Finished my DMC4 replay.
As all DMC goes(apart from DMC2) it got the goat ass gameplay, COOL AF character with over the top, cool af yet the most DMC like Cutscenes and story, in DMC history. and level design and boss fights are also goat at least for the 1st Half.
2nd half is where my issue is we backtracking from nero last level to his 1st level, with same boss fights which are fine ig cuz Dante gameplay and his character rocks but still a lazy thing to do and 2nd last mission we are again repeating the main 4 bosses.
overall its not my fav DMC but it is still great cuz as I said its fucking DEVIL MAY CRY

Finished my replay of Evil West.

Gotta say its a games that pushes beyond its weight in terms of gameplay, enemy variety’s and story presentation.

The Level design is pretty basic with light exploration and environmental puzzle, The story is pretty B-movie cowboy vs vampire stuff, it do its job, pretty serviceable, nothing extra ordinary.

But you know whats extra ordinary is its gameplay and enemies variety, game keeps on introducing new weapons, upgrades path for each, and introducing new gameplay abilities, at a steady paced so gameplay keeps on feeling fresh, same with bosses and enemy encounters, although by the end it do get little bit repetitive with throwing as much enemies but with that gameplay it dont feel as annoying, also them cutscenes do feel great to watch tho cgi in them pretty high end.

The main flaw of the game is that its artstyle is pretty basic graphically okaish and some animation system especially related to platforming is not as polished, given its AA game not a huge issue.

but what is huge issue is that I have many bugs where I have to restart the game sadly.

In short this game is not trying to change gaming landscape just trying to be fun and it achieved that with flying colors

good game with amazing combat, good story, good side character development and great enemy design, the only weakest part of the is it's level design which is basically the problem of almost every action JRPG
solid 8/10
side characters are typical anime like so there's that but if anyone is into anime type games highly recomment it
combat is by far superior and is in my top 10 of all time.

So i officially dropped the Suicide Squade, played 4 chapters out of 7, and got nothing positive to say.
This game is totally utterly a disgrace to all the Rocksteady previous works.

The VISUALS are bland af there is no distinctive artstyle like ARKHAM games, and fedelity wise its pretty mid looking compare to other games even Arkham Knight.

The GAMEPLAY is a downgrade the traversal the gunplay the abilities the progression everything is
mindnumbingly brainless its like i'm on autopilot when i play this game, compared to ARKHAM games where every hit every counter feels satisfying, the traversal was engaging and challenging and it was most of all FUN

STORY ohh boi out of my 4-6 hours of playtime i can say only 10 mints were worth it, story wise one scene with Baatman other one with WW cuz that interaction was legit funny af. The story feel generic af, the writing is mid the character although have some moments can end up feeling like annoying.
And had one boss fight against flash and big GUN both were pretty mid.

The MISSION DESIGN AND STRUCTURE fuck this lame ass generic ass bullshit live service mission design, go protect this kill same enemies go destroy these same tower that u been destroying for the past 5 hours, The open world is empty no life in it, is filled with bunch of generic live service things to do.
every combat encounter feel the same no variety what so ever same purple glowy enemies man

What a fucking pathetic mess of a game this shit is

Finished Tekken 8 Story mode, Man what a joyful walk down memory lane, Tekken 3 was 1 of the 1st 3 games i started playing back in the days on my Pantium 3 PC, the countless hours of playing as jin kazama, and Pual was Peak Entertainment, and also lots of nostalgia with tekken tag 2 playing against my Best friend.
As a huge fan of Jin kazuma back in the day Tekken 8 was a must for me, it has the gold GAMEPLAY that tekken is known for, the STORY is WACK af, the visuals are one of the best in fighting games looks phenomenal and what an amazing PC PORT with phenomenal performance.
and Special Mention to the OST these SONGS and the OST that playing during key moments can bring HYPE and make u feel things that u could'nt u can feel during a Fighting game campaing.
Solid 9/10 very fun game, and a great trip down memory lane.

LOG date LONG LONG LONG time ago,
Bought my 1st PC Pantium 3, and played this game via emulator and love the shit out of it, countless hours of FUN and non stop playing as JIN and PAUL.
Tekken 3 was 1 of 1st 3 games I played and is basically my child hood and loved every single second of it.

Finished POP the lost crown.
POP ahhh the reason I started gaming back in the day was because of POP sand of time trilogy, the reason why I love 3rd person action adventure games, when it was 1st revealed that POP the lost crown was going to be 2d Metroid vania I was really skeptical cuz I have bad track record with Metroid vania they could’nt keep me engaged with their heavy focus on platforming and backtracking, But if there’s any game that gonna made me finish a Metroidvania it’s POP, and man I am glade that I did.

