I think Sam & Max are the most gay-coded characters ever created and I honestly could not tell you why. Maybe its the suit and the height difference.

Anyway, it boggles my mind just how effortlessly and hilariously witty this game is. I feel like a lot the time attempts at comedy through fourth wall breaks and quippy witicisms come off as really forced and groan-worthy, but Sam & Max are able to pull it off so well. Their dynamic, wordy banter, disregard for the law and morality, and gleefully cynical outlook on the world is just delightful and makes the humor really work. It's paired with absolutely sublime art direction and animation to boot. Sometimes the puzzles are fairly obtuse, but I think that's the price you have to pay with some of these older adventure games.

nintendo in the studio be like:
"yea the wave beam is the best weapon in the game.

don't use it."

You know this is game is great when it won a Grammy 25 years after release

So, get this, a month or so ago me and a friend got into playing the original double dragon trilogy together. None of the games were good, but we got, and still do, get tons of ironic enjoyment from riffing on the game. we even watched the damn movie! So suffice to say when I saw river city ransom was by the same people as double dragon and takes place in the same world as double dragon, I needed to play it. What I got was not great but leagues better than the double dragon games. The games controls are pretty tight for an nes game and the combat is simple, but effective. The game is also pretty damn charming, the artstyle, dialouge, and the fact that each area has a random gang are all very nice touches that elevate the game. However, the game is very unforgiving, enemies can drain your health very fast and it doesn't help that the game takes half of your money every time you die, making it way harder to by upgrades. The fact you can also skip over areas which include bosses which are mandatory to beat in order to complete the game is also strange, especially since half of the time I can't even get some of them to spawn. It's a decent time, although frustrating, but it's better than double dragon at least! But at the beginning of double dragon 2 you immediately see your girlfriend get shot up and die so... maybe not..

Yea, this was great, the art direction in this game is my favorite in the series so far, some are hit and miss but the characters work surprisingly well in 3d, and speaking of the characters, they wee a nice change to the warioware formula, the tag team angle to it all makes it more tense and fun, too, my only problem is that some characters aren't that fun to play as others are which kinda sucks. Overall just a really great time, now uh, if you don't mind me asking.. when's rhythm heaven coming to switch

Im considering the game were you play as a vtuber dog fighting apples, worms, and clocks to be a goty contender.... fuck me.

this mf has an entire world dedicated to him?

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imagine being an ancient demon planning to control the world for thousands of years only for a plumber to kick your ass

why do I see so many people hating on my man banjo? man did nothing wrong he's the best dlc fighter so far imo

Bro why is this game unironically a masterpiece like I spy makes for a surprisingly fun game dude.

Oh ok kirby can suck up and eat his enimes and it's all cute and nice