breakout taken to very unusual extremes. everything about the physics is really impractical and uncomfortable, and yet, it earns a bizarre identity through that.

I was never able to get into this game's particular brand of jank but it's still fun to pick up now and then. Peak capcom roster with crazy fun moves.

the tails mechanics are overdone and not great and kinda kill the pacing of an already average sonic sequel

decent fighter with a ton of love and effort put into its art but mike z's a scumbag im gonna kick that guy's butt into orbit

great moveset options make for a really strong timetrial-esque platformer but the delay on jumps always irritated me, also just don't like the key progression system

III-1 and III-2 have some cool music and levels but otherwise why would you play this if you can play 3rd strike

Decently fun party platformer, though it really needed more stages. I had nice memories of jamming out to this with cousins during thanksgiving.

even with the cool clay art there was just nothing fun about this

It's bootleg Hot Shots Golf but still pretty good

everyone just plays ken i love this game but i also hate it

it's a certified psikyo game through and through

bullet hell with a cool melee attack gimmick but it's one of the uglier entries in the genre and just not as fun or engrossing as other genre entries. It doesn't ease you into the difficulty very well at all and was definitely made for genre purists.

it's alright, the mecha homages are all fun and you can actually play this casually with non-FGC people and have a good time.

pac-man for kids with a level editor. really good given the audience it was aimed for. lots of good childhood memories of this.

weird collection of sports minigames that condenses gameplay into 10-15 second chunks. it's nothing more than a novelty and gets old really quick.