I liked this one feeling more compacted in comparison to Link to the Past still had lots of depth to it and the story it had from the few lines and little cutscene is cute and compelling. I liked how this one has Mario and to an extent Kirby's enemies and had similar functionality in the gameplay like jumping on Goombas to get hearts like hey that's pretty neat also new power-ups and items were cool the roc feather was great, my boy Link got hops now. In conclusion, the Ballad of the Wing Fish song is goated.

I thought I was going to hate playing this, but it's quite enjoyable one nitpick was how many items and Pokemon I can carry at a time that was really annoying. The game is memorable and iconic with the locations, its Pokemon design, and the music of course. It always amazes me how much content they can fit in the little cartilage.

Fun little game just massacring everything in sight.

Felt much better to play and it's good casual fun until some fucking sick bastard hellspawn bitch decided to make some maniacally evil levels but, I still think it's very good.

After playing Zelda 1 I can appreciate this game since it builds on the concept of its open world and weapon collectible with such massive upgrades in terms of the visuals. The art style looks incredible with very cute sprites along with its iconic soundtrack. Something like The Dark World theme, Fairy Fountain, and Dark Mist are truly timeless. The game is filled with many more items and unique secrets but, they are still very convoluted and would require lots of backtracking so a guide would be suggested to get through. I like how this time around there are more healing items like the fairies in a bottle are super nice. I think this one is worth playing since it's what lays the foundation of future 2D Zelda titles.

Very different from Zelda 1 and I know it's experimental but, goddammit why tf is this so fucking hard I just hate how this has an exp system and the random encounters don't help with exp because they give little to non unless you're lucky with the rare bag drop form mobs and they just exist for the sole reason is to annoy you. I don't mind the sidescrolling it can be fun sometimes. This is certainly a challenge and I applaud those people going through the entire way through.

After beating this one it's sometimes nice to look back on but, like while playing, it's massively convoluted the hints given aren't of much use. You have to use a guide to get around this game and collect the essential items to progress. I do appreciate what the game tries to do with the open world but, man everything is so hidden and badly executed.

I'm so ass at this game but, I had a good time with the trial-and-error runs.

Starts game. Wait I’m not playing Kiryu who the hell is this?
Having multiple characters is a good step forward for the series. It's refreshing to play around the characters' different play styles in each part. The change on how to obtain skill-to-skill orbs and apply them on exactly how you want to build your character instead of Yakuza 3 not knowing what the next upgrade is while 4 presents you all the options and unlock paths that’s a super nice touch. One thing to note about the playable characters, playing Saejima and Tanimura feels like an absolute slog to play in comparison to Akiyama and Kiryu who feel way better to play. Also to mention is some levels don’t feel good to play like the sniper level in the prison, destroying rocks and having to defend an NPC while he slowing mines through is stupid, the stage on the pier with the oil barrels is a test of my patience and the last I remember the boat section which is just shooting a bullet sponge for minutes with no resistance back to the player. No question the general combat is better than Yakuza 3 in my opinion. The main story is something I’m not sure how to feel about it, like there are many plot twists for just shock value and antagonists don’t feel as fleshed out as previous ones. The last fights were kinda cool though not gonna lie. The soundtrack always banging I be jamming to “Whiskey and Rhapsody”. I just love that jazzy and funky tune. I think Yakuza 4 makes some great changes for the franchise. It's just a little rough around the edge but, I’d recommend playing this one.

Man, I want to like this one because the story is just so good being shifted around the orphanage and seeing Kiryu become a father figure. Additionally, his background of being an orphan himself is just heartwarming seeing all the interactions with the kids is great. The antagonist Mine I just liked how that part of the plot unfolded dude is just raw as hell. Generally, all the side characters are developed well and I genuinely get the feels when reaching the climax of the story and when it hits that shit hits like a truck. Speaking of hitting umm… you can’t really hit enemies most of the time because for some reason someone decided to make block a nuisance. It's a severely block-heavy game. The combat is just irritating (Played on Hard) there are only so few moves to deal damage and one of them is grabbing enemies for most of the playthrough, oh if they have heavy enemies or bosses that reach a stage disabling your ability to grab them, good luck on slowing chipping away their health it’s agonizing it helps if you bring weapons though. I recommend experiencing the story but, just do yourself a favor and play on a lower difficulty.
I look forward to any changes they make for Kiwami 3.

A poor downgrade from the last season how are you just going to add just 1 map at the launch of the update, isn't this a "content update" might as well be a shop update considering how many fucking items there is with stupid price marks. Disappointing how most of the shop items just couldn't be in a battle pass. The operation pass is pretty good but, I would've favored a battepass instead with all the cool shop stuff in it that would've been the best outcome. The Mark IV is absolutely glorious no doubt about that, and alongside with cross core shoulders (thank god finally). Mark IV is probably the best looking core in my opinion but, again it's a ashamed this would be the last of halo infinite support it's only going to get riddled with expensive cosmetics. Hopefully the team puts their all on the next Halo and actually deliver a good impression when that day comes.

Always love seeing a good coop shooter like this especially how it introduces the player naming their ship and then straight towards the war front for the fight for democracy. The mission selector is one of my favorites to navigate how you just select the planet and mission then presented your destroyer and others accompanying it jumping out of hyperspace (or whatever people call it) along with the other player ship hovering over orbit that shit is always awesome to look at. The gameplay loop is great starting with everyone jumping into each of the pods and crashing down to wreak havoc on Terminids or Automatons. Glad that the bonus objective areas are not only just for xp and such but, are beneficial for the duration of the mission whether having a bonus sample within the area, item locator, or tools to help kill more enemies it's that kind of rewarding system is what makes it fantastic. The progression is good as well choosing what weaponry and stratagems can help fit your build always mixing and matching experimenting with the many options of what works and what doesn't. A couple of downsides I have to mention is the weapon balancing most of them don't feel good enough compared to others so most people would choose the "best gun" leaving less variety, but this can be fixed from weapon balance to make most of them viable would be ideal. The final problem is with this game's constant crashing there always seems to be a big issue every now and then. I think it's a great game to invest in with friends and have some dumb fun to spread democracy!

I find it extremely crazy how people praise something this low quality of a game just because of the feud people have with Pokemon recently. Like most, I was drawn by the spike in popularity but, was very disappointed in the hours I've sunk. The play gameplay is identical to ARK with long times to prep but, coming out with an unsatisfying payout when grinding for items. Fighting boss enemies isn't all too entertaining either doesn't help with its stiff combat system. The game overall just feels like an absolute drag most of the time and not worth continuing for me.

I needed the friendship to go up so I can own the property please and thank you. Neat game tho I'd probably say my favorite arcade game within Yakuza 0.

Thank you Yakuza 0 very cool