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NJInkling completed Super Spike V'Ball
What I loved about this game as a kid was the backgrounds and the music. How each background took a well-known location and turned it into evocative pixel art for the time. While I'm not big on pixel art today, I showed screenshots of the game's backgrounds to a non-gamer friend of mine, and she said, "I actually really like these."

The gameplay itself was fun and fast. I loved how simple to pick up and video-gamey it was, and I honestly would love to see a remake of this.

1 day ago

NJInkling completed Ice Hockey
FAST. Very fast. I'm not a sports person but I did enjoy the more "video gamey" sports games,. I didn't like this game as a kid, but did come to appreciate it much later. It's FAST and HARD. Catchy music too.

1 day ago

NJInkling completed Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
As a kid, I liked how the squares on the map turned into a side-scrolling view with a nice background. It made the world feel huge, to imagine that every single square represented a large chunk of the world.

I loved the temple music as well.

1 day ago

NJInkling completed Jaws

1 day ago

NJInkling completed Mickey Mousecapade
I had this as a kid, having gotten it along with a bunch of other NES games, and the NES, for Christmas when I was 7. I hadn't asked for the NES, but it was an amazing Christmas gift. The games were selected more or less at random by my parents.

Anyway, what I liked most about this game was The Woods, with its changing seasons. The game overall was mediocre.

1 day ago

NJInkling completed The Legend of Zelda
Fun facts: Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Zelda (and Mario and some other stuff) used to explore the countryside of Japan as a kid, exploring the woods, mountains and caves. Those experiences inspired this game. He once said that one time when he was exploring the woods, he came upon a lake that he'd never seen before. He wanted to impart that feeling onto players of this game.

I remember liking this a lot as a kid. Exploring the world and finding the secrets. I can't say that I got the feelings that Miyamoto wanted to impart on players, but I will say that today, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom absolutely gave me those feelings. They also feel like they have the same energy as this game, but better, combined with the world feeling more alive. They feel like what Zelda 1 was trying to be, back before the technology was there.

1 day ago

NJInkling completed Super Mario Bros. 3
Talk about a massive evolution. The levels could be approached many different ways, as could the game as a whole due to the items and map system. Level design was mega varied, secrets and alternate paths were common, and the sheer scope and variety of the game, along with its challenge and the idea that I could tackle the challenges different ways made the game truly amazing for its time.

2 days ago

NJInkling completed Super Mario Bros. 2
Opinions on this game seem to be quite divided, but I personally loved it. It was obviously very different from SMB1, but I loved everything from its catchy music to its ability to ride on enemies, and pick up and throw things. It still had Mario-style platforming and secrets. Fewer levels but they were much longer.

2 days ago

NJInkling completed Duck Hunt
Nostalgia doesn't change the fact that I didn't get much out of this game at the time. But it did impress people back in the day.

2 days ago

NJInkling completed Super Mario Bros.
I remember as a kid being shocked by how the game didn't end after world 4-4. A game that's short by today's standards felt huge way back when. And all the secrets! It was impressive back in its day.

2 days ago

NJInkling completed Bruce Lee
I liked this game as a kid, but I had no idea what it was about. Everything was so abstract!

5 days ago

NJInkling completed Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
A platformer with funky music and choppy scrolling. I liked this game as a kid, but I always liked the free episode 1 more than the paid episodes 2 and 3. Hm. I also found the "inside the giant alien's body" levels creepy.

6 days ago

NJInkling shelved Hover
Was interested in this Jet Set Radio-inspired game. Very vertical city, and I love the verticality. I do find its attempts to be "cool" corny, but otherwise I found it fun enough.

Except for the "gameball" stuff. Absolutely hate those missions. They simply take choices away from the player when it comes to control, and I just didn't like that.

The game, last time I played it, was also bad about making it clear where missions were or where to go. I just moved around randomly and did whatever.

I enjoyed the game despite these flaws, but I really didn't enjoy these flaws. I eventually lost interest.

6 days ago

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