What can I say?
I couldn't stop playing it.
Every time there was dialogue, I could pick a choice on what to do, always being in control of what my character does, reflecting my own personality and feeling truly immersed.

My first 5/5 in this platform and we'll deserved.


Very average and short. Gameplay is the least important part, it's more of a short story.

Couldn't really beat it, I need to get good 😭

Great story but very very repetitive bosses and the combat never really clicked for me, a bit slow.

Hot girl, fun combat, amazing story.
A bit repetitive and graphics are pretty outdated however it's a highly enjoyable game.

Loved this game. Unique concept, nothing like it out there. It's fun and challenging, and feels very rewarding with every level you accomplish.

This is the kind of game I would make someone that's not usually a gamer, try to beat, because it doesn't take high gaming skills with keyboard or a controller, it just requires you to understand some basic mechanics and use a lot of logic and brain power.

Though it feels kind of slow and I hate how you can't decide anything regarding the story, it still is a masterpiece in story telling and the world is the most beautiful I have seen in a game.

It's minecraft, what can I say? The most successful modern game ever. Put more hours into it that any other game, possibly all my top 5 most played games combined.

When it launched, there was nothing like it. Though it was very short with it's story missions and side quests were non existent, the exploration and puzzles alones were enough to make you fall in love with it.

Amazing stand alone game, tho it barely changed from the previous one and it all feels more of the same but improved.

Best bosses and amazing combat. Great exploration.