I love rhythm games, especially if its ff music. I would say its missing some songs I would've loved to have on there but its still pretty complete and absolutely fun to play!

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I have much to say about this game. This game is better than Breath of the Wild in a few aspects but not better in others. Let me elaborate.

Because of the game not being linear, it leads to very repetitive cutscenes and a story that needs to be put together. It's incredibly messy and it makes me miss linear Zelda games dearly. Finishing a temple wasn't so satisfying because everytime you would be hit with "The Demon King? The Secret Strone?" and that was awful. Also the game let me do the Spirit Temple before I even finished the four others and that made my story even more messy because once I got to Purah and the sages they were like shocked I already found Mineru but I was also shocked myself LMAO I didn't know I was doing a temple until I was hit with the construct. Also being able to find the master sword and all before doing others things. I don't know. It stinks.

I dislike this messy, non-linear type of story. But if we ignore that stuff and put the story together is was pretty nice and touching, especially the ending and having Ganondorf back was awesome. I love actual villains (Ganondorf, Ghirahim, Twinrova, Demise...) in Zelda and it was lacking in Breath of The Wild.

I have to say, what was better than BOTW was the temples. Thank god they finally had different designs. Although I was disappointed by the Water Temple so much. I didn't enjoy the fact it was in the sky. When I went underwater to activate the waterfall, I thought THAT was the temple and it got me excited but when I found out it wasn't and did the Water temple I wanted to cry. It was horrible. Thankfully all the other temples were much better and also bosses, even the Water temple boss was terrible. I also hated the Spirit Temple boss. But yeah overall puzzles were fine, it's just that it was kinda boring all the dungeons were about activating or finding mechanisms. Again, it made me miss classic Zelda temples.
Overall, they were fun though, my favorite being the Lightning Temple I think. Although the Wind Temple music and boss were the best. I was also happily surprised by having Gohma as a boss for the Fire Temple and it was also a fun boss!

The Ganondorf boss was awesome too! It actually made me feel like I was playing a Zelda game. I loved it. i was so glad Ganondorf was finally back after so long. The music being a reminder of older games too was fantastic.

Exploration is pretty much the same as BOTW. Kinda repetitive but also a little more annoying because of all the mechanisms, especially in the sky. There are places I don't even know how to reach. Also the depths are scary and kinda boring. (I hate places in complete dark and having to walk, not even knowing where I'm going). Also, the exploration feels kinda heavy and messy.,but still fun, especially if you have adhd and you're insanely curious (this is how I found the Spirit Temple)

The characters are pretty cool, although I was annoyed when I first saw Yunobo and I was like "WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIM" but yeah turns out it was fine I guess. They still shouldn't have put that in there idk what Nintendo was cooking but it was not it. Riju is awesome, Sidon also, Tulin is a gigachad. I also loved the new characters a lot, especially Rauru and Sonia (they are so cute) Mineru was cool too.

The music is amazing, but that is not surprising coming from a Zelda game.

Anyway. I might have said a lot of bad things about the game in this review but it's still a very solid game and I do like being able to create anything and commit war crimes. It's very fun, but I will definitely be playing more casually from now on to try to 100% it (I have to 100% every Zelda game I cannot hold myself back).

ps: we don't talk about the gloom hands

Incredible experience from start to finish!

I wasn't so insanely excited for Final Fantasy XVI even after watching the trailers but once I played the demo, I was really hooked in and wanted to see and play more.

The intro was absolutely amazing, probably one of the best parts of the game to be honest. It got me really excited to continue.

One of my first thoughts playing it was how I loved the more mature turn to the series with this game. I like how dark it can get and how intimate I guess.

After getting into Devil May Cry a few months ago and having been playing mostly that, getting into FFXVI's gameplay felt super natural to me and also incredibly fun. It was pretty slow at the start but once you get your hands on more eikons, that's when the fun really begins. Trying to dodge and getting attacks in between. It's not only about the action it's also a little about strategy about having to think what ability to use or what to dodge and parry and it keeps you hooked in the fight. One of the downsides though is while all these abilities are incredible, there is sometimes so much going on with effects that you can't see anything and therefore it's hard to see incoming attacks. As much as I love colors and effects and I felt like I was on drugs like half the game, sometimes it was a bit too much and I would've loved to be able to dodge more instead of taking the attack in because I didn't see.

