618 Reviews liked by Mad4Maxwell

Okay yeah maybe Hiroshi Yamauchi messed up letting this one get away

Our bad

Come back to us baby, you know we'll treat you better

Trivia Time!

The real reason we greenlit this game was that we just thought it was funny to have Treasure develop a game all about treasure

Stay tuned for more Trivia Time segments in the near future!

This is probably the best game I have ever played. Bethesda's magna opus. Set the standard for open world games. This is pretty much the measuring stick for all other games I have played.

When i think of uncharted, i think of how fucking cool it makes me feel, and that is thanks to the brilliance that naughty dog has created with a mix of both fast and fluent gun/gameplay, and an emotional and riveting story.

First, lets talk about the gameplay. Uncharted as a series is pretty much known for it's 'action-movie' like gameplay, which is basically the perfect way to describe it. The gunplay is fluent and fast, with a great array of weapons to shoot with, and multiple ways to kill enemies- such as the very well done stealth-. The other aspect of the gameplay is the puzzles and climbing, which just adds to the action of the games. The climbing feels so fluent and clean, which adds to the explorer vibes.

The other part of uncharted 4 is the story, which follows Nathan and his lost brother Sam, re-joining on a pirate treasure hunt. I've only played the 2nd game- which was after playing this one -, but the game does a good amount of fan service with references and story based on Drakes previous adventures. The story is very good though, with the going between different places of the world making the game feel bigger while still being so linear.

Overall, Uncharted 4 is just pure action fun and it makes you want to go climb a cliff while shooting mercenaries while escaping a burning boat after stealing millions in jewels.

Super Mario Bros Wonder, simply put, is one of the best 2D platformers I have played in years. The difficulty level was pretty light throughout (though there are tougher secret stages that can be unlocked), but it was a great time from start to finish. The platforming was solid, the graphics were stunning, the music was top notch, and the stages were filled with hidden areas and secrets to find and were a lot of fun to explore. Additionally, the wonder flowers were a fun addition that really mixed up the gameplay in more ways than I expected they would.

Wonder felt like a true successor to Super Mario World and was a huge improvement over the "New Super Mario Bros" games. There were many times that I got that feeling of being a kid again while playing; that joy of experiencing a new and zany world that was fun to explore and filled with constant surprises. I highly recommend Super Mario Bros Wonder to pretty much anyone, but especially to anyone that grew up playing the original games in their youth. You won't be disappointed.

Quite literally every single problem I had with Judgment was fixed and then some. I thought the Yakuza games peaked with 2 but RGG has finally topped it. Every single aspect about this game is nearly perfect, the combat the story the side content the characters, basically everything is done incredibly well. This is the best RGG game that doesn't have Kenzan in the title.

What a fantastic game. I have been gripped for days and have just sat and played for like 5 hours. One of the best games I have ever played and I cannot believe I've missed out on it for so long.

Glad to finally finish up this one with Astroboymario. A damn good, old-school Mario game that reinvents the classic style with the crazy wonder seeds and loved the throwbacks to some of my favorites especially "Super Mario World". They could really work on giving the bosses more of a challenge though. It is beyond easy even for the younger audience. Biggest complaint definitely is the camera when it comes to playing with friends. It focuses on the one player so if that person makes a mistake more than half the time the other player can't recover since there is a good chance they are off the screen. It almost feels like the developers wanted the little brothers and sisters to fight with their other siblings!! I hear the online multiplayer is really cool as well. By the end of the playthrough I was really getting tired of that chatterbox of a flower, somebody get me some Round-up so I can hose em down!

I love this game so much I remade the first level

Whoever chose to have Sanji sound like that, I just wanna talk.

something something, death and taxes, confucius