Golden standard for how to do a legacy sequel.

Nothing, nothing beats the first playthrough of this game. Easiest way to get an anxiety attack. 10/10 Does resident evil formula better than resident evil.

Who knew an MMO would contain on of the best stories ever told in a video game

i enjoy it so much i memorized how to beat it 100%

We don't talk about this one

it's fine. only metroid i haven't bothered to %100 complete because it's so boring

my personal favorite 2D metroid game, and easily superior to samus returns.

perfect remake, literally couldn't have asked for anything more

anyone who critiques this game by saying it's "too linear" is a fake gamer

guys check out this awesome pixelated indie platformer I made

first game i really set myself on completing 100%

pokemon games are cut-and-paste rpgs