I like linear games and it made me happy to see FFXVI was linear but I feel like they didn't put much into their world and exploration and that is a little sad. Also as much as I like doing side quests, a lot of them were boring and shouldn't have been a thing. Sometimes games should not do so many side quests just to make their game longer. A few side quests were actually nice to do because either they had a nice (or very dark) story behind it or either they were in Clive's path during the main story and you didn't have to go out of your way to do them. Now, the side quests distribution was actually really bad because they just put a bunch of them, especially a lot towards the end where you don't want to do that many side quests because you want to finish the game cause it gets quite intense so cutting the experience with an insane amount of side quests is not good. I gave up when I had like 10+ side quests pop up right before the final fight.

As for characters, I actually liked the cast quite a lot. And the VAs did such a good job too. To be fair I wasn't sure about Jill and Clive's relationship at first because they are technically siblings but the devs made them feel more like friends and that was a relief to me. I absolutely loved Dion and the dragoons, I'm such a fan of dragoons. I loved how despicable some characters were. I loved how absolutely insane Barnabas was, especially during his fight. My favourite character though was Cid and I don't think I will forgive Square Enix. (He should've had a way bigger role).

Something I also need to talk about is the lack of having a party. Now even FFXV who is not turn-based was able to make your party members have a role and you could actually interact with them and even play them but in FFXVI, it's like Clive is alone, all you have is Torgal but I would've loved for it to feel less empty by at least having interactions with the numerous party members you get during the game. It was definitely lacking there.

The music was absolutely insane and honestly I would trust Soken with absolutely everything in my life. I could talk about that soundtrack for so long but I'll keep it short for this review lmao. But it was absolutely awesome and really got the ambiance perfect. Like during that Typhon fight, the music was more modern and it really showed the feeling of fighting an otherwordly being. Or the music in the tower to reach Barnabas, it really reminded me of the trials music from FFX, it really had those vibes and it was awesome.

The visual were incredible, the game looked amazing the whole length of it. I have to say my favourite fight still is Ifrit vs Typhon it was just absolutely awesome. As for my favourite cutscene, to be fair... Barnabas and Clive on top of that tower was awesome the visuals were so cool. But the game as a whole had amazing cutscenes. I also will not forgive Square Enix for breaking me two Final Fantasy games in a row. I definitely cried a lot.

I really need to end this review lmao but this was pretty awesome and it felt like Game of Thrones, LOTR, DMC and FF had a baby together (and I love all of those)

ps: the gays won yet again.
ps again : a lot of beautiful naked people, we stan

Not as strong as Heavensward, especially in the characters department but still quite good. Post Stormblood was actually awesome and that's when it actually got me hooked. Especially once Scaramouche's twin (Asahi) appeared (Without mentioning the very short parts where Estinien appeared which made me go feral but we don't talk about that). I loved Lyse's character development so much though, it was definitely one of my favourite things.

Most of the content wasn't particularly memorable though, except towards the end. Being able to play other characters during duty actually surprised me and it was fun, glad they added that. Now that one dungeon at the end where you have a few important characters was pretty cool (Would 100% do it anytime just to hear Aymeric say ''you underestimate me'' again)

Have to add that I really love the Azim Steppe and the Bardam's Mettle dungeon. The Azim Steppe was definitely my favourite part of the expansion.

Great introduction/re-introduction to new/old characters. Now I can't wait to get into Shadowbringers cause that transition from SB to ShB was amazing.

See you again for more simping.
-A dear Estinien/Heavensward men enjoyer

ps: I did the great hunt on extreme and the apparently very rare mount dropped and I got it. it was my first and only run. beginners luck? big W honestly

Absolutely amazing from start to finish. Loved the new areas, loved that the cast was mostly the original characters, Absolutely loved their new looks and also loved Thancred's character development.

