The perfect ending to one of the greatest stories in gaming

The charm and beauty of the precious two gashes just doesn’t seem present this time around. Not entirely bad just not at all on the same level as seasons one and two.

This is not the same little girl from season one…

About 2 hours in I wasn't sure about this game, so i took a weeklong break. Came back and ran through the rest of the game and I am so glad I did. The combat doesn't always feel as refined as the previous game but the new additions in play styles and abilities makes up for it. But the story was what sold me, Cale journey and growth throughout the game is insanely compelling to watch. The parts of the galaxy you explore this time around feel so much more real and lived in. This game is proof that it is still possible to make good original star wars content.

The gameplay and world of this game is on another level compared to its predecessor. I spent the first few hours marveling at how smooth and satisfying the gameplay was paired with the beautiful world of the game. While I admire and to some extent understand what the game was going for with its themes, the execution left somethint to be desired, the story's pacing can be weird at times and the side characters (especially abbys group, lev excluded) feel more like devices for the plot instead pf characters we would come to love and care for. I still enjoyed the story overall, there were just. A few points that didn't sit right with me. The emotions still feel raw and complex and Abby isn't nearly as bad as most of her haters would have you think. The performances were amazing ofc and elevated the story to another level, partly thanks to the insanely polished graphics. The game evolves the main mechanics from the last game creating a more immersive and fun gameplay experience. Definitely not for the weak of heart as this game is brutal and often depressing, but the emotional beats feel real and genuine. The the stealth and combat are elite, but somewhat bogged down by fetch quest like segments and boring puzzles. The story while powerful at its best, has really rough pacing and weak characters outside of the main few such as Ellie and abby.

I know, I know, too much tank. But even so this game is so damn good. The city looks gorgeous when someone says gotham city this is what I expect a gothic yet modern city Thats beautiful yet crime ridden and dirty. Gliding around the city feels amazing and although overused the introduction of the batmobile makes traversal all the more fun. The suits looms insanely good and being able to fight alongside characters such as nightwing and robin is super hype. Scarecrow works insanely well as the main villain, and the Arkham Knight although obvious is still insanely cool with so many hard one liners. And getting to face the other rogues at your own pace makes the experience feel all the more real. Details such seeing GCPD fill up with criminals as you progress through the game are emblematic of the care put into this game. I cant help but love this flawed masterpiece.

Peak telltale. The first game to actually make me tear up. Just an amazing story with well written characters and a beautifully dark world. Lee Everett is still one of my favorite video game protagonists of all time. Clementine is perfectly written its amazing that she walks the perfect line between realistic kid character and just capable enough to not be annoying. I could talk for hours about my feelings on this game, but for the impact its had on me I have to give it a 5

As the only assassins creed game I’ve played I can understand the appeal of the franchise, but I feel like this game isn’t the best the series has to offer by a long shot.

The perfect experience to satisfy my craving for good (somewhat) original star wars content. Takes a lot from other games but uses them well. The story is very strong and the characters are very likable. The lightsaber gameplay is super well done and satisfying. The game is very linear however and I would have liked a better NG+ but other than that this game was a really good time.

The only major issue I have is how short the game is. The snowy city is absolutely gorgeous and the distinction between miles and peters gameplay js excellently done. Definitely feels a bit like dlc but given the price its not that bad of a thing.

A great time and the kind of game that truly feels like it was made specifically for a new gen console. The gameplay is where this truly shines it elevates all aspects of the previous game from combat to traversal. However the story feels rushed at times and leaves something to be desired and its clear that the game was rushed out due to the lack of basic features such as new game +. A great time but not quite amazing.