It takes the obvious satire nature of Cookie Clicker and throws it out the window to try to genuinely do all the things Cookie Clicker was making fun of. Avoid.

A relic of its time, but one that has aged better than most. A fast-paced action RPG from an era where that was something vanishingly rare, it has elements of frustrating NES-era game design, because of course it does, but it's well worth a play even if you're not a JRPG aficionado.

Mediocre gameplay, takes too many liberties with the adaptation from the movie that took too many liberties with the adaptation from the book. Avoid at all costs.

One of the greatest things of its era. Hasn't aged super well, but for kids, it's everything you could ever want.

A soulless remake. Avoid at all costs. Play the original.

Not my style, my dude. Fun in brief spells but can't hold my interest for long.

An enjoyable, shorter-form followup to the story of Xenoblade Chronicles that (probably?) ties it in to the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

rip my Wii U gamepad, probably never gonna be able to get back to this game and finish it, as much as I want to

I could fill a novel with all the good things I have to say about this game. Please play it if you have even a passing interest in JRPGs.

A substantial improvement on the original Dragon Quest Heroes, but still not something I would suggest to someone who isn't already a fan of both the Dragon Quest aesthetic and Warriors gameplay.

An enjoyable Warriors spinoff but nothing to go out of your way for. Pick it up on sale if you're curious about it.

I loved it, but it is definitely not for everyone. It is EXTREMELY long, and sometimes extremely esoteric and can be frustrating to figure out where to go next. Have patience if you give it a try.