One of my new favorite horror games up there with Silent Hill 3 and Tormented Souls. I always like it when the main character has personality and gives thoughts on things in the environment that they examine. Game also has good pacing and doesn't require getting and staying lost for a long time.

I keep coming back to it again and again!

Fun little roguelike mode for Splatoon. It does have its replay value, though once I beat it, I was less motivated to come back. I had more fun losing over and over again.

I wish it had more new ideas, but I found it pretty fun at times. Mostly, it was just okay. I guess I'm way more into the 3D Mario games? I did have more fun revisiting it later, though.

Breath of the Wild plus more. But I really like the more, and I loved BotW. I love a living, breathing world that feels truly alive that is also large and explorable. And the new features and locations really add even more to the game.

My favorite Pikmin game. It does away with the underground aspect of 2 (which 4 brought back), and I love the whole "swapping between three characters" thing and how you can set each character up to do different tasks. I also like how the time limit of the first game was brought back and made into a "soft" time limit that can be extended. Overall, the best Pikmin game for me personally, and I like it better than 4.

I liked it but not as much as 3 or even 1. The new camera perspective that truly reminds you how small you are is a nice detail. Other than that, it seems they tried to "mainstream" the game by adding in features such as upgrades and missions. I'm also not big on the underground areas returning, though they do reduce the frustration at least. The dandori battles ranged from fun to frustrating and annyoing. Same with the night time "tower defense" type levels. I did ultimately find the game fun, but I liked the overall experience of 3 better.

I love this game. I beat it 4 times. The director said that he wanted to focus on three things to make Sonic popular again: open world gameplay, realistic graphics, and a complex and detailed story. This has all three of those plus a detailed combat system. I love exploring the world, fighting the roving bosses, and doing the individual challenge levels. The complex story is a great bonus, and the world might not be "alive" in the sense of other open world games (no traveling characters for instance) but the night/day cycle and weather add to it. My favorite Sonic game by far.

I mostly play this game for its world. I love going down to street level and walking around and seeing the details of the city, though I also swing around the city and get on top of buildings as well. The core gameplay, of combat and collecting, is fun enough, but if it weren't for the sheer life in the city, I wouldn't be playing it much.

Served its purpose well enough. It was an easy pick-up-and-play game that my niece and nephew both liked when they were little. I also used it when I had to babysit my niece and nephew and their friends one day. The game isn't great but it works as something quick that anyone can understand and play, and for that, Nintendo did an admirable job.

My favorite Mario game (as of 2024). It's just full of everything - worlds to explore, things to find and do, challenge zones for quickie challenges, and a fun, playful mood. It's the epitome of Mario to me.

Two games in one - Super Mario 3D World works well as a single player and multiplayer game, while Bowser's Fury is a nice little miniature open world experiment. I wish Bowser's Fury were sold as a standalone, but this is a nice package.

The first RE game I found genuinely scary. I love its shift to a different kind of horror. Later on, though, it turns into standard RE and even tries giving "logical" explanations for the seemingly supernatural stuff that happened.

Really fun Sonic the Hedgehog ripoff with non-Sonic gameplay elements.

Possibly better than the original. While I'm not big on the map screen and having to visit cities, I do appreciate the huge improvement in the quality of the dialog and story, and the gameplay is as fun as ever.