44 Reviews liked by NeoKobe

Peak action platformer if you turn it off right before the final boss

Was hard until the final boss, then it just became button masher. Use a macro.

gotta rip my hands off to complete this game dood

This game's really good. You don't need me to tell you that. Anyway I wanna talk about something more tangentially related now.

So there's been this weird movement in the zoomer parts of our culture that goes by a lot of names. Weirdcore. Dreamcore. Nostalgiacore. Internetcore. Traumacore? Bunch of dumb names for what's essentially the same thing. It's a certain visual and auditory aesthetic thats supposed to evoke a general feeling of wistful nostalgia. I first became aware of this because of the weird resurgences of a bunch of indie acts that were relevant 10 years ago suddenly making a weird resurgence. I can safely say I would not have predicted zoomers getting really into shit like Roar, Crystal Castles, Nero's Day at Disneyland, Blank Banshee, Life Without Buildings, fucking Goreshit. All these random bands who peaked in relevance a decade ago all of a sudden are showing up on all your art hoe former-tumblr playlists along with Jack Stauber and Lemon Demon (and also spefically Falling Down from the Undertale OST, that song really captivates these people)

I mention this because somehow the Yume Nikki ost has been caught up in this entire "movement". Those feeling depressed for the first time zoomers sure do enjoy commenting weird stuff about how this song makes them want to "lay down in an open field in the rain" on the comments of the Snow World music in between whatever the fuck else they do all day. Go on TikTok, I guess? At first I was gonna call it mildly annoying, but the more I see this stuff the more I'm weirdly captivated by it. It's like watching a bunch of sea monkeys. Like a more earnest version of the amazing cultural touchstone that was Simpsonwave (Not the first time the zoomers cared about blank banshee, ho ho).

Anyway, I don't really know what I'm getting at here. Something something youth something something back in my day something gatekeep. I can't really say any of this really reflects back on yume nikki, since I'm almost certain the weirdcore zoomers aren't actually playing it, but I guess it's cool this game still lives on in our current cultural zeitgeist, even if it has to be through Youtube playlists made by people who misuse the word "liminal" all the time.

In 2043 McDonald's will probably make a similar thing to this but instead it's a homage to the seventh generation, It will have a cover system and will look like nier gestalt and the thought of that makes me sick. Only I'M allowed to jerk off to Condemned: Criminal Origins visual style!

Anyway this is an ok corporate propaganda meme game. You play though 2 skate board levels before going full kirby mode at the end. Before every level you are forced to read the worst tweets ever made. Why does everybody in this game talk like a boomer making fun of a millennial?

The hard mode of this seems weirdly mechanically layered, i could see a worst (Read: better) version of myself investing time trying to perfect my grimace strats but for now i think I'm just going to leave it at the one playthrough lol.

Personally I think Chuck D. Head should join the canon of scrimblo platformer characters who people obnoxiously beg to be added in Smash despite never having played the game they're from because we've never had a character whose primary gimmicks are decapitating themselves and having the most fucked physics imaginable

With how many imitators (of let's say, varying quality) they've spawned it can be too easy to forget just how special this little trilogy is. Wonderful game, this, wouldn't trade it for the world

surprised by how much more this feels like chulip than pokemon

The best thing about this game was the stamp on the plastic wrapping that said ' From the same creators of Ikaruga and McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure ' that my dumb ass threw away after unwrapping.

i’m utterly convinced of the fact that ulmeyda is the greatest creation coming from fiction. thank you suda51.

I had this as a kid and literally never made it past the first level


A fun compilations and celebration of the monster hunter series! If your playing this after playing world or ride your gonna have a rough time. A lot of what is now streamland is not here. This game and series is the epitome of difficult to master. But has a great return. The gameplay the tension. There are so many monsters to battle in this game and then you add dlc and online(not anymore but at the time) what an excellent time. This was my introduction to the series and the game that made me a monster hunter fan.

Konami just let Ladybug make a Castlevania game. you already gave Silent Hill to a bunch of randoms including GODDAMN BLOOBER TEAM.