171 Reviews liked by Mifee

Just recieved a letter in the mail, the logo on the stamp looked familiar!

I'll see you all soon.

i pirated this game when i was 16 and i've felt bad ever since

i have daily traumatic flashbacks to high school where i was walking down the halls wearing an Undertale shirt and this one random guy was like "wh-what??? a gamer girl!" and then blocked my path and did the entire Sans speech. the whole thing. in public.

Why I am the only person who rated this masterpiece

Why is this game set in Mexico?

This game did Among Us 11 years prior to Among Us.

You either spent your schooling years in community servers filled with Konata sprays and micspam, or you didn't.

What's left of this game aside from its legacy? Bitter veterans that muddle around and hop from hacker-filled public server to hacker-filled public server. There is nothing but a sardonic feeling amongst its playerbase, myself included. These days, its parts are better than its sum.

All this considered, it deserves no less than a 5★. TF2 changed the landscape permanently, unfortunately for the worse. Yet, what it brought to the table was wholly unique and memorable for millions of people.

I played this game on a private server with friends in high school. I really liked the pyro player in it. We're engaged now.

The AVGN's Simon's Quest review is now as old as Simon's Quest was at the time the review was made.

The penguins mission allows you to kill sailors by dropping them into the ocean instead of mercifully trapping them in a cage. This provides a way for the player to confront their ethics on revenge in a way that games such as 'The Last of Us: Part 2' were unable to.