I do like this game, but I don't like the removal of energy tanks, and how slow Mega Man moves in this game. This game is gorgeous and has some good robot master weapons and it has those animated cutscenes. Good game but far from my favorite

If this game didn't remove the slide and charge shot this game would easily be my favorite classic Mega Man game. Best robot master weapons, best OST fun as hell level design, and fun game. I can replay this anytime and love it.

Now this is a good way to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Mega Man. And since Mega Man is turning 35 next year as of this post in 2021, I hope to see some great stuff. Anyways I think the OST slaps I love the artstyle robot master weapons are awesome, I love how the bosses uses the double gear abilities and it's fun to mess around with it, and the ending I found pretty funny. I just wish the game didn't have a lot of fluff content

This game is so good, that is sucks that this game is considered the peak of the X games. But dammit this game is a fucking blast to play. Simply controlling X especially when you get the dash is just satisfying

Really fun sequel I just wish I didn't have to side track for the X Hunters in order to get the good ending.

I don't like this game. It's just so forgetful and I don't like how Zero being playable was handled. Also the game is so convoluted with how one gets all the heart tanks sub tanks and armor upgrades.

My favorite Mega Man game in the entire saga from all Mega Man series. Game is so pretty has a banging OST has a proper playable Zero has meme worthy dialogue, and is just a blast to play.

The beginning of the end for Mega Man. I actually think this game is fun in a guilty pleasure sense. But damn the RNG and Duff McWhalen Stage killed it for me. Still better than X3 IMO

I can appreciate the attempt for wanting to change the formula, but it clearly didn't work.

I don't like this game like some do, but this game does give off hope for what could happen to Mega Man X. I hope X9 happens one day and continues from where X9 left off. But here I don't like some of the level design I hate the art style and the retry chips were the final straw for me. If you play on easy you can't fight the final boss and I hate that.

What a fun as hell game that really pushed the NES to it's limit. The iconic reveal with the film The Wizard says it all

Perfection in 3 words. Played this game so much as a kid and replaying this game gives off nostalgic vibes. Also Yoshi