Finished pepper grinder
Let me get this out of the way, i ain't no 2d platformer dude, these Mario/Celeste of the worlds never appeal to me, I just found the concept of jumping on platforms boring.

But holy shit PG is freaking awesome. finished it in 1 sitting, this game throws the pressing A to jump out of the window, instead incorporating a unique mechanic, u are grinding throw walls, water, snow etc etc, gameplay LOOP freaking slaps, and among these things, there are setpieces moments where u equipe different kind of weapons not gonna spoil.

Visuals are also good pixelated stuff, Story is basic, levels are also pretty basic looks-wise wish they were as unique as the gameplay.

Bosses are also good.

Phenomenal ending to a trilogy the best ever in boss fights, spectacle, set peace and greatness, man what a phenomenal ride this game is wish. thinking about this game can make u orgasm in ur pants

so drop HFW 2nd time, practically the same as i played it on launch on PS5
There is no other game out there which is this boring and made fake interesting by devs trying so hard to push the visuals and presentation beyond its limits, with some reasonably good gameplay, and they succeeded with flying colors my graphic whore ass played as much SQ in the initial areas and explore as much just to see another great looking cutscene even tho I remember jack shit from that cutscene lmao.

Game is Visually stunning, and is more of HZD, the side content is same (ubisofty OW) but is presented in such a way that it kinda feels meaningful (but in reality it ain’t meaningful or fun)given High-end cutscene to even miscellaneous side task, climbing the tall neck is great puzzle now, multi-mission SQ which have boring/forgetable plotline and characters with no depth but are made to look great on the surface level by as mentioned great visuals and cutscenes presentation and so on.

Now the biggest issue for me its just boring/forgetable plain and simple, everything here felt boring af the dialogue, characters world, when u don't care about the world the characters the long ass Cutscene becomes just snoozfest, but again everyone praised this game cuz it is packaged in such a way that it seem fun, interesting deep but it ain’t it really ain’t.
If someone says money can’t fix problems I’ll show them this game lmao

Finished Jedi survivor, give it a 2nd try cuz 1st time(I have to mention) how horrible state this game launched in was barely running on PC and consol that I had to drop it, and its still not fixed on PC, and on consol there are some bugs and fps drops here and there.

Story took a while to get some direction, have huge pacing issues and its whatever, but character interactions were really good, and last act I genuinely had a blast & Bode saved the game for me, i would be happy to play his story ain't gonna lie, if I have to rate last 3-4 hours I would rate it a solid 10, it’s the kind of star wars I love.

GAMEPLAY is basically we got sekiro at home, it can be fun at times but its helluva janky.

LEVEL DESIGN is we got Darksoul,BB,Sekiro at home, its good on its own but the shortcuts are imo immersion breaking, and nor clever neither much useful.

But biggest issue this game had is its gameplay pacing there can be 15-20 mints of platforming with no combat in between to spice things up, if doom eternal is the best example of perfect gameplay pacing then this is the best example of worst gameplay pacing, didn’t knew that jedi fantasy had so much Jumping and wallrunning lol

At the end of the day imma say what I said about fallen order this game had the potential to be a 9 or even 10 had they released more polished & not janky version. Atm its 7/10

Finished ER, 2nd times the charm, took me a while to give this game a 2nd chance as I invested 30+ hours 1st time around and had to drop for some BS reason more on that later.

Lets get to the Positives 1st, ER is a power house of Artstyle and Game design, This is one of the best and the best FS games in terms of its artstyle, the vistas looks straight out of some painting, and it drops my jaws more then I can count.

