Thanks Steam for providing an new game sharing system and making it possible for me to play this masterpiece
Although the game is not finished, so this isn't my final opinion (there is still the two chapters left)

That being said, there is almost no bad thing that I can say about it, The gunplay is incredible as well as any gameplay mechanic, the style system works just like DMC and Bayonetta and is also fun but challenging to dominate, the enemies are very diverse, the voice acting (when it have) is excelent, the ambience is beautiful ESPECIALLY FOR THE FIRST LIMBO LEVEL AND THE DESERT ONE, the graphics are great even without the filter, the SFXs are satisfactory as hell and even the songs I like a lot. And just to be clear, I hate breakcore, so for me to find an exception of breakcore music I like it's really an achievement
The only "weak" thing I think I can say is the story, but it does enter on that quote from John Carmark:
"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
Although I don't agree entirely with him nowdays, this is an example where what he said is actually true. It's not a bad story, far from it. It's just not that important

The only warning that I'll give, the game doesn't have pity for the player, so if you think it's too difficult for you, don't hesitate on turning down the difficulty at any time. You'll still need to complete the stages on higher difficulties, but for lower ones the game will unlock the stages even if you didn't completed them (as long as you complete on a higher one, of course)
Believe me, I've completed on the standard and was already having my ass kicked on the first boss

As for now, I strongely recommend for people who likes Movement Shooters/Boomer Shooters like Doom and Stylish Hack And Slash games like DMC. You will not regret
I just don't give five stars YET because the game is not complete, but depending on how it ends it will be five stars without a doubt

It has been a long time since the last time I've played. When I was like 13, I've always said that this was a good game even though I understand why some people disliked it, but replaying now I'm not so sure anymore

The music are awesome and the sprites are very well done. Not only that but every Kaiju fight is awesome (for an NES game, obviously)
The problem unfortunally cames when you play the side scrolling stages, which is basically 80% of the game at least. It's almost impossible to dodge any obstacles with Godzilla, but even considering that those stages are easy as fuck, specially with Mothra (which is funny because she controls like ass)
But here is the bad part. Is not just because it's easy, but because it's boring. After Mars or Jupiter, the game doesn't add any completly new stage (at least visually), and when it does it's just an color swap of another one. The only times I've lost Godzilla or Mothra outside an Kaiju fight was just because an "Bomb" kept hitting me because the game doesn't have invencibility frames (neither for you or the enemies)

I wouldn't say to play it, but I wouldn't say to not play either. Although It's repetitive after sometime, it's short and does provide some fun moments
It's mid, no doubt. But at least it's closer to being good than to being bad

A small game, but one that filled the need of a new 3D Metroidvania, at least for now. Just remembering that the last good one that we had was Metroid Prime 3 in 2007 (I refuse to count Federation Force), and if you count the ones that were not intentional, Batman Arkham Asylum in 2009

A great ambience, compact map but with a level design that doesn't feel that everything was just trown in any way without caring, an good and sometimes relaxing soundtrack, upgrades that aren't hard to find, an challenging difficulty (unless you use the aim because that is broken af), smooth and fun controls that if you dominate you can go crazy while traveling and still be fun, great graphics that combines with what the game wants to be, and the list goes on and on
Also, the games supports mods, so you can add skins to Sybil and her weapon (there is even a mod where she carries an baby Klonoa), alongside new maps to challenge yourself

The only things that I think it could be better was the minimap's size being shrunk a little and the wall kick limit not going directly to zero if you don't hit a wall or something like that.

Besides that, I loved the game and can't wait to see what the creator will do on their next games. And just like Assautl Spy, I hope someday it releases on other platforms too

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[Just an warning, I'll talk about an moment that is a big spoiler at the end of the review and at one specific point. I'll put an big warning before it just to not ruin anyone's experience. Before that is completly safe to read]

I took some time to write this review because I got really hyped whne I've finished, and I wanted to calm down a little to make an better review. That being said, even after a little more than one week, I still don't know where to start
I'll try to be as quick as possible