The music was the best thing about this expansion. It was definitely the best for now. The battle theme, the dungeon boss music, the music of the Paglth'an dungeon was so incredible, and honestly that dungeon as a whole was literally my favourite ever because the cutscenes were incredible. (Definitely not because Estinien is there and we can hear some of his voicelines too). The fact that there is a lot of FFVIII music too made me soo happy. The Extreme Shadowbringers version is soo so good and I'm sad it only plays in the Extreme raid.

Normal raids story was really fun and Nier raids are so messy but I do like them even if I died a lot because of all the new mechanisms. The dungeons and trials overall were quite unforgettable.

Now I wasn't that much a fan of Ryne even if she was somewhat relatable but I feel like she kept crying, I've only seen her character development in the normal raids? I don't know. But I'm not giving 5 stars because of her. And also I kind of disliked the predictability of what was going to happen next in most of the story (Go in a new region to kill lightwarden yay!).

My favourite place was definitely Il Mheg (i call it scotland). Not necessarily for the pretty flowers (or urianger) but it just had a scotland vibe as a whole with the landscape and accents of the faeries. Also loved all these creatures, especially the Amaros, I had to pet them all.

As usual, post expansions are better and post shadowbringers was incredible. I kept laughing at the scions interactions and I was really happy to see Estinien again. He's so me. He's so funny.

special mention to gaius quest line, it almost made me cry

Fandaniel is so insane and the VA did such a good job I'm actually annoyed at him.

ps: definitely did not go feral at urianger and estinien. also definitely not discovered my love for catboys. (pls protect g'raha).

This review contains spoilers

Oh my fucking god. This DLC gave me literal chills. This was honestly so good and definitely bumped Cyberpunk 2077 as a whole up of my favourite games list.

The new characters are honestly all amazing and their relationship was so intricate and interesting. To be honest I wasn't so much for Songbird at first but once I chose her path and walked it, when you get in the car and she tells you she doesn't want to die, that really hit me so much and from that point on it's just so insane at the end, I didn't want to save myself anymore, I just wanted to see her safe on the moon and didn't want the NUSA to have her. Honestly was suprised by my own choice, considering I've always wanted V to have a chance at living and considering she had lied to us, but I really couldn't bring myself to abandon her right at the end, even if it meant ending Reed's life. And then watching her send off was so emotional. And then the credits song playing too. God dammit it fucking hit me so bad. Also I've always been a Johnny is such a narcissist asshole person but doing that ending kind of changed my perspective for some reason. And now I feel bad for him and I feel like I misjudged him so bad.

I did the deal ending too and god it was so bittersweet. I always wanted V to have a chance at life but having it felt somewhat so wrong, like throwing Songbird under a bus and V just having to give up the life he had, it felt so sad. He felt so hopeless in a way and man did it make me feel sad too because I love V so much and I could feel the pain of his life being completely turned upside down.

I have tried to do the betray Songbird route and let me tell you how much of a disappointment it was. I couldn't finish it because the game somehow turned into a horror game and I really can't handle that. Call it a skill issue whatever, the devs should've been careful about people who don't like horror. If I want to play horror I will buy a game advertised as horror. Now, I'm leaving my review of it to 5 stars because it wasn't the route I chose and might still be good, just the fact that I personally can't do it. Plus it does block me for 2 trophies but they are just trophies and those aren't blocking me to get the platinum since it's just dlc so I don't really care.

Nonetheless, this was peak storytelling. And obviously the gameplay was good, love the 2.0 update, the new skills rework refreshed the game so well.

The music was so amazing, special mentions to Phantom Liberty, Choke Hold by the man Idris Elba himself and Force Projection. And loved the song playing in the car with Songbird or the one playing when confronting Reed at the end.

Anyway. Man. I need some time to recover from that. I cried. I'm still in shock honestly.

ps: when I got back on the game for the DLC and just drove around again with my music playing on spotify just gave me such happy feels. i love this game. so much. i've always considered myself more of a countryside quiet type person but this game makes me crave the city, night life and such. i love being a gamer cause I get to experience things I wouldn't be able to or wouldn't bring myself to enjoy normally.

