedic moments, he just walked in and made the scions funnier by existing. Also G'raha was so awesome and had his very goated moments, as he deserves. The Zenos part (A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES) was peak too.

I absolutely love Footfalls, and Close in the Distance. Getting to that last zone with that song playing was such an experience and I would do anything to live it again.

Post-endwalker was also very awesome and it was nice seeing the First being included again in the balance. Zero is a very awesome character too, loved to see her growth! I hope we get to see more of her in the future.

Finally a good alliance raid story too! The first one I actually read through and the raids themselves were very awesome. (No I am not purposefully redoing Aglaia to hear Estinien's VA) I haven't yet finished the normal raids, but what I have witnessed to far has been amazing, the ascian lore we got was more than I expected.

ps: I need Estinien
ps again : Hydaelyn's design is PEAK. I can't stop thinking about it.

Very cool game! I loved pretty much everything in this game except the platforming part which felt a bit janky.

The characters were very cool, I loved Chai a lot (probably especially because he was voiced by the GOAT Robbie Daymond)

I loved the boss fights a lot. I loved the fact they all had different mechanics so it didn't feel repetitive and the visuals were pretty crazy.

The music was very cool too, especially loved the first boss song by Nine Inch Nails. Also the stage music for the finance part was kinda peak and the music for the boss too!

Controls and gameplay are super easy to take in hand which is a W and I love how the whole HUD moves with the rhythm, it's super helpful to start.

I would love to get back on this game in the near future to experience more of it!

ps: definitely didnt give chai white hair when unlocking costumization

My time on Mirror's Edge was :
1/3 "where do I even have to go"
1/3 of Inevitably falling to my death because I wasn't at that exact precise point/direction I needed to jump
1/3 actual fun parkour

Also the gun shooting and fighting in this game sucks even if it's just something mostly optional

Cool story and setting though

MASTERPIECE! From start to finish.

The beginning already gets you hooked and it barely even slows down except in maybe two chapters.

This game is quite an improvement from Yakuza LAD in almost every way. For sure, everything I had an ick with in Y7 was changed and I'm so glad of this.

At first I was kinda bummed on the circle and moving but then I realize that the more you level up, the bigger it becomes and I was happy not to be let down! Honestly the most fun turn-based conbat gameplay I have ever played! I was also soo so happy when they brought back fight cutscenes qtes!!!

Also the grinding is so much better than in LAD for both exp AND money. LAD's business management was so boring and repetitive to me but now you can get money so easily and in so many different ways too it was such a big improvement to me. I could talk about so many other improvements that changed everything to me but it could go on forever.

God this game was so much fun and I can't wait to continue playing because there is still SOOOO much I have left to do it's almost overwhelming but in such a good way!

I'm gonna be honest, I prefered Yakuza LAD's story and characters in general but obviously this isn't me saying Infinite Wealth's story was bad! It was not, it was incredible and it actually made me cry so often and at the end credits I literally cried like a baby I wasn't even sure why myself but god did I feel so many emotions.

Only kind of letdown was how much Joongi was put aside cause he joins your party so late!!! but I forgive it because they actually make him canonically aknowledge how he was left aside and how he was bored and he was angry about it so he just decided to participate without asking for Seonhee's permission and I think that's kinda awesome LOL

The music!!!! Oh my god. I have so many tracks I would love to mention. First that caught my attention was Perfect Encirclement. Then Defiant Charm, with the woman vocals, I was literally stunned! the Barracuda fighting music, Dwight's fighting music, the tracks Receive and Believe You, Impersonation, Giftiger Füllhalter (one of my faves)... I was so blown away. I absolutely loved Y7's soundtrack so the fact that Infinite Wealth's was as awesome made me soo so happy. Also let's not forget to mention the karaoke! My favourite is probably Suki ni nareru hito wo suki ni nareta naraba sang by Joongi (although Zhao's version is really good too) Both the eng and jp versions are just so good and Joongi sounds like an angel. Awake is also soo good and I was so glad to see Like a Butterfly back.

I could go on and on and on about this game and I will probably be back when I've completed more side stuff but what I've seen so far has been so awesome. Genuinely easily became one of my favourite games.

I almost forgot to talk about Dondoko Island but it is crazy to me how that is just a minigame... I would play that as a standalone. I am obsessed with it. I've already spend probably 10 hours on it.

Edit : Just got platinum and this game is so damn fun. genuinely. I don't think I've ever had so much fun and ever laughed so much playing a game

ps: joongi and zhao are still so so so hot and i need them so bad.

Started this, not knowing what I was getting myself into since Ubisoft has been pretty mid in the past years but the intro left me almost speechless. Had to put the game down for a while because I was playing other games but I somehow couldn't stop thinking about going back to Mirage and being excited to.

When I was finally able to go back to playing this game, I was a little bored on my first night of playing but the night after left me with a very good feeling after continuing the story and fully getting back into it and back into the gameplay.

Assassin's Creed games world building is one of the most incredible out there and I think it's what really made me have so much fun playing this game. I love how Ubisoft is always doing so much research and putting so much work into building such an amazing culturally accurate world.

The characters in this game are quite interesting although, the only real memorable characters are Roshan and Basim but I think it's quite enough since this game focuses on Basim. Plus the story isn't really long enough to develop more on other characters. Now, Basim was a very interesting character and so was Roshan and their relationship. I was really blown away getting towards the end because this is exactly one of the things I had missed in Assassin's Creed games. Moments that make the story memorable which was incredibly lacking in Odyssey and in Valhalla, so Mirage was definitely a step up.

