2022 First Playthrough

Games I've played for the first time that happened to take place in 2022. Ranked from most to least favourite. (I'm probably forgetting some)

Fun puzzle game with funny robots, and after playing I understand why it's so beloved, all it was missing was a cute cat :P
What a wonder to play for the first time and to 100%, but the thought of doing it again from the beginning just sounds exhausting to even think about anytime soon.
This is the hardest FromSoft game until the combat clicks and you realize it's a rhythm game and then it becomes one of the most fun FromSoft games. Bosses being designed around the only weapon you have was a great change of pace, plus monkey booze
The game lived up to the memes
Never got to play OW1 much but really liked it. Now that it's free to play I'm having a great time (sometimes).
Cute cat game with puzzles and silly robots, what's not to love.
As of January 2023 is in my top 5 games of all time, never wanted it to end and can't stop thinking about it
The demo for open world Pokémon. Catching them has never been more fun and boss battles were legendary Pokémon can smoke you is something I'm glad I got experience.
Paid less than $5 CND for this game and have over 100 hours, literal crack in game form. It is now on iOS and Android as a full game for free with no pop up ads, which makes it the best free moblie game to exist.
Improved on everything GoW 2018 did and subverted a lot of my expectations of a lot of characters in great ways
You don't realize you've played all night until you see the sun rise, very fun with friends
First 1/3 of this game is amazing, then drops off some but a great card game with a fun horror story, and this is coming from someone who usually hates card games
First off, they have no excuse for the technical issues. That being said there is enough familiar and enough new for a refreshing Pokémon game experience. New Pokémon and battle mechanics are fun as well as the best story in all of the Pokémon games that I wish was voice acted.
Viking 3rd person MInecraft, been meaning to play again as I never really made it to far in the game but had a great time.
Was fun to steal furniture from villagers on random planets for money.
Ok fighting game I think? Controls feel kinda whack but I feel if I played on an actual arcade machine it'd be more fun.
Do I really need to explain why this is at the bottom of the list?
The most important thing about a rhythm/dancing game is the music, and it delivers a lot of the time, plus features the wonderful characters from Persona 4 (hence the name)
Was never a fan of WZ1, and in WZ2 aside from the map (and potentially DMZ in a years time if they don't abandon it like spec ops) is currently a massive step back from the original with seemingly none of the QoL improvements that WZ1 added. Good Ol' Infinity Ward!!
What you expect to be a escape room game to be with a great workshop section. Really fun to play with a couple of friends
Fun free horror game, was fun to play with friends in discord, but is only around 30-45 minutes long.


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