9 reviews liked by Lyrax

Ok, I didn't expect to give a gacha game such a high rating but... bear with me with this one. I started playing last week and I was surprised with the quality on this one.

The fact that every character is, AT LEAST, animated at the main screen/home page and not being really a large app or performance consuming was... a really good surprise.

It's a gacha game, so, being salty and shit it's already common at this point. At the time I started playing, they added a pity system and getting the summon coins isn't... that hard. Being a F2P, however, means that you have to plan ahead, but if you aren't, well, just spend it already.

The gameplay is really interesting as well. The grid system, the different character classes and all... it's a good package: you have to think to progress further at some stages, and the endgame content seems challenging enough to keep me around.

The major problem with this game are the minority loli-ish/jailbait shit characters. God, I hate them SO much. They're at the game for one reason: and I hate it. At the other side of the coin, there are really cool-looking characters.

If you like strategy-based games, you should probaly check this out. Of course, search if there's any character that you like beforehand and if it's worth to get into a gacha game.

I'm still around to get all the male characters, logging rarely to get primogems and go to the banners. That's it.

The landscapes and the soundtracks are >REALLY< good, but... that's about it. Boring MP and exploration gets... really tiring, especially if you're trying to get all chests to farm gems.

But yeah, probably the game that boosted gacha to the mainstream.

This game is really, really well made. There isn't that many games that let you do whatever you want in a mission and accomplishes the way Dishonored does, it's just fantastic.

Even with Corvo being a silent protagonist (he doesn't 'talk' that much, only when some choices are made), you grow attached to him. His downfall hurts throughout the whole campaign and his ascension is satisfying.

It's important to mention the level of gameplay and plot details for a game released in 2012. Unique assassinations for each target, dialogues and the whole city situation that changes depending on your 'route' (being at low or high chaos). Its replay factor is here, but one playthrough may be enough.

In my opinion, though, the only, BIG QUOTE, problem, is the absence of methods on doing non-lethal runs. It is hard and really rewarding when you do it, but normally you are limited to sleep darts (10 per quest), Bend Time (at level 2, which you get at the last quests because of the price) or just being really good at stealth gaming (in my case, I'm not!). Still, when you do it, it's really rewarding.

The world building is top-notch and I personally liked the hud aesthetic and the way characters were drawn. It just completes really well the atmosphere and the complete feeling this game brings.

For as much shit as I give RE 7 I at least had fun playing that game, RE 0 was just a chore to get through.

+Atmosphere is just as intense as any of the first 3 classic RE games
+The story was interesting and builds upon the pre-established RE lore of the classic games in a cool way and overall has that B-film camp that I want from RE.
+The main antagonist is absolutely ridiculous in the best possible way and he looks like a Final Fantasy character (Some people would call this a negative, but I loved it)
+Rebecca and Billy are very likable protagonists
+The level design was good and I enjoyed exploring it, especially the Umbrella Training Facility which felt very reminiscent to the Spencer Mansion of the original Resident Evil. Also the puzzles were good too.

-One of the worst game design choices in all of history is this game having no item boxes. That one simple design choice almost makes the whole damn game unplayable. Having to completely empty your inventory in a room and then backtrack to that room later to pick all those items up again is absolutely NOT FUN and just obnoxious padding and a waste of time.
-Partner A.I. can be pretty inconsistent at times not attacking when they should or getting in the way when you're trying to move objects
-Constantly switching between the 2 different characters gets super tedious
-Most enemy design is very bland aside from a couple like the leech humanoid or the Proto-Tyrant

Overall the game has a lot of good things about it that I like and has a lot of unique ideas for its time, but it fails to execute them in an enjoyable way and it results in an experience that just isn't fun. If someone told me they quit playing partially through the game or that they just skipped it altogether I really couldn't blame them.


the last third of the game is very sus

minimap sucks balls, probably one of the worst designed in a modern game since doom 2016. In a game with a heavy, HEAVY emphasis on exploration, you would expect they would playtest their minimap trying to find stupid ass abscesses while considering vertical layers. why the map is like this is just beyond me

it sometimes tries too hard to be nocturne, for no reason other than 'its the game everybody talks about with the funny compressed music and hard boss fights.'' Say what you want about SMTIV, but it is entirely its own thing

the maps are very clearly overrecycled, but at least the songs and colors make them feel different enough

soundtrack is fantastic, they really knocked it out of the park. Some of the best work in the series yet

the art direction bruh omg its so good, the new demon designs are lit bruh on god frfr nahobino is the most attractive character in the entire smt persona series

the gameplay is rock solid, an amalgam of all the good things about previous SMT games. If i had to change anything, i would only bring whisper back

One of my first horror experiences and couldn't be better. It's the perfect package and embodies the experience of being a S.T.A.R.S. at a uneasy mansion like the Spencer one. The Ink Ribbon system is really neat, with the inventory-system having it's flaws, BUT makes sense.
Every S.T.A.R. member it's interesting at its own way and I just like every one of them.
But I physically couldn't pass the Spider Room or any room with spiders, AT ALL. Fuck Black Tiger, I hate you.
Great game nonetheless, looking forward to playing the others!

"This is really the end. The summer vacation was over before I knew it."

This game was... certainly something. It started just as 'oh, this looks cool' to '...this was a blast'. Blue Reflection: Second Light is a story about a summer vacation which, well, has to end sometime.

The game is good. Really good. I started, also, with some fear of the fanservice that people talked about, but besides the DLC content and some... butt shots, it wasn't that big of a deal.

This game is surprisingly beautiful with its graphics. The atmosphere, the soundtrack... everything is tied up with such a intimate storytelling for each one of the girls that you met. The battle system is really, really fun and somehow strategic on how you use your actions: and how the enemies can screw up your Ether management.

If you are suspicious because of the 'cute girls fighting evil', really, there's SO MORE behind that. The first seven chapters (of eleven!) consists on character introductions and, at the beginning, I was really afraid that the story was going just to be around Ao (she's a good character too!), but every girl has its moments and deserved screentimes. There's a trope for each one of them that you probably will like: the 'loving sister', the 'hype machine', the 'calm collected one' and many more: it's really easy to like one of them, but it's really more easier like every single one of them. The girls have their own insecurities, fears and hopes and, even if your favorite doesn't have that many screentime, don't worry, she can be developed with the Date system and, if she's on the battle team, furthermore with the Talent system.

Happily, this game doesn't use, at any moment, a queerbait approach to a school full of girls, which was also one of my main fears. Their interactions are just something pure-ish, things girls of their ages would say to one another. You, as player, cannot have any romance options, but two characters will enter in a relationship (which is NOT in a friendly way, in a romantic way), but no spoilers! See for yourself!

If you feel that the game is slow, well, it really is. DON'T RUSH IT or you'll get super exhausted of its mechanics and the sidequests. Play at a chill pace and enjoy at it fullest: it's a summer vacation, and will end sometime.

If you get lost at any point of the game, use this site: https://barrelwisdom.com/second-light/faq (NOT MINE!) to get some advice from the FAQ or the Items list, it'll be useful sometime.