The gameplay was honestly so much fun. The combat is pretty mid but this game obviously focuses on stealth so it does the job. Now the stealth gameplay is absolutely amazing and it truly made me feel back into the older days of the series and it was just genuinely so much fun infiltrating places and going for the kills. Plus, I was honestly really happy they brought back the kill opportunities from Syndicate as it was one of my favourite thing, especially the special kills.

Anyway, this was definitely not disappointing in the end and I'm glad I played this.

ps: basim step on me?
(definitely didn't buy the deluxe edition for the basim tiddies...)

That game was definitely a crazy ride. I bought it back in 2018 cause I kept hearing how good it was and such and it was on sale so I was like why not and I started playing and I had kind of a lot of trouble getting into it and I literally left the game aside for a long time before trying it again in 2021 and only doing a small part before giving up again.

But I recently felt like trying to actually play and finish it this time, even if I didn't have much of a good opinion on it and ended up having a lot of fun! Once I figured things out it became fun to play and after gaining experience in a similar type of combat, it was quite easier too.

I really enjoyed the world, the characters, the story and especially the music!

Some things I would complain about would be the hacking because why is it so messy and hard... I would've preferred mini puzzles of some kind or whatever lol and also I hated the map, and destination follow it was super weird and hard to figure out for me.

Definitely a game people need to experience though. And I will be playing Replicant soon enough and will continue to enjoy this series for sure.

ps: kinda hard to choose in between a twink and a hot mommy and an angry mommy...

Beautiful game, leaving you feeling so many emotions by the end.

This is probably one of the best looking game out there yet, that is one thing for sure and the characters, the story are wonderful but, the pacing is a bit... mediocre. A few chapters were really dragging and could've easily been cut short, especially with the amount of side content you have in the game, there was no need to drag the story and add so many details. I'm especially thinking about chapter 7 and 13. Longest chapters in history probably.

Didn't get to do much side content yet because I wanted to focus on the main story so I wouldn't get spoiled, but what I experienced was quite fun and definitely a pleasant surprise because I didn't think I would enjoy myself that much in the open world. Most of the minigames were pretty enjoyable too. I loved the parade and Loveless.

Combat was... something. Too much honestly. I'd rather if square enix could just keep it to turn based OR dynamic, not both because it really gets too much to handle. You have to think about so much and honestly the parrying/evading sucks. There are too many actions. Like. I would like to focus on one thing. Literally had to play the game on easy because it was too icky for me. I'm not saying I completely hated it but it's just too much overall.

The voice actors were all so good, and I'm especially thinking about Max Mittelman as Nanaki and the wonderful VA voicing Cait Sith. I grew to absolutely adore Cait Sith and I love that scottish accent so much. Matt Mercer was such a wonderful choice for Vincent too and I can't wait to see more of them. As for Aerith's VA, she definitely made me cry a few times lol.

The music was absolutely awesome and I already can't wait for it to be on spotify because I need to listen to these songs again.

ps : tseng should marry me
ps again : I probably cried everytime zack was on the screen

What an experience this game was! I was super excited to play this after finishing NieR Automata and immediately bought it. Took a while to arrive but once I was able to immerse myself in this world again I was absolutely amazed.

My first steps in this game and I stood around an hour just listening to Devola sing Song of the Ancients. Then spent another 30 mins in the Northern Plains just looking at the beauty of this game.

I felt so many emotions playing through this game. The story was amazing although after playing through it so many times, it can get a bit too repititive considering you can't skip whatever you've already seen. it does give you an opportunity to get stronger and farm for some materials and upgrade your weapons though but it makes the pacing a bit... rough.

I much prefered NieR Replicant's gameplay for sure. Being able to target the enemies and the movement was just in general much better to me. I also much prefered the more "medieval" feel of Replicant and also got quite more attached to Nier as a character than Automata's characters even if I loved them a lot, no one compares to the sweet boy that is Nier! (without forgetting his absolutely peak design)

The game is a bit hard to navigate without help, that is one thing for sure, but that is just Yoko Taro games I guess.

I loved the story, the characters, the worldbuilding and obviously the music. It's crazy how you get attached to some side characters that aren't too important to the story, especially after playing through the second part at least 3 times. I think my favourite place was always Facade because I really enjoyed the King's character. But then again I enjoyed Seafront although it's hard to appreciate it after the boat part, but especially after knowing Nier's backstory. I also love how they introduce different things in the game, when I did my first ending, I was always not expecting whatever was going to happen, loved the "unpredictableness" of it. As for the music, I really enjoyed it, no matter how many times I heard it. my favourite one will always be Song of the Ancients, I love when Devola sings it or both her and Popola and it hits harder in the ending during that one fight. I was also quite a fan of Blu-bird and obviouisly Kainé and Emil's themes.

Definitely trying to go for the platinum since it seems doable.

ps: I want to marry Nier.
ps again: yonah is so pretty...



Fantastic DLC, the visuals were, like usual, absolutely wonderful. So happy they gave us a blue sky again! Loved the aesthetics of Mysidia a lot, especially that village. Soken outdid himself, nothing new here, only goat behaviour.

My only ick was that leviathan fight... it was a bit too hard, especially that dps check. I had to redo it so many times and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Was waaay too close for comfort. And then you get hit by attacks that are so hard to evade too. Was a slight disappointment there but overall, still a good fight.

A. MA. ZING. game.
Call it recency bias or not I don't care. I loved this game. Just mix Yakuza, detective stuff and hot fictional men and we got a GAME.

Story was kinda starting slow but it is very quick to pick up and it just gets better and better the more you go on. The characters are amazing, the music is amazing, the gameplay is super fun, (aside from my usual dragon engine targeting ick).

One more thing I want to add.

That's it. Thank you for reading.