The Open world oh man this is the best OW in terms of invoking feeling of discovery and curiosity in u, there are so many secret stuff that u accidentally stumble upon and it feel rewarding and satisfying af.(but had to say I do miss smartly design interconnected linear level design from FS tho)

The GAMEPLAY is solid, if u love Dark souls gameplay u love this, I personally more of a Bloodborne and sekiro guy so this gameplay was fine for me, just wished that they reinvent the gameplay as they did with Sekiro and BB(personal preference ig)

Now to the bad stuff, the same old way of FS storytelling oh my bad its lore telling, and the shakespearry way of NPC talking and giving side quest u have to go to utube and other guides to do these things and acquire some of the stuff, FS fans love this type of beat, and for me it was charming at 1st but after so many games it become tiresome and annoying, imo if a player have to go to Utube or guides to do some of the stuff then the game have failed in conveying information.
The Open world is its best feature and its worst in terms of “team spreading too thin” they have to make this game so big and in doing so there are some repetition involve some bosses some side dungeon are samy (not Ubisoft level of copy paste but little bit notiocable).

And the biggest issue is Boss balancing some bosses go down in one try other bosses have this debuff to u that u do damage below the starting level like comeon, and bosses also have very BS moves, and they no longer have that FS PITCH PERFECT MOVE SET like their previous games IMO.

Its still a great game solid 8/10 from me.

One of the greatest platformer to me

Given FF7 reb another try, thanx to my frnds save file I played Newgame plus mode skipped all the filler side shit, and open world shit, and there’s no level gatting this time around just focused on main path and story had a good and at the same time frustratingly bad experience especially fuck boring ass puzzle design and bad chapter 13.

The story is slow but characters goofy and cute moments carried it for me, the ending wise namura strikes again with Kingdom heart convoluted shit lol, overall it just feels like a filler episode where nothing important happened apart from some good moments here and there, wish the base game didn’t have any OW bs, and just linear more story heavy but it is what it is old review is right below no need to retread old grounds. same score as before don't recommend the game

It truly pains me to write this but this is my exp my opinions and criticism which in my eyes is pretty fair.

The game is fabulous when it's like remake focusing on combat, story (cutscene and goofy character interactions), linear levels and town areas (like remake stuff), and boss fights, and other stuff, also have to mention there are good improvements over remakes when it comes to remake and linear level design and I do love queens blood card game.

At the same time game is abysmal when its forces(cuz of level gatting) you to do OW bottom-of-the-barrel stuff(we talkin about towers, digging shit, scanning shit, combat challenges and other stuff) OW stuff could've been digestible if the traversal was fine but this shit sucks ass, God forbid if u move away from the main pathways( which btw u more often then not move away cuz the main pathways are not clear) u keep on getting stuck on rocks and overall animation system is very annoying, the jankines make the whole OW exp 10x worse.

and what is surprising is that I don't see no reviewer mention these below-average movements and OW stuff, while these are the same folks that tear a new asshole to SpiderMan or other OW games for having ok OW which is optional btw and the movement of SM so fun that those OW stuff become fun.

In short i loved every second is not spent in OW and dread every second that is in the OW.

It truly hurts me to drop this game as FF7remake is my top 10 games of all time but sadly this ow which lack of better word, is “Pathetic”, and I am happy that many folks are enjoying this game but also sad that I can’t be one of them.

if I have to score my 10 hours I have to give it a 6/10 as it do have great parts and story moments in those 10 hours, but it also was making me depress cuz to get to great moment I have to swim through shit.

finished Teenage mutant ninja turtle : shredder's revenge
phenomenal game, love the artstyle, love the gameplay love everything about it, the intro was so good it just teleported me back to my childhood 9/10 game


Finished Gris, i have to say i sometimes dream about a movie that moves u with its music so much that ur eyes got tears and this game is the Closest thing to that dream.
From its surreal concept to its amazing execution, this game is certainly a Masterpiece.
The music, the art style, the simple yet effective gameplay, and the puzzle design everything is Perfect.
The music and story especially made me feel things that I can't comprehend to convey in simple words.
Solid 10/10
(side note I do have a game-breaking bug, which was resolved by putting the game into locked 60fps)

Just Finished "A SHORT HIKE" Man what a cozy and chill exploration experience this is, been on my backlog for a while and I am glade to finally played it.
as the name suggest u can easily finish this game within an hour and half, what can I say about this game amazing visual design, and even gameplay being chill can sometime being challenging(not much tho clever thinking can easily pass obstacles).
and the ending is also very heartwarming, and after the ending u can do various stuff to help folks in the island .

highly recommend it solid 9/10.

