I thought the whole gay lawyers thing was a joke so when Phoenix and Miles starting having rough gay sex during the credits I was just slightly caught off-guard.

Sometimes I fantasize about Sumire Kanzaki coming home drunk and beating me until I feel numb. She kicks me in the ribs until I can hardly breathe. Then she starts to cry and apologizes, begging me to forgive her. She holds me all night as I gently cry into her t-shirt. Please help is there any hope for me

Society if Ridge Racer Type 4 gameplay was put in the bottom of Tik Toks instead of GTA V or Minecraft Parkour:

I hate how this game gets treated like the one half-sibling the rest of the family rarely mentions and never shows up to family gatherings when it has a lot of really cool ideas and expands on the first game in some interesting ways.

If Zero pegged me all the problems in my life would simply go away

kyle hyde why didnt you listen to the 1 star vs 5 star hotel tik toks

something something sperm banks mitochondria

Bubsy 3D is not a game, its a test. A test of endurance, will, and determination to continue. Beating this game with a friend of mine didn't feel like beating it; It felt like we had survived it. (it's not as bad as you think)

This game is so fucking amazing that its sequel can just take its plot, make it less interesting and it will still get called a masterpiece by the masses. One of if not THE greatest cast of characters and OST to grace a video game. A truly beautiful masterpiece that couldn't come from anyone but Yoko Taro.

The series magnum opus and a true masterpiece. By far the best plot, cast, and map designs in the series.

Azure was in fact, as good as everyone said it was. One of my favorite final dungeons/chapters in RPG history.

I just know the devs were laughing their asses off making this game i respect it

If you would cheat on Katherine with Catherine you have a mental disorder and need to get that checked out.

Incredibly bland platformer especially following its predecessor. In contention for most overrated game of all time