Good points:
-The characters are amazing. I wish I could had the time to max out the social links of every single of them (next time I'll do that for sure), but the ones I've maxed out I enjoyed every single interaction with. No jokes at all
-The soundtrack is amazing. I can't remember one song that was mid or worst. Not only that, but they actually represent in a great way what's happening, especially Snowflakes. For me, that song was basically the game's way o say "your journey has come to an end, but you didn't made it alone. You got a lot of friends on your way, and they're will always be with you"
-The message about accepting who you are is beautiful, and the way it uses the idea of "finding out the truth" during the entire game and not just on that message was genious (I've even found out an entirely optional dungeon by pure accident).
-I love Inaba. For me, it is the best city in the entire franchise (at least comparing with the ones I know). I like to compare it with Morioh fom Jojo DiU, it's an small fictional city with not to much to do on it, but this makes it become way more interesting to explore, and the more the story progress, the more populated and alive it becomes
-This can be something personal, but I feel this game works with the player's emotion way better than the sequel. I'll enter in more details after the spoiler section, but as an context, Persona 4 Golden non ironically was the first game that made me cry for real

Bad Points:
-This is something exclusive to the Golden version (both the Vita and the newer one), but the graphics/ambience is a little affected due the lack of some more fog outside foggy days. It's not bad, far from it, but the original had better ones for sure. I've heard that this was EA's fault, but at the moment I don't understand what EA had to do with it, so...
-The story, although is great, holds much on the idea of who the assassin is. On your first playthrough without any spoilers, it is an interesting one, but on the second foward or if you recieve spoilers (which was my case), it just stops being the same fun that was before
-I hate that you need to leave the dungeon to change party members. I wouldn't put this as an negative point if this was something Persona 5 introduced on the JRPG genre or something like that, but we had other games like Final Fantasy and Super Mario RPG where you could change party members at any time. Not being possible on P4 was a problem for me especially for farming xp
-The dungeon gimmicks aren't anything special. With the exception of the first, seventh and eighth dungeon, I really don't remember what was the gimmick of any of them. Maybe because it was simple dungeons they couldn't do anything beyond (like in P5), but the sixth that people consider being the best dungeon doesn't have any, so although it didn't bothered me, maybe it would be better if there wasn't any
-[SPOILER] I like the idea of adding new good ending, but it's strange that I need to max out Marie's Social Link to do it. I understand the reason, but the fact that you don't need to do this in other Persona games to get the best ending (maybe with the exception of 5 Royal. I didn't played this one yet), it makes very easy to lose the opportunity to get it. Thankfully I've discovered this before it was too late

For me at least, it's an incredible experience. Yes, it got some bad points, but nothing that really bother me during my journey (besides for the story since I've recieved an spoiler). I can easily recommend it for anyone who likes Persona or JRPG in general

I want to explain the scene that I was talking about on one of the good points. There is a big chance that you've already completed the game on one of the good endings if you're reading this, but if that wasn't the case, I highly recommend you to beat it. Even if you already know who the assassin is, I will talk about way more than just that

