Masterpiece, but on the 3DS this time.


Such an interesting and fun concept just left in the dust.

Skullgirls launch party 2011 - Still ongoing

Overhated, but still not great. Did unrepairable damage to the plot of Kingdom Hearts.

I love Aqua I wish she was in a better game.

I didn't think hitting rocks and killing bugs would be as fun as it is.

So far from perfect, but it's one of a kind. Very stupid, very fun, very frequent drilling.

A bit of recency bias, perhaps, but I feel this is the peak of Monster Hunter so far. Expanding on everything that base Rise brought to the table, this cranks everything up to 11. More customization, more new and returning monsters, more to do.


Beautiful and atmospheric horror, with a story just great and bleak. Interesting themes and exploration of transhumanism, lovely characters, and excellent writing.

This is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of Dragon Ball games. The visual style and gameplay is as close as we have ever gotten to true Dragon Ball action controlled entirely by the player.

My favorite Sonic game. Just like the first Sonic Adventure, it is objectively not great, but come on. This may be the most iconic (3D, at least,) Sonic of all time, with the Chao garden and very memorably bad cutscenes.

That being said, Chao garden on it's own is perfect. 5/5 completely untouchable, irreplaceable feature.

A very good evolution in gameplay compared to the other Borderlands games, but the story holds it back so much.

Strategy-action combat with impeccable voice acting and music. Makes me cry every single time.