The lost crown have the perfect balance of combat encounters, platforming, puzzle solving and boss fights, even back tracking is fun with its clever shortcuts, the level design truly shines through.

GAMEPLAY is super responsive and Polished to the last bit, can’t believe Shitsoft(ubisoft) made this game, the COMBAT started out simple yet deep enough with its parry and slide and bow but as the game progresses it introduces new some mechanics (that should be experience first hand) and diff combos with those mechanic make it the most versatile combat system ever easily top 5 combat system for me.

PLATFORMING is challenging but awesome, the new mechanics and power really make the platforming so much engaging. it just feels good to move around the animation system they have is amazing.

The platforming and power related PUZZLE DESIGN is also something to marvel at, The game make u think more often, and when u get through a particular puzzle section it feel satisfying af.

LEVEL DESIGN is like u take from soft souls like levels and convert them into 2d Metroid vania, with interconnected map, cool and sensible shortcut to make back tracking more fun and less tiresome.

The ANIMATION SYSTEM here had to be one of the amazing feature of this game, the heavy emphasis on it being anime like, with amazing over the top anime finisher when u parry an upcoming special attack.

STORY is well written and told like it is 3d action adventure game with fully voice acted, motion captured cutscene, with these bombastic action scenes straight from anime, but its weakest point is the main protagonist SARGON lack any personality that made u care for him and the side characters are barely present and lack some emotional beats, but the story is Antagonist he is the star of the show his story the twist the turns his motivation and the final act really make this story memorable. The execution can rival any 3d AAA story driven game, and can practically shit on every other Metroid VANIA out there

The VISUAL DESIGN is also amazing, every area is distinct full of color, its just perfect all around.

The OST oh man it truly sounds like a POP game, no rap music from reveal video thank GOD, it is through and through Persian type OST.

The last but not the least the BOSS FIGHTS oh man these boss fights are freaking next level, they all have distinct attack pattern and it feel satisfying to learn and beat the bosses. (quick not the diff really ramp up on last few boss fight tho)
Overall I would say this game won me over, and this had to the best game ubisoft put out since FarCry 3.

Final verdict would be eaily a 10/10, highly recommend it, this game truly shows what AAA 2d metroidvania looks like and set new standards for the genre, and I am happy to report this game is easily top 15 GOA for me personally and GOTY of 24 so far FF7Rebirth need to impress me helluva lot more to win now.

Finished COD Black ops:Cold War, Cool little campaign, that tries to pull nostalgia strings with some returning characters, and downright the same opening as BO1, it tries to pay homage to the OG BO1 campaign but sadly it did not reach the heights of BO1 and 2, don't have any iconic missions, supporting characters that remain memorable or left any marks, even Vietnam missions were not as great as BO1,2 and the antagonist is just whatever no interaction with him whatsoever, compare to BO1,2 where the villains were very threatening and front and center of the story, and the last plot twist hold no candles to "THE NUMBERS"
IT's just a waste of a cold war storyline.

Holy shit what a blast this was compare to part 1, the whole doomguy arc, the last chapter is some Avenger endgame level shit, the levels were amazing, new enemy variety is good, hammer is amazing,
The Perfect pacing/balance of gameplay and levels is back, ost also really good, and end boss fight also good, really love the experience SOLID ass ending to DOOM SAGA.
easy 9/10.

Finished DOOM eternal Ancient God Part 1 DLC, gotta say as a die hard DOOM ETERNAL fan kind of a letdown at the start, 1st chapter/level out of 3 total was horrible to say the least, OG DOOM eternal had perfect gameplay pacing/balancing, the right amount of exploration, platforming and combat sections, But this 1st level through all of it out of the window, it's just fighting multiple waves of enemies in a same arena twice or thrice, the level was way shorter and only dragged out by repeated combat section to the point where it loses all its adrenaline rush, but the next two levels were good, to say the least, the levels were big enough good platforming and combat scenarios, sadly not as pitch-perfect as the base game,
the new addition to this DLC was some new enemy types, one of them soul possessing demon which kinda of annoying rather than amazing.
The last boss fights 2nd phase was also annoying as it used the same soul-possessing type of enemies.
Also the ost is good get the job done but it ain't on the level of MICK GORDON.
OVERALL Kind of a let down would say 7/10.
GOOD cliffhanger tho

