Never thought this was a game I’d enjoy too much but my friend gave me a lend of his and wow its now easily one of my favourite games of all time I can’t wait for the next part

Amazing game, story is amazing, characters are amazing, the ending is one of the only games to really have me leaving speechless with the ending, everything about it was spectacular and it is easily my favourite entry in the bioshock series

Have always heard good things about this game but never got round to playing it and didn’t even realise it was available on the ps4 but now that I’ve played it I can see why everyone likes it the setting and characters are great although the story drops off in the last act especially after the death of vaas but it’s still a great game

Great game, very fun to play through, final boss can be a bit frustrating tho, the story is decent too but the gameplay makes up for it, makes me really excited for the sequel coming on ps5


I know it’s funny to hate on it but I actually enjoyed this game haha it’s fun

Not a great game, too much emphasis on mediocre tasks like eliminate enemy camps to progress through the story Which doesn’t even pick up until the final 2 missions

One of my favourite games of all time without a doubt, the best story of a game I’ve ever played, Joel and Ellie are some of my favourite characters in any form of entertainment, I’ve played through this game like 4/5 times now and it never gets old

This review contains spoilers

I know it’s a controversial game but I loved it, it’s the game that’s brought out more emotions in me than any other and it really made me think and changed my way of thinking throughout my play, I originally hated Abby for what she but by the end of the game I actually liked her and felt for her and understood her and that shows me how spectacular the writing is to change my whole opinion of someone I despised, the game is also the best looking thing I’ve seen this console generation and the gameplay and world is phenomenal, don’t be put off playing or have you opinion of it put off by others and play it for yourself

Good game, very intense, was on the edge of my feet the entire time I was playing it

Great game and characters, I like how the simplest of things can affect the outcome of the story, the story was also great but I much preferred the first half of the story to the second half

Unbelievable game, story had me hooked the entire way through it and the identity reveal had me shook I’m looking forward to replaying it and seeing what other endings I can get

Good game, very fun, I enjoy the different ways you can approach each assassination so the game has a lot of replay ability and I look forward to playing the sequel

Good game, has great characters and a great premise but I much prefer the storyline before she becomes part of the CIA as the story becomes too cliche I feel but other than that a great game

Such a fun game, great game if you’re looking to just mess about and not focus on anything too story driven

Good game not as good as the previous one but still very enjoyable