84 Reviews liked by Mystjc

This game is straight up evil. Also it's my favorite 2d platformer

Playing Celeste on a keyboard is actually the optimal experience because my fingers hurt as much as they would if I was actually climbing a mountain, thus causing me to be immersed into the game's world

Best open world RPG I've ever played, enough said.

A bold masterpiece in open world level design and open solution problem solving. Truly the Ocarina of Time of its era.

I diggy my holes to this game

Philips made a better Zelda game than Nintendo ever did.

I could write an essay on why this game hits so strong but I feel like this quote does it justice way better than anything I could say
“Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.”

the cdi games' cutscenes are why I'm an autist who says "DINNER" unprompted in voice calls with friends. Actually so glad that YTPs shaped my unsupervised internet access childhood and my humour.

I love the part where Ganon tech chases Zelda with side b and then hits her with the Warlock Punch off stage. Zelda got so pissed off that she pulled out the emergency best of 3 but still got her ass beat.

That's what the mask is
That's what the point of the mask is

it's feels weird to describe a game as good as ultrakill as "overrated" but that is exactly how i feel about it. the way i see this game discussed online like it's the second coming of jesus christ annoys me. ultrakill is not that.

it is however an excellent movement shooter. and exemplary one in fact. a smooth to control character with some extra movement tech options makes for a fun time zooming through rooms killing everything.

obviously the slaughter can't really happen without an arsenal, and ultrakill's guns are probably the highlight. the fairly small roster of guns and their alternative modes feel excellent to use. but it's in their deeper use where they really shine.

picking up the "marksman" pistol you might initially think that the coin flip and ricochet mechanic that it comes with is little more than a stylish gimmick, or a way of hitting enemies without line of sight. but then you realise that the trajectory is more consistent than aiming for an enemy's head, and can be used while running away to hit enemies behind you. and you also realise that hitting the coin with the right timing will cause two ricochets to occur instead of one, literally more bang for your buck.

you may then realise that multiple coins can be tossed and the number of ricochets will increase twofold with the correct timing. and instead of hitting the coins with the pistol, you can also opt to switch to your high powered hitscan railgun, and hit the coin with that instead. so by combining these two mechanics, you can shoot 6 railgun shots for the price of one, each targeting an enemy weak spot.

not every weapon has this many secret mechanics, but they do all have this same level of care put into how they interract with each other and with the cast of enemies, which are also another thing that make ultrakill great, as they all occupy a specific niche on the battlefield that keeps the whole combat engine running.

the bossfights are something i have seen praised endlessly, but for the most part i'm fairly meh on them (aside from both gabriel encounters, he's great. and also the cerberus fight). there's nothing in particular that's wrong with them but they are lacking the frenzied improvisation constant target switching that makes the enemy combat rooms so enjoyable.

ultrakill is a lot like hollow knight for me. both are excellent game's in their genre, but despite their overall incredibly high level of quality, i still struggle to find any one thing that really makes them unique in their genre. there is no one element in ultrakill's core gameplay loop that is wholely unique to it.

as far as i'm concerned ultrakill is an objectively great game, and a truly great movement shooter. but for me it's still missing something, some extra ingredient that bumps it up from simply being a good game all around into a "masterpiece".

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I’m not giving this a star rating because it is not a fucking game

Well its Minecraft. It's great. What can I say.