I fuck with this game heavy.

I like the combat a lot, i feel like it's a nice departure from the original one? It works for different reasons. I like Aerith. I really like that they gave a lot of personality to characters that in the original just had flavour text. I like Aerith. I like the idea of narrative ghosts that only appear to put you in the path of the original plot? I appreciate that they're addressing the narrative changes in-game, i guess. I don't like the ending and i think some deviations work in its detriment, though. I'm not convinced with the way they're writing Sephiroth either, because he feels less like a character and more like a narrative plot bit that you can see.

I really like the game overall, i think it's charming. I like the characters and their banter so just spending time in that world hanging out in it of itself was entertaining for me. It's nice.

And also i really really like Aerith.

This is one of the worst pieces of shit games i've ever played. I LOVE it.

Skipping the dialogue this hard makes me feel like an actual speedrunner.

Every day i wake up wanting to blow up oil rig infrastructure.

When i joined the [Xbox 360] we didn't had [Keyboard&Mouse] we had [controllers]! Two [controllers] and [no internet cable]! And we had to share the [TV via splitscreen].

I don't understand why i love this game so much, but i do. And i love my monstruous daughter too, she keeps eating the crayons.

I wish i was good at racing games.

These games are so good they frustrate me. The amount of incredibly well written worldbuilding, characters and lore on display here is astounding. Ignoring the obvious praise that tends to go to the decision making mechanics carrying over for each game, and the general relationships with characters and all that-- This universe is so dense it's impressive. There's so much going on in the background i never stopped thinking about it while playing them. There's just so much, the games feel small by comparison.

I really love this universe, regardless of what i think of the games themselves i just can't not recommend them. These remasters are the best way to play them, too. Some have aged better than others, but oh my lord; the writing.

This game feels like wizardry to me, it's like magic to me. How the actual fUCK can you have this amount of systems in place simultaneously on a game THIS big without everything breaking down? How? Like, i prefer BOTW but that just speaks to the quality of these games. How do you code this.

Game so good it invented a genre.

There's a designated quack button.

This game has aged so well it rivals recently developed arcade flying titles. It's honestly worth playing just for the soundtrack alone.

It's my favourite version of Tetris. It's incredibly hypnotizing, the music's great, and i'd only hold on recommending it to photosensitive people cuz the amount of flashing lights going on is absurd.

Also it's super hard? Like immensely hard, even on Normal difficulty? This is not a complaint though, i love that, but yeah, fair warning for that too. It's difficult, pretty looking, and (very) addicting.


This game is so immensely solid it makes it look effortless. What the fuck. There's so much here and all of it is so good and well made. Literally everything, all of it is. What the fuck.