I’ve enjoyed the other games from this development team, especially Gone Home. This didn’t reach the same heights. A nice mother and daughter story, but the main “mystery” wasn’t that compelling. I did like their relationship.

A very intense experience. The story was interesting but I did not care much for the optional stuff. Felt like I was listening to a lecture. Puzzles were okay, but the combat got old real fast. The encounters also go on for too long. Simple but tedious. I was ready for it to be over during the final encounters.
Looks incredible and the sound work was top notch though.

I had a good time playing through the story. It requiring an online connection was a pain though, especially when playing on the Steamdeck.

Loved the characters and soundtrack but couldn't gel well with the combat. I didn't play the original so some of the story was lost on me. Still happy I played it.

A really great Mario game to ring in the new year. Wonder seeds were always a treat to see. Gameplay feels as great as always and the online was very clever. I was surprised how into it I got. Helped me out in a few places as well.

This was my favorite game when it came out in 2018. This remastered version is still great. I think I appreciate it even more after completing everything. You just get in a zone with the traversal and combat. Had a blast with the Miles Morales game a couple years ago and am tempted to revisit that too before playing the sequel. Good times!

Understandably, a very polarizing game. There's a lot of typical Bethesda stuff here, but I ate it up. The combat felt great. I even grew to like the lock-picking mini-game.
I'm still conflicted about the main quest, but some of the side-questlines were a lot of fun. The Crimson Fleet quests and United Colonies were standouts for me.

Took me a little time to get acclimated to the controls but when it clicked, I loved it.
It feels like a haunted house attraction.

I don't totally understand what was going on, but it was pretty cool.

One of the few puzzle games that I've played where I felt smart. That's an achievement.

Disappointing campaign. Every time I saw "Open Combat Mission" in the bottom, I was annoyed.
The multiplayer seems alright from what I've played but not too different from last year's. Just faster movement which I do prefer.

I've been playing this on the Steam Deck and having a good time. I never really got into the previous releases, but I can understand why people are annoyed at having to buy tables they already bought again. The free tables are alright, and I really like "Fish Tales". The customization of the arcade is decent but limited. The events seem okay, but I haven't completed any yet. I don't know if I'll pick up any additional tables, but I think it's worth a download.

A decent start. Ran into some weird and frustrating bugs during "Road to Elite", but I still enjoyed that mode. A definite lack of content for the price.

Just a fun time all around. Looks beautiful, plays well, and has a charming story.

A step-up from last year.
John Cena's Showcase mode is a fun twist.
My Faction is essentially the card collecting mode with online this year. I played more of it this year but it's still not my thing. My Rise is pretty good with two different stories to play through.
My GM seems alright, but I haven't played much of it.
Universe Mode is where I spent most of my time but there's still a lot of work needed to make it stable and great.
It's hard for me to tell if the gameplay is better or not. I'm just used to it at this point.
I'm still having a lot of fun with it but there's still room for improvement.