This is my entry to the Yakuza series and this game got me so excited to continue my journey. I absolutely loved it from start to finish. I initially bought this game because my friend sent a Han Joon Gi gif in the chat and I needed to know more about the man and here I am now.

The characters were all so amazing and I was especially surprised to find out about Zhao! He's definitely my favourite with Joongi, I love how insane he is and I love his design and I love both his ENG and JP voices actors, they were both perfect casting. (robbie daymond supremacy!!!). Kasuga is such a good protagonist and I also love how they portrayed the women in this game, like RGG is absolutely eating this up damn!

From chapter 1-11 I was playing in Japanese, until I switched in chapter 11 to finish with the eng dub because of Robbie Daymond and let me tell you how much I loved both of them so much. Kasuga's english voice actor surprised me so much he was excellent. I absolutely loved Matt Mercer as Majima too and only realized it was him after the credits! His laugh was awesome. Everyone did so well I got really emotional at times! Also Joongi's english voice really grew on me over time, he sounds so cute in the dub I love him so much. And then in JP you have... gojo satoru and it's as awesome.

The music is really fantastic, the karaoke too (my personal favourite being Hell Stew because Robbie obviously ate that one up). War maker, Yokohama crackhouse, Answer from Geomijul.... I could name so many of these battle themes, honestly this game is definitely on top of my list of games with the best battle music along with FFX.

I loved the bond stuff, I loved the substories, the comedy, the minigames, everything was so fun!

Some of my icks were the repetitiveness of the business management, pretty boring to farm for money, sadly. Also I don't remember which chapter it was but the one you go through the whole underground was so unnecessary! And lastly is the Tendo fight, super long, boring and badly made but I'll forgive RGG cause they usually don't do turn-based combat.

The story just got better and better the more you went on in the game. From the moment you met Han Joon Gi, I got really hooked it and then even more later on with all those awesome characters and plot twists and such.

I'm insanely excited to continue my adventure and I will be playing Yakuza 0 right after. I'm already excited to reach Infinite Wealth once it comes up so I can see more of my dear pookie bears I love so much. But I will definitely enjoy 0 to 6 and Gaiden and then enjoy Infinite Wealth even more!

Edit after playing more to get the platinum. I fucking love this game to death. Upping my rating to 5 stars.

MASTERPIECE. This is gonna be a short review because it is what it is. A masterpiece.

I fell in love with Goro Majima. He is so beautiful to me. I need him. The only man ever with Kiryu.

ps: definitely didnt cry out loud like a baby when I finished chapter 14.... also definitely didnt cry at the end either.

Fantastic game, as usual.

Story wasn't as strong as Yakuza 0 but still pretty good. Nishikiyama was awesome in this game, he really stood out.

Had some icks with the combat gameplay and missed playing breaker majima but it was still awesome!

Majima everywhere is the most peak thing in this game and the pole dancing part sent me to heaven way too early. Goro Majima. that's all I have to say.

Kiryu and Majima's relationship is also very peak. I want what they have

Game was good overall, except I had such an ick with the combat gameplay, it didn't feel good at all and was so unbalanced. I was playing easy and fighting with my sole fists was making the game so hard for no reason and fighting with weapons made the game so easy for no reason. Playing Majima's story and having his gameplay felt so good I wanted to ditch Kiryu in the trash for a moment LOL

At least the combat music was peak and made me want to twerk idk

The story was really good though and I was happy to finally hear about the Jingweon mafia (I will eventually meet yakuza 6's Han Joongi and love him). Hated Ryuji at first because of that first fight I had to restart like 3 or 4 times but the moment you meet him in Castle Osaka, I started loving him, what a gigachad.

Daddy Kiryu is so real.

Cried again, both end of the main story and Majima's story. Makoto and Majima continue to have a hold on me and keeps breaking my poor little heart.

Also Majima saved everyone's ass like 3 times in this game, he deserves some recognition but please... no more construction helmet, Majima.