Basically, I've completed both Ryotaro Dojima and Nanako Dojima's social link way before Naoto's dungeon, so when I've reached Heaven I already was starting to feel worried. I wasn't suspecting at all that Nanako would be one of the next victims, let alone that Namatame would throw himself too. Not only that but Ryotaro also suffered an accident before that, so he was on the hospital. He didn't died, but got severely hurt
Anyway, the game proceeded, I've defeted him, and Nanako was taken to the hospital. At that moment, outside the fog appering out of nowhere on Inaba and some people getting sick, everything was "good"
But after some time, her state got worse, and...she died
I'm not joking when I say that this scene made me cry. I know it's just a game, but somehow I felt like I've really created an bond of friendship with each character, so for me it was like if an person that I know and care in real life died. It was strange for me because that was the first time an game made me cry for this reason
And the things just got worse after this. Ryotaro just out of nowhere decided to go to Namatame's room to kill him (it's not 100% confirmed that this is the reason, but the way the things was going it looked like that), and after him return to his own room, we entered Namatame's room too, and after some talk, his shadow appeared on the TV.
After all this scene, Yosuke and Kanji decided to throw Namatame inside the TV to kill him (they hasn't done it yet, but wanted), and that moment is where you took control and the game let you decide to:
1 - help them trow Namatame inside the TV
2 - let them trow Namatame inside the TV but not helping them
3 - convince them to not do it
When I've reached this scene, I felt like Yosuke was really in front of me, and I was the one talking to him, not Yu. I wasn't thinking like "what would be the best option for me to choose on this moment?" like I did on P5, rather I though "I need to convince him to NOT do this. It's just not the right thing to do"
Thankfully, I got all the right choices on the my first try, and after that things started to get a little better. First of all, although Teddie went missing, Nanako somehow came back to life. This alone already made me a lot more happier, and not only that but we finally discovered who the true assassin was (which was Adachi), and some time after, Teddie came back too. After all this, all that left was to defeat Adachi to end his "killing spree" and solve this mystery once for all
I really felt a lot of emotions on this only scene. Sadness, guilty, anger, concern, happiness, determination, etc. It's probably one of the scenes that will be on my memory for a long time, if not forever, and I don't regret it. The choices that the game gives you in the Namatame's choice is also a proof of what I've said about the "truth" theme. The game is trying to convince you at all coasts that he is the true assassin, but it gives you the choice to not accept it and shows some signal that there is something wrong. It just up to you to find out what was the truth hidden, or accept the lie and leave it be, even if that causes a bad consequence in the end

Not going to extend too much here since there is not much to say
The e-reader levels are just more Mario 3, but they are very well made. Some even presents new enemies, new power-ups or even new mechanics. Although I wish we had more bosses besides the ones from SMB3 and King Boo (alongside more new levels besides the Ghost House)

It's incredible the contrast between the original and this one. When I've played the NES Metroid I felt that the game didn't aged well at all and at the moment it's the worst game on the franchise (at least before I play Federation Force and Other M). As for Zero Mission, it's the best 2D Metroid game I've flayed so far

The map layout is great, and the new graphic and sounds made each area more unique (and more beautiful too). The movement is also perfect, and for me the best the series had for the 2D games

My only real problem is that the game have too much missile upgrades (at least for my liking). If I remember correctly, in less than 30 minutes I was already with 80 missiles total

They've basically picked the story of the first Metroid and put it in a game with the best of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. There is almost nothing to complain, and the only thing I found was a problem just to myself

I wasn't sure what to expect since my first 3D Metroid game was Other M, but thank god this game wasn't anything like that (or at least how people say Other M is. It's been a long time since I've played, so I barely remember anything about it)

The thing that I was most scared about it is how the map works, but it's actually very intuitive. Not only that but the music is also great as always, and the FPS gameplay fits perfectly into the game.

The only thing that I remember disliking is that Mecha Ridley ended up being so easy. I don't know if I just got lucky or what, but I barely lost any health while fighting against him

At lest for me, it's impressive how they did all of this while being the first 3D Metroidvania. The first Metroid had so many problems nowdays, so I'm happy that this doesn't apply to Prime (at least, not yet)

An free and short game made to comemorate the 6th anniversary of Celeste, and what a nice way to make it

It was pretty fun, and the new controls to adapt the 3D enviroment was pretty well done (with an little exception of the wall climb since sometimes Madeline just refuses to do)

I've even managed to 100% the game, although there was one strawberry that I needed to watch an video to find. An must-play for any Celeste fan


This review contains spoilers


I never though that this would be a problem for me one day, but my god there is so much content on this game that I became really tired on the second episode of Dissolution Of Eternity. When I completed everything, I was with 29 hours played, and although there was some games that I've played way more (Persona 5, DB Xenoverse 2, Payday 2, Half-Life, Sonic Frotniers, etc.), most of them I've played with pauses, wasn't feeling that I was playing the same thing when it was supposed to be something new (I will talk about that later) or was just playing with friends.

But besides that, it's a great game even for today's standards (not that is hard to accomplish this). The main campaign was very fun, and the new weapons and enemies on Scourge Of Armagon and Dissolution Of Eternity made them be very unique

For a first attempt on an real 3D FPS (as far as I know), it was really well done. Although it made me tired, I cannot say that I enjoyed my time with that game a lot

Now about Dimension Of The Past and Dimension Of The Machine, I gotta be honest, I was hoping it would be better. I mean, neither of them have new enemies or weapons (those campaigns doesn't even use the ones from SOF or DOE, just the ones in the base game)

Not only that, but in case of DOTP, it felt more like an fifth episode for the main campaign, and not an well made one on top of that. Different from the other campaigns it have almost no ammo and the maps felt too much similar as the first one.

