If you add aim acceleration in your FPS, at least make it possible to f#$king switch it off. It ruining feedback so much. This game is trying so hard to be another COD, it completely forgets what was so special about MOH on PS1. NPCs are running back and forth like complete utter idiots, my teammates running in front of camera obscuring the view, aiming animation is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow I don't even know. Graphics is somewhat decent if you don't mind seeing piss filter all the time. Soundtrack of OG games was all-time classic, but EA decided to cut the budget for music since then. And instead of music all you will hear all the time is the same sound of footsteps of your teammates, I hate it so much. And ocasionally you will hear a small tune when you complete some task, reminding you of the good old time. But what you will get now is this garbage.

This is the definitive version of Miami Nights

It's such a shame that I played this game. Ok, Fortnite has some decent elements, but the pit between me and other ADHD schoolers who play it is just abysmal. And well, you'll be right if you tell me to just get good, but when I finished like 10th my match, I asken myself - why do I wasting my time on this game service garbage? This, plus memes. Total cancer

When I look for games for my Switch, this piece of crap is always selling at a price of normal games. And sellers won't get rid of their copies in months. Even if you'd pay me, I won't add this poop to my collection. FIFA in general is not a game, but a tasteless copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of digital shit

I spent many hours in this game, when I was in school. It's like portable Sims of it's time, but with plot, good 2D graphics, and it runs on my old Sony Ericsson K510i. It also allowed to do bad activities like pickpocketing, making out in public, pissing on streets, etc, which was a good set of action if I wanted to play as some punk/rebel character. I wish they would still make tgese games. By the way, if you played mobile version, try out DSi version, it has some more extra missions (play one which is 2D, not the 3D one)

Worst game ever. Wish I could give it less stars. Literal garbage.

I cried. Would like to pick it up again and cry more.

Wii Sports Resort is just in all ways better. Played this one a few time with friends because I only have 2 wii remotes with motion plus and two without.

Weakest entry out of all parts. I mean it was kinda obvious who is the bad guy from the start. The plot is just not that all interesting for me, characters are kinda blank. Love archs felt somewhat forsed, unnatural. Still had some fun with that game. Presentation is good and town is cozy with interesting events and some hipster fun service that I kinda into.

While the first part is perfectly recreated, the is some roughness in second and third games. Still such a good remake that it deserves 5 star rating.

I wanted something like Far Cry on Switch. When started playing, it felt somewhat similar and got sucked in. Later found out that devs drew some ideas from FC. Best Switch game so far (haven't played TOTK yet)

Best damn third-party game on Nintendo Switch. Gyro aiming feels natural. Ripping demons apart feels so refreshing. Music adds a lot to the atmosphere. Completed on Nightmare.