I don't care what people say. I loved Horizon a lot and don't remember having any big ick with it.

I absolutely loved this game's characters, especially Kotallo who was the best new addition to the franchise. Aloy was and still is an amazing main protagonist and I love how she's like a big f to people who hate women not "acting or looking womanly". To be honest most parts of the story were forgettable and the ending was kinda mid but I cannot overlook the cast, neither can I overlook the amazing diversity and inclusiveness. A win for LGBTQ+ people too.

The world is absolutely beautiful and I loved the new mechanics they added to this game a lot.

As usual the immersiveness is fantastic and the machines are such fun opponents to fight. I truly loved playing this game and I can't wait for the DLC.

I know how people had an ick with Aloy's backseating but it truly helped me because I get lost and distracted easily so it's a W for accessibility but sadly I don't think it was an option to turn on or off.

MASTERPIECE! From start to finish.

The beginning already gets you hooked and it barely even slows down except in maybe two chapters.

This game is quite an improvement from Yakuza LAD in almost every way. For sure, everything I had an ick with in Y7 was changed and I'm so glad of this.

At first I was kinda bummed on the circle and moving but then I realize that the more you level up, the bigger it becomes and I was happy not to be let down! Honestly the most fun turn-based conbat gameplay I have ever played! I was also soo so happy when they brought back fight cutscenes qtes!!!

Also the grinding is so much better than in LAD for both exp AND money. LAD's business management was so boring and repetitive to me but now you can get money so easily and in so many different ways too it was such a big improvement to me. I could talk about so many other improvements that changed everything to me but it could go on forever.

God this game was so much fun and I can't wait to continue playing because there is still SOOOO much I have left to do it's almost overwhelming but in such a good way!

I'm gonna be honest, I prefered Yakuza LAD's story and characters in general but obviously this isn't me saying Infinite Wealth's story was bad! It was not, it was incredible and it actually made me cry so often and at the end credits I literally cried like a baby I wasn't even sure why myself but god did I feel so many emotions.

Only kind of letdown was how much Joongi was put aside cause he joins your party so late!!! but I forgive it because they actually make him canonically aknowledge how he was left aside and how he was bored and he was angry about it so he just decided to participate without asking for Seonhee's permission and I think that's kinda awesome LOL

The music!!!! Oh my god. I have so many tracks I would love to mention. First that caught my attention was Perfect Encirclement. Then Defiant Charm, with the woman vocals, I was literally stunned! the Barracuda fighting music, Dwight's fighting music, the tracks Receive and Believe You, Impersonation, Giftiger Füllhalter (one of my faves)... I was so blown away. I absolutely loved Y7's soundtrack so the fact that Infinite Wealth's was as awesome made me soo so happy. Also let's not forget to mention the karaoke! My favourite is probably Suki ni nareru hito wo suki ni nareta naraba sang by Joongi (although Zhao's version is really good too) Both the eng and jp versions are just so good and Joongi sounds like an angel. Awake is also soo good and I was so glad to see Like a Butterfly back.

I could go on and on and on about this game and I will probably be back when I've completed more side stuff but what I've seen so far has been so awesome. Genuinely easily became one of my favourite games.

I almost forgot to talk about Dondoko Island but it is crazy to me how that is just a minigame... I would play that as a standalone. I am obsessed with it. I've already spend probably 10 hours on it.

Edit : Just got platinum and this game is so damn fun. genuinely. I don't think I've ever had so much fun and ever laughed so much playing a game

ps: joongi and zhao are still so so so hot and i need them so bad.

Geralt is father.

I first bought this game because I needed to buy another game to get free delivery LMAO. I started it and didn't enjoy it at first because I didn't understand how to play (CD Projekt make a game with a not so complicated gameplay challenge impossible). But once I had a friend to explain, it became easier and it became fun to play.

I love the characters and story. I love the open-world and the music. I love the customisation possible. I love Roach.

