This was the last game that I beat so I figured I'd log it first. Basically, yeah this is a masterpiece. The narrative is challenging in the best way possible and the whole visual presentation is gorgeous. I want to play both games back to back one day, see if it makes any difference in my opinion. The game left me with much to ponder.

Played this game for the first time on the Nintendo Switch lmao. It's actually a fantastic port, if you don't mind the visual downgrades that is. It's such a great game though that it didn't matter to me.

Damn I hate when gameplay interrupts my movie smh. This is a really great game though, albeit a bit repetitive. The story is really what's worth it here.

Bring me back to like 2013 when this game first launched ... that was a good time

Not everyone's favorite Fallout game but fuck it I love this game haha


This and The Witcher 3 are the golden standard for Switch ports

The story is really good, but that switch port ... oof, that gets it docked a few stars. Probably gonna have to pick this up on PS4 when I get the chance.

It kinda sucks for me to say this but I've kinda fallen out of love with the Pokemon games these past few years. Last ones I actually completed were OR/AS. Everything since Sun and Moon has become kinda disappointing for me. This one also holds your hand way too much and the NPC's are pretty annoying, not to mention that for the first Pokemon game developed from the ground up for Switch the graphics are really underwhelming. This looks like a bad PS3 game.

The lack of two simultaneous screens hinders this one quite a bit, still enjoyable though.

Has some technical issues, but damn this was a great story.

The fandom for this game is so fucking annoying but damn this is a really great game.

lol I first played this back in 2013 on my iPhone haha