Very fun reinterpretation of BotW's groundwork. Love that the story explores Zelda's perspective and insecurities as a princess, and the movesets for the character roster are all a blast to screw around with. There's a lot I would tweak to the way weak-point hits work and the overall pacing of the game, but I'm not a musou guy, so I can't really make an informed call one way or another.

Top tier stylistic fighting kinosity that goes way too overboard with super meter and makes high level play kind of hell



It's a ticket redemption game that actually has real gameplay and a generally reasonable jackpot. Its not bad

Definitely one of Sega's cooler racers, the driving's fun and the tilting car adds a ton of tactile appeal

Think LttP with summons instead of dungeon items and more beat-em-up-styled combat. There's little to no worldbuilding and story here but its unique gimmicks are strong enough to make up for it.

Unironically kino, you get a lot of offensive and movement-based techs that feel really good to master. Don't mind the rabbids, but i wish Mario and co. had more stage presence in the cutscenes.

OSFE is the best roguelike I've played in my life on top of being a great BN successor and I think every roguelike needs to try imitating the sheer oomph of its rewards system

Superior to Battle Network 4 in most gameplay terms but carries many of the same problems along with new ones. There's so much repetition to the game loop and locking events behind times and dates is just a hassle through emulation.

Also the 'real operation' mechanics are flat-out terrible, there's luckily mods that let you play with the classic battle formula but it ends up feeling kinda hollow?

This game has a cool artstyle and cool boss designs but feels otherwise flat-out unfinished. You swim around a single map shooting very unthreatening enemies with a really underwhelming gun and there's basically no other flair or meat to it. This evoked no emotion from me and simply gave me something for my hands to do that reminded me of shooters that are actually good. Had I payed more than 2 bucks for this I probably would've removed another star.

it's a certified psikyo game through and through

Man this game's a MESS but the ambiance and tone is my favorite of the AA series and its intro case is my favorite non-final case in the series too

Shame that Apollo and Trucy kinda don't do anything in this game tho

It has some good qol improvements to OG Gunstar and it's the complete posterchild for raw GBA visual FX but man it feels so half-finished and it's got too many gimmicks that take away from the core shooting instead of enriching it

still a nice time tho

It's a hard fighter but the sheer amount of tech and playstyle variance each character has makes losses much easier to stomach since there's always a new approach you can take

A very strong revival of the EX series that fixes most of the original trilogy's archaic issues, it's not hard to learn and all of the characters feel really fun to play as