In fact the final boss's map is almost the same as the final boss from the first campaign, and the boss itself is just two Shamblers, and the map have almost no ammo (oh, and you need to fight a lot of Shalraths, Scrags, Death Knights and even Shamblers to get to those final two, so chances are that you will reach them without any ammo. It's still possible to win if that happens, but it's almost unfair).

I wouldn't mind that much if it was an mod, but that isn't the case, and just a reminder, I was on Normal difficulty. I can't even imagine how it is to complete on Hard or Nightmare

Now for DOTM, it also doesn't have any new weapeos or enemies nor the ones from SOA or DOE, but it didn't had the bullshit that DOTP had, so I felt it was way more fair. Also the ambience was amazing. A lot of the time I wan't even felling I was playing quake (In fact, there was an space map that reminded a lot of Xen from Half-Life)

I still think it could had more improvements, especially on the final boss that is basically the boss from Q1E1 (Chthon), but at the end although I was very tired, I did had fun with it

I can still recommend this game, but please don't try to beat all the campaigns on one single run. After you complete one, make an pause, play some other games and then after some time come back and play the next one. I decided to play everything at once and it was a big mistake of mine

An great extra to an already good game. This mode eliminates the rogue-like element, and because of that you can actually save the game to not lose progress

But that doesn't mean it's easy. You cannot attack at all on this mode, you have limited resources and it doesn't have a shop at all. Not only that, but depending on your ranking, the ending will change, so obviously the S Rank ending is the hardest to get (I just played one time until now, so I'm not sure what are the conditions to get higher ranks. I think it's based on time, damage and itens used)

Although it's just 2-4 hours total if you play well on your first run, it's still an great extra. Definnitly worth checking out if you own Dead Estate

It's far from an perfect puzzle game, but it's still pretty fun
I've completed the Director's Cut before and I can say that they've improved a lot from that game. Especially graphically

Really, not only the cubes does have some different textures instead of just being one color, but they've also made some a little higher/lower on the ground and walls, and we have some orange ones too. Also, most of the scenario is way less claustrophobic. The elevators now are the same from Q.U.B.E. 2 instead of being just black blocks

The puzzles continues to be as fun as they were before, and although not every puzzle from the original came to this version, the new ones are really fun too, with some of them having new mechanics (including one that resembles the cube placement mechanic from Q.U.B.E. 2)

In addition to that, we have Sector 8 and Though Going. Sector 8 resembles a little the areas from the second game where you have a room with 4 or more doors and you do the puzzles on those doors in any order you want. As for Though Going, it's just 3 puzzles, and I think it's some that are on the original game and didn't entered on the final one since I felt they were very familiar

Overall, it's a great version of the first game. Of course, it's not an puzzle game that will make you be shocked or something like that, but for an indie game inspired by Portal, they did an pretty good job
And although the devs affims that it's an remaster, this version looks way more like an remake and the Director's Cut one feels more like an remaster

I really need to plan better the first games I'm playing this year

Anyway, it's the same game from the NES, but with the stages tweaked to be harder since it's an arcade game (and Fire Mario's overalls and hat are yellow instead of white)

It's an interesting way to play if you already have beaten the first one. It's harder, but not as hard as Lost Levels. Aside one blind jump, I've didn't find any bullshit on the level design

Well, it's just Super Mario Bros. 2. There are just some differences that makes it slightly worse than the NES counterpart, but at the end it's still just Super Mario Bros. 2

But if you're curious, here are some of the differences that this game have, starting with the most irrelevant ones:

