After five long years of slowly working away at it, I've beaten my first Fallout game and it feels pretty good. Counterintuitively, as much as I profess myself a fan of RPGs, I'm actually quite bad at finding the time to complete longer ones. If I'm not sitting at a tabletop with friends, it's hard for me to stay invested in the story and world I'm being tasked to interact with. Despite all of this, Fallout New Vegas has been the one I could return to and I think my beating it is proof enough of its quality.

Damn! It's like if Journey was really sad and also had horror segments. The melancholic fantasy here is almost like the same I felt watching FLCL for the first time, seeing youth slip away from our protagonists as they march towards adulthood through the incomprehensibility of their teenage years. Overall, a gorgeous game that hit me in a way I didn't know art still could.

Just beat this again for the 6th time, going in for the 7th. This is my most replayed campaign ever in a video game. Everything about this feels like Rocksteady working at their peak performance. A height that they hadn't reached before, and considering recent news, won't be reached again anytime soon. Sorry gang, imo better than Arkham City.

I don't know guys. I was a big fan of Fallen Order, I felt like that game brought lightsaber combat down to the fundamentals and by doing so, made it significantly more fun. After playing the first few areas of this one though, it just felt like a more diluted and complicated clone of its predecessor. It's not bad, but it feels way more stilted to play now. Maybe I only think this because I'm spoiled by the tight controls of Dark Souls now. Idk.

Fun time with friends, not the deepest thing in the world, but it's a great source for laughs, scares, and mishaps.

Oh my God the beginning of this game has been sweeping so far. This is probably one of the best games made in the past decade so far. If it can keep this pace up it will outdo its predecessor.

Not as head over heels over this one as some of my friends, but it's cute, fun, silly, and just a little scary.

Really fun until you reach Anor Londo. I'll probably eventually finish it but for now I'm happy with what I've played.

Fucking awesome, every moment of this game feels increasingly apocalyptic until "Forget About Freeman" acts as one of the best climaxes to any action game. Can't wait to hop into the sequel!!!

It's a lot of fun, one of the better road-trip games for the DS line.

I think this game plays better than the original and it's story actually peaks higher than the original but it also has much lower valleys.

I also think there's something to be said about the sequence in the cloning facility against Vader during the final boss fight. As a kid I always thought that it was something of a dream sequence. (which is in part due to the bugginess of that moment and how much it repeats voice lines which I now know are just timelimitations seeping into gameplay and story.) As silly as it sounds it was one of the first pieces of art I ever engaged with in the terms of ideas of abstraction and surrealism that I now really appreciate.

It may be controversial to say, but I think I like this more than the original. I guess that means I should replay that one now I suppose.


I think that starting Half-Life while playing this game only hightened it's flaws. I can see a lot of Valve's design elements at use here but in a much slower and more sluggish to control game. Maybe it's just me but the player character in this game is just much too slow for it to be as fun as other fps sci fi horror games. (This may also be attributed to playing on controller which I am finding for most shooters is the inferior way to play them)

The story is also a nothingburger, skip this and play Half Life or Alien Isolation.

It's fun but really only with friends. Single player I was never really able to enjoy it tbh.

I'm bad at rhythm games but this was a lot of fun and probably was filled with spoilers I didn't understand.

Playable Future Devil when?

As a big fan of the series and also a fan of fighting games, this one should have been made for me, but much like another game I played this year, Ghostwire Tokyo, this was kind of underwhelming.

I understand that this isn't the easiest franchise to make into a video game generally, let alone a technical fighting game, but Eyes of Heaven did it really well and I foolishly thought that this game could live up to that. The unfortunate truth is that even though this game is fun in short bursts, at least for me the controls are generally too clunky for me to really start to sink my teeth into. (part of this, I know, is a result of my preference for 2d fighters over 3d fighters, but I still like Tekken and Soul Caliber so it's also not like I'm especially hard to please when it comes to 3d fighting games.)

A biggest blemish for me as it relates to this game's enjoyability are the movement mechanics. In a game tied into a franchise that is so particular about things like spatial awareness it is kind of astounding how inaccessible the movement can feel at times to beginners. I find it much too slow. The run feels like a walk and the walk feels like a tiptoe, and what's more the inputs to move across the z-axis are archaic. Games like Budokai 3 can get away with the hop-approach by keeping the action kinetic and quick, as does Tekken and Soul Caliber, however in ASBR the evasion feels more like it grinds the momentum of the fight to a grinding halt on the end of the person dodging while to the attacker it is little more than a minor inconvenience. (The exception to this being the parry-evasions which actually serve to flip that dynamic on it's head.)

The base-game roster also rubs me the wrong way generally, as what is basically a port of a PS3 game I think that adding characters like Weather Report at launch, or at least as free DLC as to prevent anime spoilers is the right move to make, as it stands right now, especially with C-Moon Pucci and Weather being payed DLC it is yet another example of AAA studios releasing unfinished games and making you pay for the finished product.

The silver lining to all of my negativity is that I actually have had fun with friends playing this game as a party game. Shouts out to my buddy Steven who I have "asked to leave" on multiple occasions and on every one has left.