a vast improvement of the original game. stunning graphics. amazingly remastered soundtrack. rewritten gameplay mechanics.

this game is just too hard to finish
what the heck are the last few races.........

platinum is hit or miss
this is definitely a great miss



ok now this game is trash and i regret touching it. the dialogues could be written by some tumblr teenager. i want my money back.

at least it looks decent goddammit.

the worst in the series
still pretty good

the best mosou game. that does not even feel like a mosou game at all.
the second best persona game after royal.
it is what a sequel should be and massively benefits the entire persona 5 experience and expands on its characters in a way most sequels to date failed to accomplish.

never expected this game to be that bad and fake. yeah, could’ve thought about a more fitting ending but i guess i got one that signifies nothin roflcopter.

final fantasy 8 is a special game to me cuz it was my first video game ever and loved it the first second i played it.

it is just my fav ff game