My icks though is that there's kinda a little too much content. It can feel long and boring, especially with the repetitiveness of the exploration. Also you have to finish certains side quests to be able to have all allies and I was not aware and that sucks. Overall, I still enjoyed it though.

I love the combat gameplay (idk anything about potions and bombs and stuff cause I wouldn't use those).

The lack of photo mode made me cry but at least they added that in the next gen version.

Anyway, leans on pile of crowns hey Geralt, whatcha doing baby girl?

Miles is just better btw.

I cannot even say in words how much I love the web swinging. I love playing my music on spotify and just swing for hours. I keep forgetting fast travel is a thing in this game.

The gameplay is fun and fights and mechanics are too.

The game is 4 star because the story was pretty forgettable ngl. I do remember they got a deaf character which made me so happy.

I loved it.

I love this Dante so much in particular and god is Nero so beautiful in this game and I love him too. But like Dante is flirting with me through the screen in this game. And I also love his design a lot. Plot was pretty good, just not as good as DMC3 which is why I'm going with a little lower rating plus the enemies and the whole backtracking and fighting the same bosses over and over again in the game.

But yeah. Dante. Marry me pls. I'm literally on my knees.

Game had a good start, got me hooked and then got bored until chapter 6-7. It was getting slow until you go back to Kamurocho and meet the one and only Han Joongi. From that moment on, story got me hooked again and it only got better and better!

It was truly an amazing experience and I the game had so many loveable characters. I liked the Hirose family guys a lot and also Someya too, he was an awesome character. As for Hirose and Kurusu? Fuck these guys. They even tried to make me feel sorry for them, but nuh huh!

Music was pretty banger too, especially Joongi's battle theme, Theory of Beauty. Easily one of my favourite tracks from the series!

Combat was pretty unbalanced too but honestly better than Kiwami 2 if I compare it since they are similar. Preferred overpowered Extreme heat mode to the OPness of weapons in Kiwami 2.

Honestly Kiryu towards the ending was so fucking awesome!! Really made me go WOAAH

Han Joongi should marry me btw. Literally screamed cried shaked throwed up everytime he appeared on my screen, especially when he spoke Korean. When he first walked on me and burned some guy's face off at the KBBQ I was already on my knees.

This game is so messy but I love it anyway? Obviously, it's a 2001 game so I'll go easy on it but in general gameplay was fine, just a little hard but eh that's DMC for you (i played on easy mode because idc) I had fun honestly. Knowing me, if this was 2001 I would probably be impressed. Just the camera angles sucked but capcom was known for those I guess LMAO.

Dante my pookie is so silly.

This review contains spoilers

Peak. Sony wins, once again.

I loved this game and I love the bickering in between Sam and Nathan. I honestly just love the sibling rivalry trope waaaay to much. Also Sullivan is still a peak character. I have to say Rafe Adler is one of my favourite villains. I just love how insane he is and I would let him step on me.

Nate is such a great protagonist and I love how him and I share that one braincell because sometimes I would say something and he would say it almost right after.

The final boss fight is amazing both for visuals and gameplay. Definitely top 3 best final bosses for me.

The game looks stunning, I love the world and banter. The music ate. The story is pretty nice. I love the ending I'm so happy Nate has his happy little family (dog included). Great way to end the franchise tbh.

ps: himbos always win.

Peak 3D Mario gaming.

This game has such fun vibes. The gameplay and mechanics are fun and most of the levels are fun and have great design. Some are obviously frustating, especially the comets but I forgive that.

I love listening to Rosalina reading the story. This was such a fun add to the game and the music is fantastic.

I honestly often think about this game. It's still the best Luigi's Mansion to this day.

It's so nostalgic and I remember being scared playing as a kid but I would still enjoy it so much.

note : finally Luigi got his own game, as he deserves cause he is the better brother.