>Some aspect of the level design are slightly different. Here we have some parts where you can cheese and skip some parts of the level, but in SMB2 that was changed (although you can still have some specific skips)
>Some sprites are different, like the mushrooms that are hearts, the mushroom blocks that are masks, the phantom mask not smiling, the explosion saying "BOM" instead of "BOMB" and the gate being an mask instead of an owl
>Also, some sprites like the POW and the log have animations on SMB2, and some like the waterfall are a little slower
>All the characters are different, although all of them have the same gameplay as their counterpart (Mario is Imajin, Luigi is Mama, Peach is Lina and Toad is Papa)
>We have different songs, and the ones that aren't new have some differences like being shorter, faster or having less instruments (excluding boss/Wart music)
>Clawgrip doesn't exist. Instead you fight Mouser one last time
>We have an different story and cutscenes, alongside a different credits sequence (that at least for me is better than the one on SMB2)

Now here are the differences that actually changes the gameplay, although not that much:

>There is no run button. This makes the game slightly harder, but the level design is well built around it (also, there is a puzzle on chapter 3 that on SMB2 is easy to cheese because of that, while in DDP you need to do it the right way)
>You can choose any stage that you've completed, even if you didn't beat the game with said character
>Speaking of it, you choose the character after the stage, not after the level. And it will be on that chapter until you completed with that character (for example, if you complete chapter 5 with Mama and change to Lina that is on chapter 3, you will still need to pass chapter 3 with Lina, but when you come back to play with Mama, you will be on chapter 6). This actually makes get lives way easier because of the slot machine minigame. No jokes, I was with literally G5 lives when I completed the game with Mama (and that is basically 165 lives)
>To see the ending screen, you need to complete the game with all 4 characters instead of just one. This makes the game a little more tiring for me since you will see all the 20 levels 4 times (but you can complete in "any order" you want)
>There are no points in the end of the game, but at that moment I don't think much people cared that much about points anymore
>And lastly, while on SMB2 you need to play the entire game on one go and have just 2 or 3 continues, here you can actually save the game. I'm not sure if the game saves after you complete it with any character (I believe it does), but once you game over, it will give you the option to save or continue the game

In the end, if SMB2 or DDP is the best one, it's up to you. For me, I still prefer SMB2 because of some additions, even if they removed some things. But it's still the same game we all know

At first I thought I would be more tired since I've played 5 NES Mega Man games before, but it wasn't the case. I don't know what exactly, but somehow MM6 was an really nice expecience (and for me the best one between the 8-bit games)

First of all, I like how Rush works on this game. Although I prefer having him as itself instead of an armor, it was an nice way to differenciate it from the other games, alongside the exploration that is even better than MM4 (although I wish it includes all levels instead of just half of them, but it's still nice).
The boss and visual pleased me more in this game than in any other 8-bit Mega Man until this point (just excluding Xtreme 1 and 2), and the music is great too

The only thing that I started to not enjoy that much is the fact that you need to complete 8 more stages after defeating the 8 first robot masters. This os just an problem with me, so it's not really an bad thing, but I started to feel that it was just an excuse to make the game longer (probably that's why they removed after this game)

Anyway, easily the best 8-bit Mega Man game for me, passing even MM4 that was my favourite between those

This could be the best 8-bit Mega Man (at least before I play MM6) if it wasn't for the removal of the exploration aspect. Sure, you now need to collect some letters to form "Mega Man V" and unlock Beat, but those are so easy to get that it doesn't count (in fact, I did get one by pure accident).

The maximum of exploration you get is just to get some items and consumables, and all of that is just finding an secret passage that is on the exact same screen.
The lack of Energy/Weapon Tanks can also be a problem if you're new to the franchise, but if that isn't the case so it's not a real problem.

But you know, I think the real problem is that this is already the fifth game on the NES, and it didn't had a big change in comparison to the other games. I mean, sure, if you compare the first one we had an big upgrade, but if you compare 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and 4 to 5, it was minimal. It's still a great game, but it's almost becoming the same problem that NSMB had years later.
That even explains to me why I took so long to beat it on the first time. It wasn't because it was hard, but because I was tired and kept delaying. Now I just completed in less time because I'm on an hype for classic Mega Man games, but if it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't had the same fun that I had with it

Anyway, all the other points besides the ones I've already listed are as good as MM4. Nothing better, nothing worse. I just think the exploration could be better, but besides that, it's easily one of the bests