pretty but i just get bored of this style of games - also story follows base p5 rather than royal so it’s just a bit inconsistent

i’m a fan of the first 2 games so i was really excited about this one even after the bayonetta va mess - similar to the first 2 i’m here primarily for the gameplay rather than story so that’s mostly whatever - i did post game stuff and even replayed some fights so i stopped at about 25 hours - with the variety of play styles there’s some good replay ability and more to do after you beat the game

it’s a multiverse story with underutilized realities of other versions of bayonetta because they’re used to expand your weapon and demon slave library

but that being said this is a more cinematic entry compared to the rest and seeing the huge set pieces pulled of on a switch is impressive, though i can only imagine how it could’ve been on other platforms

a lot of love and creativity were thrown in the boss battles because of how different they ended up being they’re already really fucking cool - i really wish the switch was more powerful for this

the enemies in this series were never that memorable and that stays the same here but it being you get like a trillion weapons as bayonetta you go off your own play style so there’s a lot to play with
core combat is upgraded from bayonetta 2 but that’s as bayonetta and a good amount of it felt like astral chain when you involve the demon slaves and the combos the implement them so it depends how you feel about that game also

with new entry character viola you only have 1 weapon and i guess it’s a personal skill issue because i sucked ass playing her it got frustrating and that could’ve been because of how different you play bayonetta so it just was a learning curve for me and i could probably hold the understanding that people did for nero when introduced in devil may cry 4

sometimes in between chapters there were these side stealth missions that have a 2.5d perspective and to go to it right after a main chapter in the game without the choice of it can really throw the games pace off, they’re cool just felt out of place - they probably could’ve thrown it as a game mode to unlock when you beat the game kinda like how danganronpa does but i don’t make games who am i to say

if you talked to me about video games before i’ll always mention music in some regard and how important it is to me and it’s value within a video game and this game does not disappoint with its score so i’ll hold a bias with it and say it fucking rocks - please put this on spotify

the ending and what it holds for the future of bayonetta has me intrigued and i of course will follow it to the end
thanks platinum games a lot of the ending had me pog facing and also ehhhhhh at the end but i can’t wait for what’s next (:

i haven’t played this as the royal version with its dlcs, so my thoughts are based on release — a lot of things were fixed from what i’m aware of — As of 2016 i enjoyed the combat and what the story was, loved the boyfriends - wish there was more of things but the dlcs might help

same game with the most exquisite coat of paint - so pretty

actually amazing - really sets the standard for environmental creepiness without splattering everything all over to tell you to be scared — the controls are an acquired taste but i think it just adds to it idk i really love it

i have to replay cause at the time i was dog at these kinda games but i loved the story and characters - music is always lovely in these — just a great adventure

i think these games last too long with a really lame mission formula that can use change but the physics in this game are stupid fun and i enjoyed my time

nostalgia bias so
mwah mwah amazing stuff here

i liked the different choices and replay ability but david cage writing lol

i started this game as hah drunk man detective and it spiraled in every direction from political and philosophical stances that can influence just about every conversation i have with anybody
it’s literally such a work of art i’m gonna dick ride this game for a bit so thanks for being here
the amount of well voice acted dialogue is insane there’s so much to discover
the soundtrack is melancholy i just want to sink to the earths core and melt on the painted canvas that is this beautiful art style
whenever shit gets real it gets real
you are the main character, you’re a name that you may or may not discover and you uncover a mystery about yourself you wish you didn’t because you realize how big of a fuck up you are but that’s just disco baby
this dungeons and dragons without combat is so powerful it’s so evidently a work of passion and effort with the ridiculous paths you can take just to get something as simple as cigarettes
this games trailers i don’t think do it justice, there’s so much to uncover you can’t see it in a 2 minute timespan without spoiling or ruining the bends and turns that is this story
please play this game it’s so worth it beyond belief i think everybody should experience it
i feel so empty and so fulfilled at the same time
it’s so beautiful how it depicts everything emotionally and socioeconomically
it’s unreal - it’s only may and there’s plenty of games to get through including the ones not out yet but this might be my game of the year

there’s an immense of replay ability with so much to discover

finger guns

feels like the second one, which is actually just the first one lol