Can you make the best Pokémon game even better? Yes. Yes you can.

The best Kirby game and it's not even close. Every mini-game here is elite.

I'm not playing this shit on Playstation so. Probably never getting peeped sadly.

The story is really wacky and fun and the stealth gameplay is fantastic. It's only really held back by somewhat awkward controls and some very mundane bosses.

It's mid idk takes too long. I don't like these kind of games where they expect you to sit down for 10 hours doing the same shit over and over and enjoy it

This is the best 3D sonic still. Which isn't saying a whole lot but it deserves some credit for that.

This is peak 2D Mario. Unfortunate that they copied it for the next 10 games.

Two thirds of this game is peak, whil the other one third is ass. Not enough to stop me from loving it. Also the chao garden is still one of the best side modes ever in a game.

3D sonic is pretty shaky, but this game is super cool! Some of the playable characters really suck though.

Everything about this game is good. It makes it really painful when it's over, as the rest of the series of Castlevania just can't compare.

Really fun combat and goofy story. It starts to get a bit repetitive towards the end, and the job system really wears out its welcome.

It's a very entertaining action game, if you can ignore all the "dank memers" who are constantly posting about it.

It's really goofy and fun. A little bit too easy I'd argue.

Ewww brother ewwww. What's that?