i had the 3ds and wii u versions and the controls felt really off in both. it was an otherwise okay timewaster tho

Perfectly solid mechanics with no real hook. It plays fine but with so little variety to course design and a pretty low challenge, it honestly just felt... boring. I wonder if these devs went on to make Neo Turf Masters later: Irem staff did form Nazca later and there's a few similarities in the presentation, putting and characters w/ individual stats.

plays it too safe, feels like an ascended mobile game with how rigid the acceleration is. you're not missing out on anything by skipping this one

not nearly as graceful of an experience as the genesis classics but still a nice time and probably one of the best game gear games, though that's not saying much

crazy that this is better than almost every other X game barring 1 and 4

extremely braindead and dry. it has really nothing going for it unless you're desperate to play something really easy.

I didn't have the Putt-Putt point-and-click games growing up but I DID have the Junior Arcade games - this and Dog On A Stick. I remember playing a lot of this at a really young age and loving it. Coming back to this I got immense whiplash, it SUUUUUUUUCKS. Extremely bad breakout clone. Ew. Not even nostalgia could help me power through this.

Probably nostalgia bias but i love this game. My favorite single player bomberman adventure for sure. The charaboms as permanent inventory upgrades are infinitely better than how the 64 games handle them, especially all the different remote control combinations you can get. And battle mode has a really strong selection of modes too; Reversi and Coin battles are raw.

lowkey cool mario party substitute. not at all as competitive, but still a magical time

very funny in hindsight that hudson soft made this tbh

Very basic but shockingly well-executed crash clone. The level design's pretty easy throughout but never falters, with constant movement and essentially no downtime. A really cool game to quickly cruise through.


better than what i expected given its status as a bargain bin game, but still not wonderful. the missions are fun and the stress is real, like a mission mode alternative to columns. trouble is, there's too many colors, and trying to keep track of them is too much for my brain that's been accustomed to 4-color puyo for all my life.

worth a gamble but your mileage will vary

rad golf indie where you get the ball to the hole by detonating remote-controlled bombs. despite being a really shoddy unity store asset flip, the appeal of setting up absurd bomb combos to get around insane walls and loops is very satisfying.

Great RPG! Combat, progression and menus are all perfectly paced out and responsive. The characters are all memorable and always fill out several possible roles in battles. I was a little overwhelmed at first by the high number of spells & their non-descriptive names, but the naming conventions for their uses make more sense with time. You can grind if you want to, but the game's definitely beatable without ever having to, minus 2 specific spots in the games where things briefly spike.

decent fun at library game nights, though not very well designed for multiplayer. the smarter player in a specific thinking department is just always gonna clobber the other.