not many games have 100% of the profits got to a queer furry youth but more should! especially if theyre this good!

honest to god incredible! really fun well thought out combat system with an intriguing story well told
levels are a delight to play and move thru
level select overworld is a beautiful and inventive way to show off
pleasantly surprised!

fucked up how much joy a 2d mario brought me. kinda ashamed but i wont shut up about this game and everyone should play it

why the hell isnt this on pc it owns so much could you imagine if we got crossover content from other final fantasies?

its bad for game likers, it's bad for game makers, and its bad for people that don't play video games
cyberpunk 2077 is the joker of video games

I gotta get this on my Switch and not GamePass the best deal in gaming™
Seriously perfect, watch out folks this game is going to be on a lot of GOTY lists

Who doesn't love online Spacetime played over a game of Mafia

Still one of the greatest 3D platformers of all time

that 3d world has gotten a lot better with time but jeez is that still an absurdly long game
the qol features make this a definitively better version of a pretty perfect framework, but why aren't more characters here? I saw a romhack with Waluigi Wario Daisy AND Bowser in 3d world and they should've included them in the switch version, Rosalina is perfect but not enough
bowsers fury is a perfect game and maybe the best 3D mario, until 3D Land gets a similar follow up

this game is perfect. the characters are memorable and fill me with joy. the pacing is quick and constantly giving cute gifts and new gameplay. I dont know if more joy has fit into as small a cartridge before or since.

shmovement in a chill castle what else do you need

i think i like this game
incredible start, great core loop( sorta? ), good tunes, fun mini sections and bosses, but the last third dragged and failed to live up to expectations.

kept going in weird new directions different than what it was going for up to that point which got tiring and unfun. when i realized i only paid $7 by backing early on kickstarter it bumped it up to a mid review but for a while i kinda hated it !!

we used to be a nation where you could pick the gender of the motorcycle maverick escaping the cops you wanted to be

bless arcade games i miss them so much

how does a game about so much say so many personal truths that strike to the core like no other? automata is larger than life or any person that worked it or featured in it. its magical, beautiful, incredibly poignant and reductively simple.

the latest flavor of monster hunter is, on paper the same as the last flavor. rise is so much faster, smoother, and juicier than any other. a fantastic entry to a wonderful series