Tbh it's not as bad as people say. Yeah it's pretty unbalanced and the plot sucks but hey, Dante is emo and sexy and has an amazing design, what else do you need? Also you can roll so easily and out of combat like Oot Link crossing the hyrule fields and that's really cool.

Don't care about your opinion, I like Genshin Impact and yes the game obviously has its icks but in general, it's fun.

I love how the more the game grows, the more they distance themselves from being a "botw copy" as people say and I love that for them.

The story is pretty good for now and the lore seems super deep and detailed and every character has its own detailed lore and I absolutely enjoy that and I can't wait to see more.

The music is honestly fantastic and it's definitely surprising for a gacha game.

The gameplay is pretty fun. You have a lot of characters with different gameplay so you can definitely find a few characters you like playing. The exploration is fun and honestly doesn't feel so repetitive and it's also quite rewarding.

The gacha system isn't as bad as people think. I think people just don't know how to save their primos and they immediately spend them whenever they see 160.

Endgame content isn't also as lacking as you think.

Now, one of my icks though is obviously the lack of diversity. I'm hoping it would get better but I doubt it's going to happen unfortunately. Also I hate how they keep adding bosses to the world when there's some bosses that only have 2 characters use their materials and then they throw these horrible bosses in the spiral abyss and most of the timer you can't even hit them (fuck you wenut and robot snake).

Also I think it's lacking co-op stuff to do. Why have a co-op mode if all you can do is just beat bosses and explore? Fortunately they seem to be adding things to do, like TCG and I hope to see more in the future.

Anyway, this was your Genshin Impact review by a totally normal Xiao, Itto, Ayato and future Baizhu main.


I don't care what people say, this game is one of my favourites. It has so many things I enjoy. I don't care it was left unfinished, I do believe my man Tabata did his absolute best.

I love the characters so much. They are well written. My favourite is Gladiolus and I poop on anyone who hates him because he's "an asshole" cause he's not, y'all just can't understand him.

Anyway the story was amazing and got me hooked. I cried to many times playing. And the Luna Noctis scene is absolutely beautiful and so well made. I don't understand how anyone can hate the story tbh it's great.

The music? It's Yoko Shimomura. That's all I need to say. girl ATE. She had her rent due.

The open world is fun and I don't care it kept making me jump instead of picking things up. Ignis' recipe line clears. I love the banter. I love the camping. I love the fishing. I love the enemies. I love the gameplay. Yeah. I love this game.

It is my number one comfort game I always go back to. I love the roadtrip vibes. I feel like I have friends and we're going on an adventure.

I have finished the game at a 100% twice so I know what I'm saying

ps : i am married to gladiolus. he's so hot. real gigachad.
ps2: cor is so father.

MASTERPIECE. This is gonna be a short review because it is what it is. A masterpiece.

I fell in love with Goro Majima. He is so beautiful to me. I need him. The only man ever with Kiryu.

ps: definitely didnt cry out loud like a baby when I finished chapter 14.... also definitely didnt cry at the end either.

zelda peak, once again. nintendo wins.

I have this thing for colourful Zelda games. I love the art style of this game too. I love the characters, I love the silliness of this game. The little comedic aspects with Link and Goose are great.

I love the story a lot and Ghirahim is one, if not the greatest Zelda villain ever. He is so insane, I love that for him. I love him so much he is my pookie, my baby girl. Anyway. Zelink are so cute in this game, I want what they have. Impa has an amazing design. Demise is cool and the final boss fight is amazing.

I give it 4.5 because the sealed worm (The imprisoned) scared the shit out of me everytime and still does. I hate that we have to fight him three times and he fucking climbs or FLIES?!?. Anyway.

The music is so nice. The lyre is kinda hard to play but I forgive that. The gameplay is so fun. I love the vaccum. Like whoever thought about putting a vaccum, I love you?. I loved cleaning that lady's house with it, it's so satisfying. I also love just swinging my net like crazy to catch bugs, animal crossing style.

Fi is great and I cried at the end, with Fi's gratitude playing.