This was the most confusing and chaotic game but who doesn't love a little bit of that?

Kiryu being a dad was so wholesome and I loved those parts. Game had a pretty bad pacing, but I still enjoyed it. Combat was fine overall. Kazama was so random but also fitting? Idk I'm still confused about this game.

What's mostly saving this game is Majima in a suit with a red shirt. very hot. Also chapter 9 moment is peak. Only he would pull up in a pink truck, saving both Kiryu's ass and saving me from the boredom that was that chapter.

Mine was a cool character, hated the other two though, but I mean who doesn't hate them anyway lol. As for Rikiya? The goat. I loved him.

ps: Karaoke was kinda lacking in this game, I'm devastated

Super slow start with Akiyama, I was kinda bored, even fell asleep one time when I was just standing in a rainy Kamurocho.

Once you get to part 2, it gets way better though and things finally start to make more sense the more you go on in the story. Munakata was an ass character though and the final fight against him is so mid but I enjoyed the rest. Not much a fan of having a game separated in parts and have more than 2 playable characters like this but it somehow worked kinda. It just sucks you have to kinda "learn" a new fighting style everytime.

My favourite was Tanimura and I also have to mention how much I had missed Kiryu even if it was a short time in between.

ps: Tanimura should show up again in a future Yakuza game pls RGG

Wow, that was quite an experience. Definitely an upgrade from the other two remasters in terms of story and combat. Having longer parts was nicer and the way the stories all connected with everyone ending up in Kamurocho was really nicely done.

Especially loved Haruka's part because I love rhythm games

Also... Majima my man... please give him a break

Game had a good start, got me hooked and then got bored until chapter 6-7. It was getting slow until you go back to Kamurocho and meet the one and only Han Joongi. From that moment on, story got me hooked again and it only got better and better!

It was truly an amazing experience and I the game had so many loveable characters. I liked the Hirose family guys a lot and also Someya too, he was an awesome character. As for Hirose and Kurusu? Fuck these guys. They even tried to make me feel sorry for them, but nuh huh!

Music was pretty banger too, especially Joongi's battle theme, Theory of Beauty. Easily one of my favourite tracks from the series!

Combat was pretty unbalanced too but honestly better than Kiwami 2 if I compare it since they are similar. Preferred overpowered Extreme heat mode to the OPness of weapons in Kiwami 2.

Honestly Kiryu towards the ending was so fucking awesome!! Really made me go WOAAH

Han Joongi should marry me btw. Literally screamed cried shaked throwed up everytime he appeared on my screen, especially when he spoke Korean. When he first walked on me and burned some guy's face off at the KBBQ I was already on my knees.

Absolute masterpiece. From the story, to the characters, the combat, the side content, the music, even the costumization were all on point.

At first I wasn't sure if the price was worth it since it's a short game but it definitely is. There's really tons of stuff to do and it's very engaging and fun. The mention of past characters that Kiryu encountered in his life and such, even in the substories was so cool.

The combat was definitely my favourite of the whole series. I loved the gadgets since they added something more to the fights instead of just punching my way through and it was much easier for big groups of enemies which is something I was often struggling with in previous games.

The music was so much fun, especially in the Coliseum menu, it made me want to spend hours there, and talking about the coliseum, it's been really awesome. I usually dislike this kind of content but they made it so much fun in Gaiden, especially playing with Majima! So glad they added 3Jima as playables.

Being able to costumize Kiryu and the fact you could see the outfit you chose even in important cutscenes was so awesome and I really hope they make more of that in future games. Especially since they even included that content for sidequests.

The characters were all super awesome. I loved Akame, Hanawa, Tsuruno, Shishido, Nishitani... I really hope we get to see more of them eventually!

The fight at the end where 3Jima and Kiryu all remove their shirts made me go like AAAAAAAH and it was incredibly peak.

I cried so much at the end, almost as much as 7 and 0. Something about Kiryu breaking broke me and I will never be the same after this

ps: definitely didn't costumize Kiryu to be similar to Zhao