*Played as part of the Master Chief Collection

So the original Combat Evolved was one of the two Halo games I played, as it was the only one I knew of that was on PC at the time. I was just never an Xbox kid, so I completely skipped this series back during its heyday. Thankfully most of the series is on PC via the Collection (which I have definitely taken way too long to get around to as well), so are now more easily accessible (Halo 5 PC port though? When is that happening? I would like to eventually complete the series).

As a game, this is a pretty fun FPS experience, but it definitely feels dated now. The lack of accessibility options such as sprinting and weapon iron sights makes it feel like more of a slog to get through than it actually is, especially when redoing checkpoints. The level design is interesting though, with many large sections and maps that you circle around completely. This is something that I don't think I've really seen before in a linear game such as this. The vehicles are also fun to play with, although I hated driving the Warthog. For some reason, the Banshee handles like a dream, but the Warthog is this unwieldy thing that flips over every time you hit even a slight pothole or elevation change.

Overall, the story is enjoyable enough, but is still pretty bland and by-the-numbers. You also don't get much lore at all during the course of the game, with a lot of questions just left up in the air - I suppose for the later games to answer. Who are the Covenant? Why are we at war with them? Why is Master Chief such a unique badass? Why is Cortana so sassy? Who the fuck are the Forerunners and the Monitor? Anyway, I'm sure I'll get more answers as I go through the series, so I'm not too worried about these questions.
We continue onwards to Halo 2, which will be the first completely new game in the franchise I'll have played, so I'm looking forward to that.

Short, sweet, fluid and fun. All I really ask for from an indie title really.

It's got an interesting concept - a first-person Hotline Miami/SuperHot without the slow-mo - but the execution is lacking.
It's got a banging soundtrack and aesthetic, but the actual gameplay is pretty lacklustre and sometimes just unfair. And yes, Hotline Miami could definitely be unfair at times, but getting killed by one stray bullet out of nowhere feels way worse in this game for some reason. You have a limited slow-mo ability to offset this and allow you to dodge bullets, but this lasts only 2 or 3 seconds.
Honestly, I had some fun with it, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna go back to it or not. I didn't click with Hotline Miami the first time I played it as well, so I might give this another shot sometime to see if it clicks into place or not.


An interesting experience, but not one that I thoroughly enjoyed or was fully engrossed in all the way through. There are moments of almost Disco Elysium levels of brilliance in the story-telling and writing here, but as it stands, it cannot touch those hallowed peaks quite yet. The minigames are a fun distraction, but the ending was very lacklustre and abrupt, and I felt there were definitely aspects of the world and the characters you meet that could have been more thoroughly explored.

Feels really nostalgic to be playing SWAT 4 in modern times, but also feels bad coz I forgot how fucking hard and unfair that game could be. This game holds no punches at all, from the content of the raids to the crushing defeat making one mistake can cause. It's fun, addictive, and unforgiving. I doubt I will ever finish this due to the difficulty, but there's definitely something special about playing as a SWAT commander that scratches some primal urge in the back of our heads.

It's a fun enough game. The art style is slick and controls are responsive, but the actual gameplay is a bit of a slog. From the unfairly balanced "hordes", to just annoying map design, I was having a very hard time getting into this. I played up until the first proper boss and probably won't continue it.

Just the perfect sequel in every way - expanding and refining what already made the 2018 entry in this franchise such a great AAA blockbuster. The story, music, characters and cinematography are absolutely god-tier, and the gameplay remains as smooth and fun as it always was.

I haven't touched the Valhalla DLC just yet, just coz I put in like 50 hours getting the platinum already, but I will definitely dive into that once I've cleansed my palate a little.

A silly, fun little experience that I was surprised I enjoyed. I'm not familiar with this series at all, so I have no nostalgia for it, but I had a good time with this game overall.
It's got that uniquely infuriating game design from yesteryear that reminded me of like Spyro or Crash Bandicoot - a janky toughness that makes you want to pull your hair out, but it's not exactly unfair.

I'll probably be tried for treason for this take. This is a very fun game, but I just get bored doing the same thing over and over again - which is why I avoid multiplayer-focused games. If this had a campaign mode, I would be more inclined to keep playing, but as it is, I'm all dived out at the moment.

I don't even have anything to say about this game, really. It's just great vibes.
I loved the characters and the humour. I liked the stupidly convoluted, batshit story. It honestly has some of the most hype cutscenes and set pieces I've seen in this franchise. I liked the unique battle system and the Junctioning function to switch up your gameplay style as needed.
I will say, I'm actually surprised we never got a Laguna spin-off game. He was definitely my favourite character in the game and I would love to see more of his (mis)adventures.

Excellent follow-up to the rest of the series.
I really enjoyed the hell out of this game, and getting to explore some of the larger world outside of the Moscow Metro was hella fun. I also really loved the group dynamics and the game did a really good job of making me care about Anna and her well-being. You can literally sit for hours and listen to the crew yap at you about their lives and what they think about the situation - which is something I've always loved about this series.
I will say that the ending is a little lacklustre in comparison to the previous two entries, but the overall journey was very enjoyable.

Everybody already knows this is a masterpiece game, so I have nothing new to add to the discourse. A brief, surprisingly impactful experience.

Absolutely amazing game, from the gorgeous world design to the slick combat. The last area in the north is a little lacklustre, but the ending makes up for it in spades. Played in Japanese for the most authentic experience.

As someone who is generally very shit at puzzle games, I actually had a good time with this. The story and the philosophical discussions you have with "Milton" are some of the best parts of the game. I do admit I had to get help with some of the later puzzles, especially when the record feature was in play, but I genuinely had a great time with this and completed all of the endings. It's just a very addictive gameplay loop as the puzzles are not too long and the small dopamine hit you get when solving them makes it all worthwhile.
I did try out the "Road to Gehenna" DLC as well that comes packaged with the PS4 version of the game, but I was literally lost from the first puzzle already, so I think I'm just gonna skip it.

I've never been a fan of the flying missions in Battlefield/COD, and this game just proves that I am absolutely terrible at them and I should just stay away from anything related to the activity. Between the motion sickness I get in first-person as I tumble through the air, and just being generally shit and unable to actually hit anything, I did not have a good experience with this game. I'm sure it's for somebody, but it ain't for me.