Final Fantasy XVI was a nearly perfect game. With gameplay that builds its enjoyment on the capabilities of the user and a narrative that rings notes of Final Fantasy past while creating its own spin on the series, FFXVI shows its potential to be a Game of the Year.
What holds this game back from being perfect is that mastering the gameplay elements takes no time at all, and when you understand the combat, the gameplay starts to become trivial. And as most of the game revolves around defeating very similar enemies, it can become tedious to go through.
However, when you think the gameplay is plateauing the narrative thrusts you into one of many of the games setpieces where you experience beautiful and mindblowing boss fights complimented by the most invigorating music.

The characters are memorable and you start to care for them more and more as you spend time with them, and as an action RPG, completing the sidequests and spending more time with the side characters creates bonds which are used perfectly as the game concludes.
Perhaps upon a replay through the game in a year with the unlocked harder difficulty would ease some of the qualms I have with the game, but for your first play through you will experience peaks and plateaus.

I used to think superman was cool. I was so interested in this game I let my cousin borrow my Smash 64 copy for his Superman copy. My cousin impromptu moved to california with Smash. I gave this game up at a yardsale for 25 cents. It's not fun at all.

make sure you see the credits more than once.

Fun game if you are new to the series. Fantastic game if you are a veteren. Some of the most transformative combat that becomes more fun with more time sunk into understanding the mechanics the game throws your way. The story isn't anything too deep but if you have been following or played through the series in release order. it's very fulfilling.

GOATED GAMEPLAY (not as complex as automata but you can feel the weightiness and impact of weapon hits and magic)
make sure you see the credits more than once.

Good game it really makes you feel like Boruto's dad

This was the very first game I had for the DS. I used to play the demo version in Walmart for hours just playing through the first few levels. Seeing 1-1 re-imagined after playing the original Mario on the NES and experiencing the fluidity of this 3D mario blew my mind as a kid.

Owning this game while having a bunch of siblings and cousins was also fun as well. With the local 1 owned game co-op we spent many days just playing through the various battle modes and mini games the game had to offer. Shout outs to Luigi teaching kids how to play Blackjack

What the game lacks in good voice direction it makes up for in an ambitious vision. As part of a cancelled trilogy, the game sets up a setting of mystery and intriguing gameplay.
As a platformer, the game falls flat of other games released at its time, however it does try to blend into other genres pretty often to keep the game engaging and interesting. Not to say that it does even that well, but it is they never overstay their welcome. Whether its rail shooting or ship battles or even airborne dogfighting, one can appreciate what this game tries to do. The OST is also pretty fun to listen to.
Also ending of the game is wild enough to blow the mind of any teenager.


SMITE has peaks and valleys. When you find a God or a role you love, its very rewarding learning how to dominate on the field. However, as a MOBA that experiences frequent updates, sometimes the vision of the developers misses the wishes of the players and it can create seasons/patches of monotony and frustration.

A great game to pick up every now and then, however it can be very frustrating on a personal and developmental level.

A game that I never had a dull time playing. With the passing of time and the release of other live service games the relevance of this game has dwindled, however the memories playing this game in its classic and community game modes are times I'll cherish and look fondly on.

Loved learning dual blades throughout the base game and this expansion.
The music is immersive and the design of the monsters are amazing.
What prevents this game from getting a perfect score is the grind gets very steep and in a world where all my friends are playing live service games, its hard to stay committed to the grind when my time is divided between multiple titles

The game is only as hard as you want it to be. With ranked doing a fairly well job of pairing you amongst your own skill level, taking the time to learn your character and how to play a fighting game is very rewarding. What is unfortunate about this game is that having to buy new characters and not getting their skins feel unfair but the characters you have at base are more than worth the cost of the game.

Ahh, you were at my side, all along... My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...

You can play bowser and side-B CPU's and real people off stage.

its just a reading game it doesn't even have a battlepass.
also there is something wrong with this book club