Small games that I think are worth a special mention

I was going to call this list 'hidden gems', but it wouldn't do to call it that with some of the larger games in this list. In that case, this is just going to be a list of games that I think deserve more attention. They might not be top tier, but you can be certain that if they're here, they're worthwhile, in one way or another.

Goodbye World
Goodbye World
Wastes no time. Tells its story well. Underrated.
The Artful Escape
The Artful Escape
Another good argument against 'games aren't art'. Though at this point in time that sentiment is, thankfully, largely gone.
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights
Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights
Probably the most popular game on this list, but it's not popular enough. This game does everything so right.
Fun and simple arcade action. It's worth a peek for its simplicity and fun.
Astoundingly crafted puzzles. This is the only game I will ever be 100% satisfied with being a one-and-done title.
Virgo Versus the Zodiac
Virgo Versus the Zodiac
This game comes from a place of nothing but love from its creators. Good turn-based combat, and a good story.
Children of Morta
Children of Morta
I had a ton of fun playing this with a friend. The art is absolutely gorgeous, and I was shocked that it was so unknown.
I feel like I'm receiving forbidden spiritual knowledge while playing this. Good luck understanding the story on the first go-round, but please take your time and enjoy the visuals and environments.
There's just something about the world and circumstances. It isn't as strong as something like Planetarian, but I love it all the same.
With the recent advancements in modern AIs taking leaps and bounds, the chat interface shown in this game is comically primitive, but maybe that's also a charm. A window into a past where the Turing Test was still a long ways away from being toppled. The story and game are good.
Fran Bow
Fran Bow
The twists and breadth in this game are commendable. It's something that Killmonday never again managed to capture. This is their lightning in a bottle.
Pneuma: Breath of Life
Pneuma: Breath of Life
I don't care how 'gaudy' the graphics are, or how 'basic' the puzzles are, hearing Pneuma's narration and experiencing this game as a whole is worth the journey. I will die on this hill.
Dustforce DX
Dustforce DX
A streamer that I used to admire played this often. Said it was his favorite game. I have a soft spot for the game and its soundtrack since that time. I hope he's doing good, where ever he may be.
Every day of my life, I pray for a game like Kairo to come out from the depths of someone's mind.


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