Finished my replay of TR2013, back in the day when I 1st played it in 2013-14 I was like what a phenomenal reboot, this here they got something special, and I can’t wait for what they do in sequels, but the sequels were pretty disappointing to me as they dragged Lara origin story but that’s a story for another day.

But as far this replay goes I have to let the negative out of the way 1st , the Writing and the voice acting was pretty shit at the 1st 2-3 hours of this game, and story was retread of FC3 u trapped on the island and stuff, but it later own redeem itself with those tape recording filling in the gaps and relationships of the characters and the amount of stuff lara have to go through and endure, I think that about it as far as negative goes.

But Got damn these VISUALS and GAMEPLAY and wide open seamless LEVELS still holds up to this day, this game practically make bow weapon and wide open level design (which is linear but make in such a way that it is interconnected through out and feel like ow) in video game popular. Gunplay responsive enough but had to say it had the worst rifle in any video game tho lol but stealthing around is fun af and head shotting enemies with bow never gets old, the Platforming is also pretty great imo better then Uncharted as there is some risk involve here and it is integrated into setpieces in such way that it feel exillerating, exploration is also great fun with worth while upgrade system for ur weapons and stuff.

The setpieces are also pretty great.

The movement can sometimes be sluggish during slow walks sections but that’s nitpick ig.

Overall this game was amazing back then and is still holds up pretty dang great. idk I feel like this game could've been easy 8 or 9, but the amount of fun I have I think I gotta go with a solid 9/10.

I played the initial few hours of it and yea sadly this game had a good premise, some great voice acting and good investigations mission design even tho they are on rails game does 95% of the job for u all u do is move and interact with things, but the decisions are urs to make, the setting of 1600's and the locations are also really cool not much explored in gaming landscape either, all in all this had great freaking potential but it all crumble down when it comes to gameplay.

the combat is Mid feel like its pre alpha or someshit, the platforming is straight from GOW on rail stuff.
the only thing that works and responsive is moving around in the world.

i wanted to like this game but I like this when I wasn't playing but watching the cutscenes the characters talking but when I got control of character I kind despise playing it felt boring so yea this isn't for me.

This review was written before the game released

Hands down best Demo i ever played in my life, and GOT DAMN while playing it, I feel like i was high on COCAIN while orgasming nonstop.

Such a shame the 1st fee hours of this game had a great impression, game had great potential but alas it just end up boring, the POSITIVES are that this game had one of the best looking cell shaded artstyle with phenomenal skyboxes, the towns in this game blew me away, the large amount of character u can unlock and play with each having distinct but basic combat system, the huge set pieces are also really great.

NEGATIVES story is a snooze fest, the combat started out great but after few hours become boring there is no new combos no new ways to make combat feel fresh all the time, just feel stale and very basic, enemies and bosses also great but bogged down by them having huge health bars its just feels like u mashing attack button for minutes on end and special powers, the progression system is also ok at best.
I really wanted to enjoy this game but this gameplay is just too basic for my taste, wish they focused leas on having more character and make combat system more deep and satisfying.

Finished my DMC4 replay.
As all DMC goes(apart from DMC2) it got the goat ass gameplay, COOL AF character with over the top, cool af yet the most DMC like Cutscenes and story, in DMC history. and level design and boss fights are also goat at least for the 1st Half.
2nd half is where my issue is we backtracking from nero last level to his 1st level, with same boss fights which are fine ig cuz Dante gameplay and his character rocks but still a lazy thing to do and 2nd last mission we are again repeating the main 4 bosses.
overall its not my fav DMC but it is still great cuz as I said its fucking DEVIL MAY CRY