Finished my replay of my GOTY 2020 DOOM ETERNAL, if there is any perfect game out there this is it, it has the perfect gameplay pacing ever, the exploration, the platforming the combat everything is perfect down to last bit.
The combat have so many layers strategy, and is challenging af, every enemy have certain weaknesses to certain weapons, you moving all over the arena, killing 100 of demons and strategizing your next move to get health, armour or ammo pickups. No other game came close to this level of adrenaline rush blood pumping satisfying combat.
The gameplay do have a lot of variety with good platforming and explorations and other stuff.
This is the only game where finding collectible is fun af, cuz you solving light environment puzzles secret pathways, no other game achieved this level of satisfaction in exploartaion.
OST Man o Man, hands down MICK GORDON (the man the myth the legend) made this game what it is with his iconic blood pumping, adrenaline rushing and demon slaying music, the music in itself is what made this game so great.
And this is worthy inclusion to top 10 Best games of all time.

Finished ROBOCOP, This is through and through a AA game, it might not have the best written and acted dialogue but the love, the passion and the effort of developers for this world and this IP shine through, the level of detail they put into making this world as close to movies is praise worthy on its own it’s just pushes beyond its weight.
This has to be one of the most satisfying 1st person GAMEPLAY, Game kept itself fresh by continuously introducing Unique levels, Many enemy types and amazing boss fights, throughout its run time.
Story is also really good, with good jokes like the movies, the twist the turns its not the deepest of stories but this surely feels like a sequel to ROBOCOP 2 that we deserve, Idk what budget this game had but I can say this forsure they make every penny worth.
It do have some issues, ok side quest, some jank here and there, and bad optimization(as it goes with Unreal engin 5 titles) But that don’t take away from how badass of a game this is.
This game is made by and made for the fans of ROBOCOP and a must play for the fans. And Sleeper hit for me.
Solid 8/10

Finished Dead space remake, and let me say in a year where we got two of the best games in horror survival genre DS remake really stand no chance, it don’t have that well paced action gameplay like re4 and it certainly don’t have a phenomenal story like Alan wake 2.
Overall game is good, ATMOSPHERE is great, VISUALS really good but sadly hitching is big issue on pc even on 100+ fps, SOUND is good, and STORY whatever.
GAMEPLAY have lots of potential, like I still think OG DeadSpace is very much playable to this day, the improvement are good sadly not enough it somewhat limiting, like u can only equip 4 weapons at a time and can’t quick swap with other, cuz going to inventory don’t pause the game, so good chance that u can’t experiment a lot with diff weapons.
LEVEL DESIGN and levels are mix bag cuz of always feels like you’re walking in a corridor, and MISSION DESIGN is also repetitive af doing same objective again and again.

Finished Alice Madness return, Man this game had so much potential, the Highs of this game are really high, the visual, the Gothic artstyle, the music and enemy variety is Amazing like Top of the line.

The gameplay is also aged amazingly well, Alice moves like a dream, the controls are responsive, combat although very basic but its satisfying and with different enemies requiring different strategies it never gets old.

but ALAS the game have big issue like with its levels they look amazing, but each Main chapter which there are 5 of them stretches out and dragged out to death, each chapter going from 2 to 3 hour, especially Chapter 3 where i almost dropped the game cuz it goes for 3 hour, and gets boring, reptitive platforming and puzzle design just hurts the game too much.
so overall i would say 7/10

(man if psychonauts dev made creative levels and platforming section for this game it would've been one the best Action platformer out there thats how much it got potential)

I fell in love with this series when Yakuza 0 1st launched on ps4, the characters the world and the gameplay, although not perfect but grabbed me so much that i just played for hours on end and loved it, and Played kiwami, kiwami 2 and Y6 on release date, and i was pretty satisfied with how RGG wrap things up in 6 with kiryu, and respected their new Yakuza games direction with turn base and new protagonist, they are not for me but they didn't bother me cuz they wanted to try different things with new character while old games and protagonists fans were given a pretty good endings

AND man o man what a pathetic and shameful thing they did with bringing kiryu back with this filler fest of a game, Of what i played, 50% of the game, it is completely utterly filled with Filler content, and ok story content, its just truly pathetic and i just couldn't continue it, it do have good gameplay, and OW and some cool boss fights, but this should've been a DLC and now i know how they made it in 6 months.
I am happy that RGG found new fan base with new direction but this is it for me.

ohhh and before i go "YOOOOOONNGGG OUT" XD